Monitoring Kubernetes

Instana can help you access detailed Kubernetes information, analyze Kubernetes calls, link Kubernetes services and logical services, use built-in or custom health rules for Kubernetes entity alerts, and trace workloads that are deployed on the service meshes.

Supported versions

Instana supports the current stable versions of Kubernetes. According to the Kubernetes version compatibility guarantee, Instana supports the latest Kubernetes version, the earlier two versions, and the later two versions. However, the earlier two versions are considered as a soft deprecation.

Supported managed kubernetes

  • IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service Monitoring and Performance Management
  • Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS)
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  • IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) and VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integration (TKGI), formerly known as Pivotal Container Service (PKS)

Only Linux workers are supported. Workers that run on Windows are not supported.

Supported service meshes

Instana supports the last three stable versions of Istio.

Installing the Instana agent in kubernetes

To monitor Kubernetes with Instana, you need to install the Instana host agent in your Kubernetes cluster.

For more information about the host agent installation steps, see Installing the host agent on Kubernetes.

The installation of Instana agents on VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid is fully automated by the Instana Microservices Application Monitoring for VMware Tanzu tile.

Kubernetes sensors

Instana provides the following Kubernetes sensors:

  • Legacy Kubernetes sensor
  • Next Generation K8sensor

The Legacy Kubernetes sensor is deprecated and receives updates only to address Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs). All new features are delivered to K8sensor, so update your environments to use it.

The Next Generation K8sensor has the following advantages:

  • High availability
  • Better control over resource limits in a deployment
  • New features and functionality that are not backported to the legacy sensor

To determine if the Legacy Kubernetes sensor is indeed disabled, check the agent configuration.yaml file:

      enabled: false

To ensure this configuration is in effect, complete the steps in Checking the status and version of the legacy sensor. If the sensor is properly disabled, you see no match for the Legacy Kubernetes sensor in the Instana UI.

The Next Generation K8sensor is automatically installed by default after the agent is installed. To determine if the K8sensor is running on a cluster, run the command in the Checking the status and version of K8sensor section.

Legacy Kubernetes sensor

The Legacy Kubernetes sensor is deprecated, and you no longer need to install it.


If you need the Legacy Kubernetes sensor for compatibility reasons, then install the agent Helm chart with the --set k8s_sensor.deployment.enabled=false setting.

Checking the status and version of the legacy sensor

To check the status and running version of the Legacy Kubernetes sensor, complete the following steps:

  1. From the navigation menu, select Infrastructure.
  2. On the Maps tab, click your Kubernetes node.
  3. In the node details panel, expand Instana Agent (1) and then click on your agent.
  4. On the agent panel, click Open Dashboard.
  5. On the agent page, click Sensors Info in the Info area.
  6. In the Sensors Info window, search Instana - Kubernetes - Sensor in the search field.

If the sensor is properly enabled, you see a match in the table. The State column displays the value Active, and the Version column shows the version number, for example, 1.2.143.


If the search for Instana - Kubernetes - Sensor and filtering the agent logs for com.instana.sensor-kubernetes yield no results, then check the configuration map of the Instana agent by running the following command:

kubectl -n instana-agent get cm instana-agent -o yaml

Make sure that the following setting is not present:

      enabled: false

If the State column for the Instana - Kubernetes - Sensor displays Waiting for several minutes, it means that the sensor failed to activate.

Search the agent logs, filter for com.instana.sensor-kubernetes, and look for Activating Kubernetes Sensor. Specifically, check for the following message:

ERROR : bundle com.instana.sensor-kubernetes:1.2.143 (246)[com.instana.agent.kubernetes.sensor.Kubernetes(479)] : The activate method has thrown an exception
io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Failure executing: GET at: Message: Forbidden!Configured serv
ice account doesn't have access. Service account may have been revoked. deployments.apps is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:instana-agent:instana-agent" cannot list resource "deployme
nts" in API group "apps" at the cluster scope.

This error message indicates that a service account is not usable for accessing the Kubernetes API server.

Next Generation K8sensor


When you install the agent, the Next Generation K8sensor is installed automatically by default. If you specify the k8s_sensor.deployment.enabled value, make sure that it is set to true (the default value).

