API reference

API reference for Instana



Package v1beta2 contains API Schema definitions for the v1beta2 API group

Resource Types


Appears in:

Field Description
hosts string array A list of hosts for connecting to the data store. For ClickHouse clusters, entries must be in correct order for sharding.
ports NamedPorts A list of named ports for connecting to the data store. If omitted, default ports are used.
properties Properties Optional properties for the data store.
authEnabled boolean Enables authentication for the data store. Credentials are expected to be configured in a secret in the core namespace that has the same name as the corresponding core.
clustered boolean For a BeeInstana Operator cluster, the value must be true,


Appears in:

Field Description
hosts string array A list of hosts for connecting to the data store. For ClickHouse clusters, entries must be in correct order for sharding.
ports NamedPorts A list of named ports for connecting to the data store. If omitted, default ports are used.
properties Properties Optional properties for the data store.
authEnabled boolean Enables authentication for the data store. Credentials are expected to be configured in a secret in the core namespace that has the same name as the corresponding core.
keyspaces string array
datacenter string
replicationFactor integer


Appears in:

Field Description
hosts string array A list of hosts for connecting to the data store. For ClickHouse clusters, entries must be in correct order for sharding.
ports NamedPorts A list of named ports for connecting to the data store. If omitted, default ports are used.
properties Properties Optional properties for the data store.
authEnabled boolean Enables authentication for the data store. Credentials are expected to be configured in a secret in the core namespace that has the same name as the corresponding core.
schemas string array
clusterName string


ComponentConfig allows additional configuration for a specific component.

Appears in:

Field Description
name string The name of the component.
disabled boolean Disables the component.
imageTag string Overrides the Docker image tag of the component.
replicas integer Number of desired replicas. Defaults to 1 if not set.
env Envs List of additional environment variables to set in the container.
resources ResourceRequirements Compute resources required by this component. If omitted, the operator applies reasonable defaults, depending on the configured profile.
affinity Affinity Group of affinity scheduling rules.
nodeSelector object (keys:string, values:string) Selector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node.
tolerations Toleration array The pod that this toleration is attached to tolerates any taint that matches the triple key,value,effect by using the matching operator operator.
priorityClassName string Configures a priority class for the component.
properties Properties Configures component configuration properties.


Underlying type: ComponentConfig

Appears in:

Field Description
name string The name of the component.
disabled boolean Disables the component.
imageTag string Overrides the Docker image tag of the component.
replicas integer Number of desired replicas. Defaults to 1 if not set.
env Envs List of additional environment variables to set in the container.
resources ResourceRequirements Compute resources required by this component. If omitted, the operator applies reasonable defaults, depending on the configured profile.
affinity Affinity Group of affinity scheduling rules.
nodeSelector object (keys:string, values:string) Selector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node.
tolerations Toleration array The pod that this toleration is attached to tolerates any taint that matches the triple key,value,effect by using the matching operator operator.
priorityClassName string Configures a priority class for the component.
properties Properties Configures component configuration properties.


Core is the Schema for the cores API.

Appears in:

Field Description
apiVersion string instana.io/v1beta2
kind string Core
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec CoreSpec CoreSpec specifies the configuration of an Instana core.


CoreList contains a list of Core.

Field Description
apiVersion string instana.io/v1beta2
kind string CoreList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Core array


CoreSpec defines the desired state of Core.

