Monitoring Linux Containers (LXC)

The Linux Containers (LXC) sensor is automatically installed and configured after you install the Instana agent. You can view metrics that are related to Linux Containers (LXC) sensor in the Instana UI.

Supported versions

Instana supports the following versions of Linux Containers:

  • 1.0.x
  • 2.0.x
  • 3.0.x
  • 3.1.x

The Instana agent can monitor only the privileged containers.

Viewing metrics

To view the metrics, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation menu in the Instana UI, select Infrastructure.
  2. Click a specific monitored host.

You can see a host dashboard with all the collected metrics and monitored processes.

Configuration data

  • Name
  • IP
  • PID
  • State
  • Privileged
  • Network Interface
  • Filesystem per Device
    • Mount, options, and type information

Performance metrics

Metric Description Granularity
CPU usage (kernel, user) CPU usage of system and user processes 1 second
Active anon memory Anonymous memory that is used recently and usually not swapped out 1 second
Active file memory Pagecache memory that is used recently and usually not reclaimed until needed 1 second
Inactive anon memory Anonymous memory that is used recently and can be swapped out 1 second
Inactive file memory Pagecache memory that can be reclaimed without huge performance impact 1 second
Memory usage Memory usage in bytes and percentage 1 second
RSS memory The resident set size (RSS) is the amount of space of physical memory (RAM) that is held by a process 1 second
Cache memory Used cache memory 1 second
Swap memory Swap memory usage in bytes and percentage 1 second
Network RX/TX Bytes Received/transmitted bytes over the network through the network interface 1 second
Network RX/TX Packets Received/transmitted packets over the network through the network interface 1 second
Filesystem usage (total, free, used) The total and free space in bytes and used percentage of the files in the system 1 second