Checking the status and version of K8sensor

To determine if the K8sensor is running on a cluster, run the following command to list deployments with the label app: k8sensor.

kubectl get deployments --all-namespaces -l app=k8sensor

If K8sensor is in the list, then K8sensor is enabled. When K8sensor is enabled, the Legacy Kubernetes sensor is automatically disabled. In the configuration.yaml file, you can see the enabled value is changed to false as follows:

      enabled: false

The K8sensor version is best identified by the sha256 hash of its image. To check the image hash of the running K8sensor container, run the following command:

kubectl get po -n instana-agent -l app=k8sensor  -o jsonpath='{ .items[0].status.containerStatuses[0].imageID }'


If listing the deployments with the label app: k8sensor returns no results, the cluster is not running K8sensor. This issue means that K8sensor was disabled when the agent was deployed. To resolve this issue, redeploy the agent with K8sensor enabled.

Accessing Kubernetes information

After the agent is deployed to your cluster, the Kubernetes sensor reports detailed data about the cluster and the resources that are deployed into it.

Instana automatically detects and monitors all resources that are running in the Kubernetes cluster:

  • Clusters
  • CronJobs
  • Nodes
  • Namespaces
  • Deployments
  • DaemonSets
  • StatefulSets
  • Services
  • Pods

Kubernetes information is easily accessible and deeply integrated in all aspects of your application.

Kubernetes page

Click Platforms > Kubernetes in the navigation menu of the Instana UI, you can see the information of your Kubernetes clusters and namespaces.

Kubernetes dashboards

On the Kubernetes page, click a cluster or a namespace. You can see Kubernetes dashboards that present all the information for a certain Kubernetes entity. The context is always accessible by the context path in the upper left. In the following screenshot, you can see a namespace that is named "robot-shop" in a cluster called "k8s-demo-cluster".

Dashboard overview

Kubernetes dashboards are structured as follows:

  • Summary shows the most relevant information for a certain entity. This dashboard starts with a status line that shows the status and related information, such as age. In the next section, you can see the CPU, memory, and pod information, which provides the consumed resources, including the pods. Sections like Top Deployments and Top Pods in the following screenshot show potential hotspots, which you might want to have a look at. The Logs section shows you the distribution chart of relevant logs for that entity, which complements the entity metrics. The chart is interactive and allows selection and highlight over all the measured values. You can focus on the selected time period or jump to the Analyze section to continue a troubleshooting journey.

  • Details shows detailed information like "labels", "annotation", and the "spec".

  • Events shows all relevant Kubernetes events and links them to the respective dashboards.

  • Related Entities like "Deployments", "K8s Services", and "Pods" are shown as tabs of Kubernetes dashboards. What is shown depends on the entity that you selected.

CPU and memory usage

For Kubernetes pods, deployments, services, namespaces, and nodes, you can view current CPU and Memory usage as it compares to the CPU and Memory limits and requests set for these resources.

If available, the usage information is calculated from data gathered from the container runtime that is running the containers that make up the resources.

Applications page

Click Applications in the navigation menu of the Instana UI, and then click the Applications or the Services tab. If the service or application is running on a Kubernetes cluster, you can see the respective context information in the Infrastructure tab:

AP Infra Tab

For containers, the pod and namespace are displayed and directly linked; for hosts, the cluster and node are also shown and linked.

Infrastructure page

Click Infrastructure in the navigation menu of the Instana UI. In the Infrastructure map, you can see Kubernetes information in the sidebar for either the host or the container that you select.

AP Infra Tab

You can use Dynamic Focus to filter the data. For example, search for a specific deployment in a cluster. Additionally, the keywords entity.kubernetes.cluster.distribution and entity.kubernetes.cluster.managedBy enable searching for a Kubernetes cluster by distribution and management layer. Supported values for entity.kubernetes.cluster.distribution are gke, eks, openshift, and kubernetes. Supported values for entity.kubernetes.cluster.managedBy are rancher and none.

Analyzing Kubernetes calls

Unbounded Analytics gives you powerful tools to slice and dice every call in your Kubernetes cluster. If you click Analyze Calls from a Kubernetes dashboard, the appropriate filter and grouping is already set. In this case, you can see all calls in the robot-shop namespace that are grouped by pods:

Dashboard overview

Analyzing Kubernetes logs

Unbounded Analytics gives you powerful tools to slice and dice every log in your Kubernetes cluster. If you click Analyze Logs from a Kubernetes dashboard, the appropriate filtering is already set. In this case, you can see all logs in the robot-shop namespace as follows:

Dashboard overview

To provide relevant information without changing context, Instana enriches log messages with infrastructure and Kubernetes metadata, which is displayed in the tag table after the log message is expanded. See the following tag table:

Tag Table overview

Linking Kubernetes services and logical services

Single Kubernetes service to multiple logical services

Multiple logical services can be related to a single Kubernetes service when the service-mapping rules match up and calls are generated on that Kubernetes service. For example, a Kubernetes service with the label selector "service=my-service" might contain pods that have the additional labels "env=dev" and "env=staging" combined with a custom service-mapping configuration in Instana with the following tags, kubernetes.pod.label, and key: env. It results in multiple logical services that are linked to that single Kubernetes service and displayed on the Kubernetes Service dashboard.

