Instana kubectl plug-in
The Instana kubectl plug-in is a binary file. You can use the plug-in to install the operator and trigger administrative actions that the operator performs.
Installing the Instana kubectl plug-in
You can install the plug-in either automatically or manually.
For Linux® on Power® (ppc64le) systems, you must manually install the plug-in.
Automatic installation
Use the automatic installation method only if you want to install the Instana kubectl plug-in on Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, and CentOS operating systems.
Ubuntu or Debian
As a root user, run the following command to add the repository:
export DOWNLOAD_KEY="<download_key>"
echo 'deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/instana-archive-keyring.gpg] generic main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/instana-product.list
cat << EOF > /etc/apt/auth.conf
login _
password $DOWNLOAD_KEY
wget -nv -O- --user=_ --password="$DOWNLOAD_KEY" | gpg --dearmor > /usr/share/keyrings/instana-archive-keyring.gpg
You need to replace <download_key> with your download key.
To install the Instana kubectl plug-in, run the following command:
apt update -y
apt install -y instana-kubectl-plugin
To avoid getting major updates during automated upgrades, run the following commands:
cat > /etc/apt/preferences.d/instana-kubectl <<EOF
Package: instana-kubectl-plugin
Pin: version <version to pin>
Pin-Priority: 1000
Change <version to pin> to the Instana kubectl plug-in version that you want to pin.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux or CentOS
Add the repository by running the following command as the
user. Replace <download_key> with your download key.export DOWNLOAD_KEY="<download_key>" cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/Instana-Product.repo [instana-product] name=Instana-Product baseurl=https://_:$ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 gpgkey=https://_:$ repo_gpgcheck=1 EOF
Install the Instana kubectl plug-in by running the following command:
yum clean expire-cache -y yum update -y yum install -y instana-kubectl-plugin
If the versionlock plug-in is not installed on your host, run the following command to install the plug-in.
yum install python3-dnf-plugin-versionlock
To avoid automated updates, run the following command:
yum versionlock add instana-kubectl-plugin
Manual installation
If you want to install the Instana kubectl plug-in manually, follow these steps:
Install kubectl. For more information, see Install kubectl.
Download the Instana kubectl plug-in by clicking one of the following links based on your operating system:
Download the Instana kubectl plug-in by clicking one of the following links based on your operating system:
- Darwin/x86 (gpg signature)
- Darwin/arm64 (gpg signature)
- Linux/x86 (gpg signature)
