Monitoring IBM InfoSphere CDC
After you install the Instana host agent, the IBM InfoSphere CDC sensor is automatically installed. You can view metrics that are related to IBM InfoSphere CDC sensor in the Instana UI after you configure IBM InfoSphere CDC sensor as outlined in the Configuring IBM InfoSphere CDC section.
Supported IBM InfoSphere CDC version
Instana now supports metrics and configuration data for IBM InfoSphere CDC 14.
The IBM Infosphere CDC versions supported on Instana are listed in the following table:
Sensor | Support policy | Latest version | Last supported version |
IBM Infosphere CDC | 45 days | 14.0 | 14.0 |
Configuring IBM InfoSphere CDC
The Instana agent uses the following configuration to connect to the IBM InfoSphere Access server. You can update the configuration in the <agent_install_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml
agent configuration file:
remote: # multiple configurations supported
- host: '' # hostname or IP of IBM InfoSphere CDC
port: '' # port number to connect to IBM InfoSphere CDC
user: '' # username to access the IBM InfoSphere CDC
password: '' # password to access the IBM InfoSphere CDC
poll_rate: 30 # default poll rate in seconds is 30
availabilityZone: "" #Availabilty Zone
Viewing metrics
To view the metrics, do the following steps:
From the navigation menu in the Instana UI, select Infrastructure.
On the Infrastructure map, select your IBM InfoSphere CDC, and click the IBM InfoSphere CDC node slice.
To display the InfoSphere CDC node dashboard, click Open Dashboard.
The dashboard includes all the metrics that you selected for the InfoSphere CDC.
You can click any subscription in the Subscription table to view the subscription-related metrics.
Performance metrics
You can view the following metrics for the IBM InfoSphere CDC.
List of subscriptions
The following table lists all the subscriptions for the IBM InfoSphere CDC that is configured.
Metrics | Description | Granularity |
Subscription Name | The name of the subscription | 30 seconds |
Source engine latency | Delay in capturing source database changes in seconds | 30 seconds |
Target apply latency | Delay in applying changes to the target database in seconds | 30 seconds |
The following subscriptions are available for the IBM Infosphere CDC that is configured:
The datastore metrics group analyzes replication activities that are specific to the datastore of the subscription.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity Source datastore time check missed count The number of seconds the source datastore missed its periodic time check 30 seconds Target datastore time check missed count The number of seconds the target datastore missed its periodic time check 30 seconds Source datastore network errors The number of TCP errors in source datastore that resulted in a connection being dropped 30 seconds Target datastore network errors The number of TCP errors in target datastore that resulted in a connection being dropped 30 seconds -
The latency metrics group analyzes latency that is specific to the subscription.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity Source engine latency Delay in capturing source database changes in seconds 30 seconds Target apply latency Delay in applying changes to the target database in seconds 30 seconds Source network latency The roundtrip time for processing between the source engine and the target engine 30 seconds Target network latency The roundtrip time for processing between the target engine and the source engine 30 seconds -
The memory metrics group analyzes the memory for the datastore that the subscription belongs to.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity Free memory The amount of free memory as a subset of the maximum memory that is available 30 seconds Maximum memory The memory that is configured by the user for the CDC Replication Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM) 30 seconds Total memory The memory that is configured by the user for the CDC Replication Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM) 30 seconds Global memory The amount of physical memory that is used 30 seconds -
Database workload
The memory metrics group analyzes the replication activities that are specific to the source database.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity In scope transactions Tracks the number of in-scope transactions 30 seconds Total transactions Tracks the total number of transactions 30 seconds -
Garbage collection
The garbage collection metrics group analyzes the replication activities that are specific to the garbage collection in your datastore.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity Garbage collections Tracks the cumulative count since the start of garbage collection 30 seconds Garbage collection CPU time Tracks the CPU time since the start of garbage collection 30 seconds -
Transaction histogram The transaction histogram metrics group tracks the transactions of a given size to the source database.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group, where X is the size of the transaction that gets stored in the memory:
Metrics Description Granularity Transaction histogram (0 to 1/2 X) Tracks the cumulative count of transactions of 0 to 1/2X 30 seconds Transaction histogram (1/2X to X) Tracks the cumulative count of transactions of 1/2X to X 30 seconds Transaction histogram (X to 2X) Tracks the cumulative count of transactions of X to 2X 30 seconds Transaction histogram (2X to 4X) Tracks the cumulative count of transactions of 2X to 4X 30 seconds Transaction histogram (4X to 8X) Tracks the cumulative count of transactions of 4X to 8X 30 seconds Transaction histogram (8X and larger) Tracks the cumulative count of transactions of 8X and larger 30 seconds -
Source engine
The source engine metrics group helps to analyze replication activities that are specific to the source engine.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity Source pre-filter inserts The number of inserts processed for all in-scope tables by the source engine 30 seconds Source pre-filter updates The number of updates that are processed for all the in-scope tables by the source engine 30 seconds Source pre-filter deletes The number of deletes that are processed for all the in-scope tables by the source engine 30 seconds Source post-filter inserts The number of inserts that are sent to the target after the filtering of rows 30 seconds Source post-filter updates The number of updates that are sent to the target after the filtering of rows 30 seconds Source post-filter deletes The number of deletes that are sent to the target after the filtering of rows 30 seconds -