Single logical service to multiple Kubernetes services

Multiple Kubernetes services can be related to a single logical service when those Kubernetes services are destroyed and re-created over time. For example, if the Kubernetes service shop-service-a with generated calls is replaced over time by shop-service-b with generated calls, both services are displayed on the logical service dashboard when the period of time selected overlaps the calls that were generated.

Viewing metrics

Instana collects information about the Kubernetes cluster, CronJob, DaemonSet, Deployment, Job, Kubernetes service, namespace, node, and StatefulSet.


Metric Description
Pods Allocation Ratio of allocated pods to pods capacity
CPU Requests Allocation Ratio of CPU requests to CPU capacity
CPU Limits Allocation Ratio of CPU limits to CPU capacity
Memory Requests Allocation Ratio of memory requests to memory capacity
Memory Limits Allocation Ratio of memory limits to memory capacity
CPU Requests Aggregated CPU requests of all running containers
CPU Limits Aggregated CPU limits of all running containers
CPU Capacity Aggregated CPU capacity of all nodes
Memory Requests Aggregated memory requests of all running containers
Memory Limits Aggregated memory limits of all running containers
Memory Capacity Aggregated memory capacity of all nodes
Running Pods Count of all running pods in this cluster
Pending Pods Count of all pending pods in this cluster
Allocated Pods Count of all allocated pods in this cluster
Pods Capacity Aggregated pods capacity of all nodes
Out Of Disk Nodes Count of out of disk nodes in this cluster
Memory Pressure Nodes Count of memory pressure nodes in this cluster
Disk Pressure Nodes Count of disk pressure nodes in this cluster
Kubelet Not Ready nodes Count of kubelet not ready nodes in this cluster
Available Replicas Available replicas from all deployments
Desired Replicas Desired replicas from all deployments
Nodes Count Number of nodes in this cluster


Metric Description
Last Job Duration Duration of last job run
Active Jobs Number of active jobs
Time To Last Scheduled Job How long ago a job for this cronjob was scheduled


Metric Description
Available Replicas Count of available replicas
Desired Replicas Count of desired replicas
Unavailable Replicas Count of unavailable replicas
Misscheduled Replicas Count of misscheduled replicas
Available to Desired Replica Ratio Ratio of available to desired replicas


Metric Description
Available Replicas Count of available replicas
Desired Replicas Count of desired replicas
Available to Desired Replica Ratio Ratio of available to desired replicas
Pending Pods Count of pending pods
Unscheduled Pods Count of unscheduled pods
Unready Pods Count of unready pods
Pending Phase Duration Duration of pending phase
Pods Count Number of pods for this deployment
Memory Requests Aggregated memory requests of all running containers for this deployment
Memory Limits Aggregated memory limits of all running containers for this deployment
CPU Requests Aggregated CPU requests of all running containers for this deployment
CPU Limits Aggregated CPU limits of all running containers for this deployment


Metric Description
Active Pods Number of active pods in this job
Failed Pods Number of failed pods in this job
Succeeded Pods Number of succeeded pods in this job
Job Duration Duration of job run

Kubernetes service

Metric Description
CPU Requests Aggregated CPU requests for this service
CPU Limits Aggregated CPU limits for this service
Memory Requests Aggregated memory requests for this service
Memory Limits Aggregated memory limits for this service


Metric Description
Memory Requests Capacity Maximum supported memory for memory requests on this namespace
Used Memory Requests Amount of memory allocated to used memory requests
Memory Limits Capacity Maximum supported memory for memory limits on this namespace
Used Memory Limits Amount of memory allocated to used memory limits
CPU Requests Capacity Maximum supported CPU for CPU requests on this namespace
Used CPU Requests Amount of CPU allocated to used CPU requests
CPU Limits Capacity Maximum supported CPU for CPU limits on this namespace
Used CPU Limits Amount of CPU allocated to used CPU Limits
Used Pods Number of pods used for this namespace
Pods Capacity Number of pods the namespace can take
Used Pods Allocation Ratio of used pods to pods capacity
CPU Requests Allocation Ratio of CPU requests to CPU capacity
CPU Limits Allocation Ratio of CPU limits to CPU capacity
Memory Requests Allocation Ratio of memory requests to memory requests capacity
Memory Limits Allocation Ratio of memory limits to memory limits capacity
Pods Allocation Ratio of allocated pods to pod capacity