Appears in:

Field Description
imageConfig ImageConfig Overrides the Docker image for the component. Only the fields that should be overridden (e.g. Tag) have to be set.
imagePullPolicy PullPolicy Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise.
imagePullSecrets LocalObjectReference array ImagePullSecrets is an optional list of references to secrets to use for pulling images. The specified secrets must be present in core and unit namespaces.
serviceAccountAnnotations object (keys:string, values:string) Annotations for the ServiceAccount that is created for the pods. Can e.g. be used to assign IAM roles on EKS.
priorityClassName string Configures a global priority class for all pods created by the operator.
baseDomain string Base domain for Instana.
resourceProfile ResourceProfile The resource profile to use.
storageConfigs StorageConfigs Configuration for all external storages. Configures where external storage for each component should be stored.
heapDumpsPVC PersistentVolumeClaimSpec Configures a PVC for storing JVM heap dumps. If not configured, heaps dump are written to a mounted emptyDir on OufOfMemoryError. The volume must support ReadWriteMany access.
datastoreConfigs DatastoreConfigs DatastoreConfigs configure data store connection information.
componentConfigs ComponentConfigs ComponentConfigs override component default configurations.
deploymentStrategyType DeploymentStrategyType Type of deployment strategy for the component deployments (default: RollingUpdate)
emailConfig EmailConfig Configuration for sending e-mails via Amazon SES or an SMTP server.
serviceProviderConfig ServiceProviderConfig Service provider configuration for SAML or OIDC.
proxyConfig ProxyConfig ProxyConfig configuration.
geoDbUrl string URL for downloading the GeoLite2 geolocation data file.
agentAcceptorConfig HostPort Host and port for the agent acceptor.
featureFlags FeatureFlags Configures global feature flags.
env Envs Configures global environment variables.
properties Properties Configures global component configuration properties.
nodeSelector object (keys:string, values:string) Selector which must match a node's labels for pods to be scheduled on that node.
tolerations Toleration array The pod that this toleration is attached to tolerates any taint that matches the triple key,value,effect by using the matching operator operator.
operationMode OperationMode Operator operation mode. One of 'normal' or 'maintenance' (defaults to 'normal'). Deployments are scaled to zero if it is set to 'maintenance'.
operationScopes OperationScope array Defines components of which scope to deploy. Only relevant for SaaS-like deployment scenarios.


Appears in:

Field Description
hosts string array A list of hosts for connecting to the data store. For ClickHouse clusters, entries must be in correct order for sharding.
ports NamedPorts A list of named ports for connecting to the data store. If omitted, default ports are used.
properties Properties Optional properties for the data store.
authEnabled boolean Enables authentication for the data store. Credentials are expected to be configured in a secret in the core namespace that has the same name as the corresponding core.


Appears in:

Field Description
cassandraConfigs CassandraConfig array
clickhouseConfigs ClickhouseConfig array
elasticsearchConfig ElasticsearchConfig
kafkaConfig KafkaConfig
beeInstanaConfig BeeInstanaConfig
postgresConfigs PostgresConfig array


Appears in:

Field Description
hosts string array A list of hosts for connecting to the data store. For ClickHouse clusters, entries must be in correct order for sharding.
ports NamedPorts A list of named ports for connecting to the data store. If omitted, default ports are used.
properties Properties Optional properties for the data store.
authEnabled boolean Enables authentication for the data store. Credentials are expected to be configured in a secret in the core namespace that has the same name as the corresponding core.
clusterName string
defaultIndexShards integer
defaultIndexReplicas integer
defaultIndexRoutingPartitionSize integer
indexConfigs IndexConfig array


EmailConfig is configuration for email.

Appears in:

Field Description
smtpConfig SMTPConfig Configures an SMTP server for sending e-mails.
sesConfig SESConfig Configures Amazon Simple Email Service for sending e-mails.


Underlying type: struct{Name string "json:"name""; Value string "json:"value,omitempty""}

Environment variable configuration.

Appears in:


Underlying type: Env

Appears in:


FeatureFlag flag configuration.

Appears in:

Field Description
name string The name of the feature flag.
enabled boolean Toggles the feature flag.


Underlying type: FeatureFlag

Appears in:

Field Description
name string The name of the feature flag.
enabled boolean Toggles the feature flag.