Target apply
The target metrics group analyzes the replication activities that are specific to the target engine and the target database.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity Target apply inserts The number of inserts that are attempted in the database 30 seconds Target apply updates The number of updates that are attempted in the database 30 seconds Target apply deletes The number of deletes that are attempted in the database 30 seconds -
Target engine
The target metrics group helps to analyze replication activities that are specific to the target engine and the target database.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity Target "source" inserts The number of record operations that are received from the source as inserts 30 seconds Target "source" updates The number of record operations that are received from the source as updates 30 seconds Target "source" deletes The number of record operations that are received from the source as deletes 30 seconds -
The row metrics group tracks the number of rows that engage in any advanced processing, such as evaluating derived expressions, making calls to an external database, or invoking user-defined exit functionality.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity Source - Rows evaluating derived columns The number of rows with at least one derived expression in source database 30 seconds Source - Rows calling source database The number of rows with at least one call out to the source database 30 seconds Source - Rows calling user exits The number of rows with calls out to user functionality in source 30 seconds Target - Rows evaluating derived columns The number of rows with at least one expression in target 30 seconds Target - Rows calling target database The number of rows with at least one call out to the target database 30 seconds Target - Rows calling user exits The number of rows with calls out to user functionality in target 30 seconds -
MBCs conversions
The MBCS conversions metric group analyzes and tracks the real-time synchronization and replication of member benefit changes between the source systems and target databases by ensuring data integrity throughout the process.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity Source engine MBCs The count of input bytes that are converted by character conversion in source engine 30 seconds Target engine MBCs The count of input bytes that are converted by character conversion in target engine 30 seconds -
Log parser
The log metrics group helps to analyze replication activities that are specific to the log parser.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity Log parser disk reads - bytes The physical bytes that are read from the disk 30 seconds Log parser disk writes - bytes The physical bytes that are written to the disk 30 seconds Log parser disk size - bytes The current staging store size on the disk 30 seconds Log parser physical bytes read The physical bytes that are read by the log reader 30 seconds -
Log reader
The log metrics group analyzes the replication activities that are specific to the log reader.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity Log reader source database bytes processed The count of all log data bytes processed by the log reader for the current subscription 30 seconds Log reader physical bytes read The physical bytes that are read by the log reader. This includes any extra I/O that is done by replication engines to read logs 30 seconds -
The communication metrics analyzes the variances in the flow of data during replication activities for both the source and target engines.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity Source missing round trip response The number of times the replication engine missed receiving a reply within 30 seconds, which is the default poll retry timeout value for source engine 30 seconds Target missing round trip response The number of times the replication engine missed receiving a reply within 30 seconds, which is the default poll retry timeout value for target engine 30 seconds Keep alive sent The number of keep alive messages that are sent as a test of the network connection when there is no current replication activity 30 seconds Keep alive received The number of keep alive messages that are received as a test of the network connection when there is no current replication activity 30 seconds Communication Bytes sent The cumulative count of bytes that are sent for a given subscription 30 seconds Communication Bytes received The cumulative count of bytes that are received for a given subscription 30 seconds Source communications bytes processed The number of bytes that are sent on the network from the source engine 30 seconds Target communications bytes processed The number of bytes that are received from the network from the target engine 30 seconds -
Thread CPU
The thread CPU metric group tracks the amount of CPU time that is consumed by individual threads, measured in milliseconds per second.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity Source engine thread CPU The count of how much thread a CPU is using in source engine 30 seconds Target engine thread CPU The count of how much thread a CPU is using in target engine 30 seconds Target apply thread CPU The count of how much thread a CPU is using in target apply 30 seconds Log reader thread CPU The count of how much thread a CPU is using in log reader 30 seconds Log parser thread CPU The count of how much thread a CPU is using in log parser 30 seconds -
Single scrape
The single scrape metric group analyzes the replication activities that are specific to the single scrape component on the source replication engine.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metrics Description Granularity Disk reads Tracks the physical bytes that are read from disk 30 seconds Disk writes Tracks the current staging store size on disk 30 seconds Disk size Tracks the physical bytes that are written to disk 30 seconds
You might encounter the following issues while you set up the IBM InfoSphere CDC sensor:
User already connected to datastore
The following exception in the log indicates that the user is trying to connect to a datastore that is already connected by the same user.
Could not connect to the datastore. The datastore may be unavailable or your credentials may be invalid.
User <user> is already connected to datastore <datastore>.
To resolve this issue, the user must log out from the management console.