Metric Description
Allocated Pods Count of allocated pods on this node
Pods Capacity Number of pods the node can take
Memory Requests Aggregated memory requests of all running containers on this node
Memory Limits Aggregated memory limits of all running containers on this node
Memory Capacity Maximum supported memory on this node
CPU Requests Aggregated CPU requests of all running containers on this node
CPU Limits Aggregated CPU limits of all running containers on this node
CPU Capacity Maximum supported CPU on this node
Pods Allocation Ratio of allocated pods to pod capacity
CPU Requests Allocation Ratio of CPU requests to CPU capacity
CPU Limits Allocation Ratio of CPU limits to CPU capacity
Memory Requests Allocation Ratio of memory requests to memory capacity
Memory Limits Allocation Ratio of memory limits to memory capacity


Metric Description
Containers Count Number of containers for this pod
CPU Requests Aggregated CPU requests on all containers of this pod
CPU Limits Aggregated CPU limits on all containers of this pod
Memory Requests Aggregated memory requests on all containers of this pod
Memory Limits Aggregated memory limits on all containers of this pod
Restarts Count Aggregated restarts on all containers of this pod


Metric Description
Available Replicas Count of available replicas
Desired Replicas Count of desired replicas
Available to Desired Replica Ratio Percentage of available to desired replicas

Horizontal Pod Autoscalers

You can monitor Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (HPA) by using the Analytics Infrastructure feature. For more information, see Analyze Infrastructure). On the Analyze Infrastructure page, you can search for Horizontal Pod Autoscalers and view the total count. HPA search

To see the list of HPAs, select Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscalers from the list of infrastructure types. HPA List

You can create Smart Alerts for metrics that are related to HPA. For more information, see Smart Alerts. You can create Smart Alerts with the following HPA metrics: Current Replicas, Desired Replicas, Maximum Replicas, Message count, and Minimum Replicas. HPA Smart Alerts

Health rules


A couple of built-in health rules exist that trigger an issue for Kubernetes entities.

  • Cluster
    • Kubernetes reports that a Master-Component (apiserver, scheduler, and controller manager) is unhealthy. Due to a bug in Kubernetes, the health is not always reported reliably. Instana tries to filter the health status of the Master-Component, not causing an alert, but showing only the health status on the cluster detail page.
  • Node
    • The requested CPU is approaching max capacity. The ratio of requested CPU to CPU capacity is greater than 80%.
    • The requested memory is approaching max capacity. The requested memory to memory capacity ratio is greater than 80%.
    • Allocated pods are approaching maximum capacity. The allocated pods to pods capacity ratio are greater than 80%. For a node, pods in the phases 'Running' and 'Unknown' are counted as allocated. For more information about node capacity, see Kubernetes docs.
    • The node reports a condition that is not ready for more than one minute, and all conditions for this node are beyond the "Ready" condition. For more information about all node conditions, see Kubernetes docs.
  • Namespace
    • The requested CPU is approaching max capacity. The ratio of requested CPU to CPU capacity is greater than 80%.
    • The requested memory is approaching max capacity. The requested memory to memory capacity ratio is greater than 80%.
    • Allocated pods are approaching maximum capacity. The allocated pods to pods capacity ratio are greater than 80%. For a namespace, pods in the phases 'Pending', 'Running', and 'Unknown' are counted as allocated. The namespace capacity values are based on ResourceQuotas that can be set per namespace. For more information, see Kubernetes docs.
  • Deployment
    • Available replicas less than desired replicas.
  • Pod
    • A pod must be ready within one minute of being deployed, but if it is not ready within one minute, the reason is not that it has completed its task (PodCondition=Ready, Status=False, Reason!= PodCompleted). For more information about all pod conditions, see Kubernetes docs.


In addition to the built-in rules, you can also create custom rules on metrics of a cluster, namespace, deployment, and pod. For example, if the threshold for node capacity warnings is too high, you can disable them and create a custom rule with a lower threshold. For more information, see Events and incidents configuration.

Service meshes

Istio and OpenShift ServiceMesh

Using the agent.serviceMesh.enabled flag

You can enable the Instana agent JVM monitoring with Istio and OpenShift service mesh by using the agent.serviceMesh.enabled flag. This Kubernetes-native approach uses a single dedicated network port for all Java workloads that are monitored on a single host or node. The default value is set to true. For more information about the configuration parameter, see Helm Chart configuration.

If the Istio configuration is set to REGISTRY_ONLY, additional steps are required for the agent socket service to work properly.