- Linux/s390x (gpg signature)
- Windows/x86 (gpg signature)
- Linux/ppc64le (gpg signature)
All binary files are signed by using the following GPG key:
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GopenPGP 2.4.2 Comment: xsFNBGN06nEBEADBxJoMFz4wEMxSPtMQgquKB5PxFYE9BlJzTxaty4W+1LNtsrex 9fr3IrGaoqe0Ti+0KzzPBxL0S4DVE3o5pMB9H/xcBt5mqnPuTmYXF4p4XWXhnewy xF+PZgq++1PdeEXiZc5JdpHE2U80rQZhdP6XjoodZU1+EcPQXR0FOUWDAIKnnKZZ hERcwtiZuRuY1wqxPeM6fW+57VHgE3cfhf3wZm9Ql9EKm3Tuu8kkYr1couOuOkrg UjWfpWJE3fOvsoNLq5WKOtqDp7G6zDeCWOJ0cMN+JZIxzLC/sObktj/8kPXgdwKV SovuibAOwo0Zxfj/SXRgXR7rupi5ucRzhduwh574MV3wySfrgobM94TmODzTEpL1 ZVF7U5a4E0jxL1C0yyR4stxeLq0OTlS8TlRykAsv0xZgC6/2rpqb2uN/TeAEAq4/ 7jcAVMQCzo14Egr9i4h5R0Px4dLHP2nvGh7AujlMsiFR3bMXfc8SvKmA68hhZTN6 PhhiDlkePQVirTDrYx732FV5eFSKIrS088bucIfdhAz7Mw6LPkvE9BWk5VPf/mx5 WRdIH4k+QL4VUCr6zXNcM5u9Pjngb7AIYMtt3bc4XslGKAlFCB6fFebwKluK7ZND bM3XhzHnNeJWFVO5YPg3KOvTrXSTsxUPgQCsZTaQwsiLSaKw3Z+R7E/omwARAQAB zTdJQk0gSW5zdGFuYSBPYnNlcnZhYmlsaXR5IDxvcHMrYXJ0aWZhY3RvcnlAaW5z dGFuYS5jb20+wsGKBBMBCAA+BQJjdOpxCZCKrozzFEkO/hYhBKJpTj+AcmRnP3D1 2IqujPMUSQ7+AhsDAh4BAhkBAwsJBwIVCAMWAAICIgEAAJa9D/9gM/FMuVB8vC87 GTkVmcJkYnwe/rJn51xRWGfrBz/b4mPJsjJZ680GdRw5QyhOgwOTt62DHjPXu9WF 8gFEaeYcFCH/eSjvPsnuHGrw1XM0JrQO4Tq2HjQtp0mwc0zV+qE1knleEmjfoBpn lawDQruC38+OK630hr7mvagg92bEW3ry6dU0nS9wdyPF3Pymbf+H2h1LmpDoEVB4 DHV03cCCIOcfuO2nXuNpe4IBJJHaH8Dfvel6piiDFBYW2V5TyxuwpTSltfBmry3D O8yKFK3lh1vYuZbSf9SQe0gRcgRhPGuTCZUdNTwXwfEkY6ksU9EcS/IaXzmq58q+ P8CigqMcCaNrTiU4XdPCjoVEixGWuLVECNFYrxe9HeYqria8+IRLMp5uJkBOh3v1 KFkLOQTAqoXN9MkXrCrapiAoL29ZPMT/Phtrk8In29fqLPp96zFUTsrWo7TT6fvj uUHplPGq4tgsmwtkgA55xqJ1AuuW0gJh9eiDOuJtHStT5SWaTRa/KA5tEIl+UgRE BCIg0KrgwjKvyLRv5pr4WnfADOkO7hTbndhiJ9TOwtSqYzUctTCc+WZOuOPD8F9a sX9hp5U8YhCdL/VaiwVdm/VTNqozcqau2DeCUceDzOAHxpz1k+lXUE8I5plrh7ZM 6Gko/vd/xNxh/cpOAStKIfmNlh5Gf87BTQRjdOpxARAA10rB1wMVmisZQNV8PoJF Rpmx4/SMcUfZMWFQ1hoJX9zUTybXUisMALA5DMNXQ2edBn4+PSr55JBtrUnk/Myn MwBEbh01xDlkLh4+vAlmf5wEOta8EJN/NHvr8oroPkWJ/NUqlyhE7WfZLkc+aoly cc8kS//RNbUg1dm5qk81HHD2xF57t5yNqAmxJjEQQrKkRdGVT1uxdun6F4a6TRxh xeI6w+Hl/PWxSg/DGJkzX53085vK0mOwQBWfOECMxMxJZ/+jJ/NOkaRTtMdPzVFu 5EfM8j73Ae01wCp8jTM0oCEiRNKv+XcDzIAXhIESSyNqRS8OBg2wNWk64VXKzNx5 KeSEc6yTiB6v2uya9M7Nh/xnXR8XKQqtp7TDmECeeIPg1N4DofXdggFUKXGXmO4m vYqjhHn+qVYPR23D7E7roL/6q9/EHWWCIw0ggazKF1S7/XLCB3LX6Wo783AdesBP CyxnJmjReS90/k1AVyebDI0bbOqZsZzHNC+AzJrTpZqSWtf2zmi1le7Lc4QfAZ0d 7iqmQLo4jFYZj4zysmv0qyRO0wF2efr8FtjoA1nDEfeOxCekoPpiEUSkpCK0s6kh NARDk4VEeMbL+f7PxXcLvxTSIyhOxmSfdwhgbyeP4dFEEQTo5PtCCiareZCBUrQS qRCzCWn7fId8u4WDaH1EK6EAEQEAAcLBdgQYAQgAKgUCY3TqcQmQiq6M8xRJDv4W IQSiaU4/gHJkZz9w9diKrozzFEkO/gIbDAAA5ZoP/0fBmS3cchXZpGJypgEMUrIP SKTqRUDtaXaPd2ddcoDMiiQy7Y/HVhHVY+IvBNlAOxgIbLBW6WMCTTrsAee6Ephd Jl3506Eyw3md6fy33TC1HZc3ogeUuBccK1fMSG+nxh3jgb2Jr4Pdvfyb5W7Qo3tz lKzpoIOukeIs5q1oNn6rj72yMBxOHt54aEMSJVoxM7Sy4wrcaAsMSlCd0GnU9eDD