Python supported components and versions

Instana AutoTrace webhook

The Instana AutoTrace Webhook can automatically instrument your Python processes across an entire Kubernetes cluster.

Python runtimes

Instana Python 2.5.3 and earlier versions supports tracing for the Tornado, asyncio, and aiohttp libraries only on Python runtimes up to 3.10.

Python Versions Instana Python package version
CPython >= 3.8 and <= 3.13 >= 3.0.0
CPython >= 3.8 and < 3.13 >= 2.5.0
CPython >= 3.7 and < 3.10 < 2.5.0
CPython >= 2.7 and <= 3.6 < 2.0.0

Long-term support

Instana follows the official long-term support (LTS) and end-of-life (EOL) timeline from Python.

When a Python version reaches its EOL date, it is offered an extra support period that ranges from one to two years. Update your Python version regularly to avoid problems.

Supported environments

The Instana Python package supports a wide range of environments such as:


  • Linux (x86_64)
  • AWS Fargate
  • AWS Lambda
  • Kubernetes
  • Google Cloud
  • Docker


The Instana Python package supports distributed tracing across other Instana instrumented platforms, technologies, and languages. It offers automatic tracing of all requests and supports OpenTelemetry API. For more information, see Python OpenTelemetry.

Frameworks Support policy Versions Instana Python package version
ASGI 45 days >= 2.0.0 and <= 3.0.0 Any
Celery 45 days >= 4.3.0 and <= 5.4.0 Any
Django 45 days >= 1.11.0 and <= 5.1.1 Any
FastAPI 45 days >= 0.51.0 and <= 0.115.0 Any
Flask 45 days >= 0.12.0 and <= 3.0.3 Any
Pyramid 45 days >= 1.6.5 and <= 2.0.2 Any
Sanic On demand >= 19.0.0 and < 21.9.0 >= 2.0.0 and < 3.0.0
Sanic On demand >= 21.9.0 and <= 24.6.0 >= 3.0.0
Starlette 45 days >= 0.12.13 and <= 0.39.6 Any
Tornado 45 days >= 4.5.3 and < 6.0.0 < 2.0.0
Tornado 45 days >= 6.0.0 and <= 6.4.1 >= 3.0.0
Webapp2 On demand >= 1.5.0 and < 3.0.0 < 2.0.0
WSGI 0 day PEP 333 >= 1.0 and 1.0.1 Any
Clients Support policy Versions Python sensor version
Aiohttp 45 days >= 3.1.0 and <= 3.10.8 Any
Asynqp Deprecated >= 0.5.1 and <= 0.6.0 < 2.0.0
Boto3 45 days >= 1.15.0 and <= 1.35.33 Any
Couchbase On demand >= 2.3.5 and <= 2.5.12 Any
Google-cloud-pubsub (*) 45 days <= 2.25.2 Any
Google-cloud-storage 45 days >= 1.24.0 and <= 2.18.2 Any
Grpcio 45 days >= 1.14.1 and <= 1.66.2 Any
Mysqlclient 45 days >= 1.3.14 and <= 2.2.4 Any
Pika 45 days >= 1.0.0 and <= 1.3.2 Any
PyMySQL 45 days >= 0.6.7 and <= 1.1.1 Any
Pymongo 45 days >= 3.7.0 and <= 4.10.1 Any
Psycopg2 45 days >= 2.7.2 and <= 2.9.9 Any
Redis 45 days >= 2.10.6 and <= 5.1.1 Any
Requests 45 days >= 2.16.1 and <= 2.32.3 Any
SQLAlchemy 45 days >= 1.1.5 and <= 2.0.35 Any
Urllib3 45 days >= 1.26.5 and <= 2.2.3 Any

(*): The Instana Python package supports only the pull message delivery of Google Pub/Sub.

Other libraries Support policy Versions
Gevent On demand >= 1.4 and <= 23.7.0

Tracing notes and limitations

Thread starting permission

The Instana Python tracer needs permission to create and start Python threading.Timer objects. On most systems, this permission is granted by default. In some nested containerization scenarios, for example in some "Docker in Docker" container versions, the permission is not granted by default.

If you see exceptions like RuntimeError: can't start new thread, then insufficient permissions are the most likely cause. If you upgrade or change the "Docker in Docker" container, but the needed permissions are not granted for the internal application container, then you can use the --privileged permission as a last resort to start the application container.

Tracing across thread boundaries

The Instana Python package does not support tracing across thread boundaries. For example, when a request is first handled on a single thread, and then the workload is distributed to multiple other threads with the help of multiprocessing.ThreadPool, outgoing calls that happen in those other threads are not captured. Because every exit span needs to have an entry span, and the initiating entry span is out of the thread scope, such outgoing calls are not recorded. This is caused by the inherent characteristic of the default OpenTracing ThreadLocalScopeManager, and the lack of a ThreadPool specific scope manager.

Tracing non-async functions in FastAPI

The Instana Python package supports only the tracing of coroutine-based concurrency in FastAPI. This is because the non-async functions that are executed on a thread pool cannot be followed through thread boundaries.

Tracing with multiple tracers

It is not supported to trace a single Python application with Instana and a third-party tracer, for example, with New Relic tracer or OpenTelemetry at the same time.

Supported web servers

  • uWSGI
  • Gunicorn
  • mod_wsgi
  • Nginx WSGI
  • uvicorn

Sensor data collection

Tracked configuration

  • Name
  • Runtime
  • PID
  • Loaded modules


  • GC activity
  • Memory usage
  • Threads
  • Paging
  • I/O
  • Events
  • Context switching


Profiles Python versions Platforms
CPU usage >= 2.7 and >= 3.4 Linux and macOS
Memory allocation rate >= 3.4 Linux and macOS
Blocking calls >= 2.7 and >= 3.4 Linux and macOS

Additional information