You need to deploy the following resource definition for each individual cluster node. Make sure to define a unique property for each host or node. Also, set the value for spec.hosts to <node-ip-address>.instana-agent-headless.instana-agent.svc, where <node-ip-address> is the node's IP address.

kind: ServiceEntry
  name: instana-agent-worker-<node-unique-counter>
  - <node-ip-address>.instana-agent-headless.instana-agent.svc
  - number: 42699
    name: agent
    protocol: TCP
  resolution: DNS
  location: MESH_EXTERNAL

Using service mesh bypass

The alternative legacy approach is to enable service mesh bypass. The default installation of Istio works out-of-the-box with Instana. If you deploy Istio with a default deny policy (mode: REGISTRY_ONLY), you can enable Instana's service mesh bypass by using the following agent configuration:

    enableServiceMeshBypass: true

The setting bypass blocked network connectivity in two different ways:

  • Allow outgoing traffic from the application pod to the host agent (on all IPv4 addresses which the agent listens on, and all ports).
  • Allow incoming traffic to the application pod from the agent for JVM applications (from all ipv4 addresses which the host agent listens on, all ports).

Debugging the mesh by-pass

To debug the service mesh by-pass, follow the steps:

  1. Verify that the service mesh by-pass is enabled.
  2. Verify that the iptable rules are applied to the container.

Verify enabled

To verify whether the service mesh by-pass is enabled, check in the Instana agent logs by running the following command:

kubectl logs -l -n instana-agent -c instana-agent

If the service mesh by-pass is enabled, you can find the following log lines, which indicate that an inbound or outbound by-pass entry is written for the denoted process:

Inbound by-pass:

2021-04-26T08:13:57.065+0000 | INFO  | -client-thread-2 | DefaultServiceMeshSupport        | 51 - com.instana.agent - 1.1.597 | Applying inbound service mesh bypass for process '764670'

Outbound by-pass:

2021-04-26T08:13:57.140+0000 | INFO  | -client-thread-2 | DefaultServiceMeshSupport        | 51 - com.instana.agent - 1.1.597 | Applying outbound service mesh bypass for process '764670'

Verify iptable rules

The easiest way to verify that the iptable rules is to shell into the Instana agent and list the target container iptables rules as follows. Replace ${PID} with the pid of the JVM process:

kubectl -n instana-agent exec -it ${INSTANA_AGENT_POD} -c instana-agent  -- /bin/bash
nsenter -n -t ${PID} iptables -t nat -n -L INSTANA_OUTPUT

If the chains are applied, you can see an output as follows:

Chain INSTANA_OUTPUT (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
ACCEPT     tcp  --  
ACCEPT     tcp  --  
ACCEPT     tcp  --  

Check whether bidirectional communication between the Instana agent and your JVM processes is supported by running the following command:

nsenter -n -t ${PID} iptables -t nat -n -L INSTANA_INBOUND

The result is similar to the following output:

Chain INSTANA_INBOUND (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
ACCEPT     tcp  --
ACCEPT     tcp  --  
ACCEPT     tcp  --

Depending on when the iptable rules were applied, it can take a few minutes for the process to be instrumented and the data to be visible in Instana's dashboards.

Troubleshooting notes

Why am I not seeing any Kubernetes clusters or namespaces?

If no clusters or namespaces are listed on the Kubernetes page, either no cluster is being actively monitored due to an agent not being installed, or no clusters are being monitored during your selected time frame.

Click Live to check for any clusters and namespaces in live mode, and if none are listed, you need to install the Instana agent in kubernetes.

Missing clusterRole permissions

Monitoring issue type: kubernetes_missing_permissions

The Instana agent requires the appropriate ClusterRole permissions for specific resources to be able to monitor a Kubernetes cluster successfully. If these permissions are missing, corresponding resources are missing on the Instana Kubernetes dashboards. To resolve this issue, install the latest version of the Instana Agent YAML, Helm chart, or Operator. For more information about the latest version of each installation method, see Kubernetes or OpenShift.


Instana deprecated support for the extensions/v1beta1 and apps/v1beta2 API versions for DaemonSet, Deployment, and ReplicaSet in the Kubernetes Sensor. Obsolete API versions were removed in Kubernetes v1.16. For more information, see announcement from Kubernetes.

Child topic

The Instana AutoTrace webhook is a Kubernetes and OpenShift-compatible admission controller mutating webhook. It automatically configures the Instana tracing on Node.js, .NET Core, Ruby, and Python applications that run across the entire Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

After you install the Instana agent, enable the Instana AutoTrace webhook.