WS9y5y8K0DeKYy2+hgqBGroUJrdYNbalyo5unItekqVXelHLo+GKFTJcHgDUV21a cFGVRiLl/eCepT/P0d5mmkShRLf2etpgFh+TsL33RrYXG/b8IXdleh6HU5+p04Bb fnUw1Z8RyxTPj3jznl3DlfGcncg9G/4PxX3k0ctGU+hlR1bZiHaZkdtPIViH9Zoy K1cft/ST+tuhtZCgO6HiqPOpW4mCQ2A3xP43IvP5K/tlnUi9yx7w+ls0p3AOegx8 q9EwWy30tyScxJIRF+13lVlyqtuNPh9XF0/01TSoo2zIPCDuVzBbchYFoWzgNIs7 K2RPa2jXMLg/TntgtuVP4bOK6hhaclPesuyMaBy8Z1q72LySo9MXgEMOKO+Wx9qg bYPwjELhTjmzz/cVwE1JOhzObNbNZERehz6BfnDNrHCjPAelBEGCuZ5efrAXqN2H 3D9aijSC7K3JfO7JmV5F =/w6J -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Extract the
file that you downloaded in the previous step. You see a file that is namedinstana-kubectl-plugin
. Add the file path to your system'sPATH
environment variable so that kubectl can recognize the file as a plug-in. Make sure to not change the binary name.kubectl automatically discovers binary files that are prefixed with
as plug-ins on the system'sPATH
environment variable.-
For Windows, add the path of the
file to the system'sPATH
environment variable directly. -
For Linux and MacOS, add the
binary file path to the system'sPATH
environment variable by running the following command:export PATH=$PATH:<path_to_binary_directory>
Check whether the
plug-in is available:kubectl-instana --version
You can see the output similar to the following output:
kubectl-instana version 1.1.1 (commit=6e0290eeb35fb028c81da94fb88cda786e55f14b, date=2024-11-13T13:51:42Z, defaultInstanaVersion=3.283.457-0) Minimum required database versions: kafka : Major: 3 min. Minor: 2 elasticsearch : Major: 7 min. Minor: 16 cassandra : Major: 4 min. Minor: 0 clickhouse : Major: 23.8 min. Minor: 8 beeinstana : Major: 1 min. Minor: 160 postgres : Major: 15 min. Minor: 0
Getting help on the kubectl plug-in
The help information is integrated into the plug-in and can be displayed for any command by using the --help
flag. See the following default help output of the Instana kubectl plug-in:
kubectl-instana --help
Commands for managing Instana
kubectl-instana [command]
Available Commands:
action Run a utility action on a Core or a Unit
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
images Print a list of all required images
license Download the license
migrate Migrate a 'settings.hcl' file
operator Install the operator or generate manifests
template Create YAML templates for namespaces and custom resources
versions Manage the Instana backend version, sub-commands: `identify`, `list-images`, `update`
-h, --help help for kubectl-instana
-v, --version version for kubectl-instana
Use "kubectl-instana [command] --help" for more information about a command.
The Instana kubectl plug-in is versioned together with the Instana Enterprise operator and all Instana components. To install Instana, download the plug-in that is compatible with your Instana Enterprise operator version.