Underlying type: struct{Bucket string "json:"bucket""; Prefix string "json:"prefix""; StorageClass string "json:"storageClass""; BucketLongTerm string "json:"bucketLongTerm,omitempty""; PrefixLongTerm string "json:"prefixLongTerm,omitempty""; StorageClassLongTerm string "json:"storageClassLongTerm,omitempty""; ServiceAccountKey string "json:"-" yaml:"serviceAccountKey""}

GCloudConfig configuration.

Appears in:


HostPort holds a host and port combination.

Appears in:

Field Description
host string The host name or IP address.
port integer The port.


ImageConfig configures the Docker image for the components.

Appears in:

Field Description
registry string The Docker registry to use. Defaults to 'artifact-public.instana.io'.
repository string Path to the image within the registry. Defaults to 'backend'. The operator automatically appends component names when it computes the full image tag.
tag string The image version to use. Each operator release comes with a default version that is used when the field is left empty.


Appears in:

Field Description
name string
shards integer
replicas integer
routingPartitionSize integer


Appears in:

Field Description
hosts string array A list of hosts for connecting to the data store. For ClickHouse clusters, entries must be in correct order for sharding.
ports NamedPorts A list of named ports for connecting to the data store. If omitted, default ports are used.
properties Properties Optional properties for the data store.
authEnabled boolean Enables authentication for the data store. Credentials are expected to be configured in a secret in the core namespace that has the same name as the corresponding core.
replicationFactor integer
saslMechanism string SASL mechanism the client uses to authenticate with the broker. Possible values are PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512.


_Underlying type:NamedPort

Appears in:


Underlying type: string

Appears in:


Underlying type: string

Appears in:


Appears in:

Field Description
hosts string array A list of hosts for connecting to the data store. For ClickHouse clusters, entries must be in correct order for sharding.
ports NamedPorts A list of named ports for connecting to the data store. If omitted, default ports are used.
properties Properties Optional properties for the data store.
authEnabled boolean Enables authentication for the data store. Credentials are expected to be configured in a secret in the core namespace that has the same name as the corresponding core.
databases string array


_Underlying type:Property

Appears in:


Appears in:

Field Description
host string The host name or IP address.
port integer The port.


Underlying type: string

ResourceProfile denotes the type for holding the profile name.

Appears in:


Underlying type: struct{Endpoint string "json:"endpoint""; Region string "json:"region""; Bucket string "json:"bucket""; Prefix string "json:"prefix""; StorageClass string "json:"storageClass""; BucketLongTerm string "json:"bucketLongTerm,omitempty""; PrefixLongTerm string "json:"prefixLongTerm,omitempty""; StorageClassLongTerm string "json:"storageClassLongTerm,omitempty""; AccessKeyId string "json:"-" yaml:"accessKeyId""; SecretAccessKey string "json:"-" yaml:"secretAccessKey""}

S3Config configuration.

Appears in:


SESConfig configures Amazon Simple Email Service for sending e-mails.

Appears in:

Field Description
from string From e-mail address.
returnPath string Return path.
region string AWS region.


SMTPConfig configures an SMTP server for sending e-mails.

Appears in:

Field Description
from string From e-mail address.
host string Host name of the SMTP server.
port integer Port of the SMTP server.
useSSL boolean UseSSL enables SSL if set to true.
startTLS boolean StartTLS enables StartTLS if set to true.
check_server_identity boolean CheckServerIdentity enables server identity verification if set to true.


Appears in:

Field Description
basePath string Base URL (defaults to "/auth").
maxIDPMetadataSizeInBytes integer The maximum IDP metadata size (defaults to 200000).
maxAuthenticationLifetimeSeconds integer The maximum authentication lifetime (defaults to 604800).


Underlying type: string

Instana Status.

Appears in:

  • ResourceStatus


Appears in:

Field Description
pvcConfig PersistentVolumeClaimSpec Configures a PersistentVolumeClaim for external storage. The volume must support ReadWriteMany access.
s3Config S3Config Configures S3 (or compatible) for external storage.
gcloudConfig GCloudConfig Configures Google Cloud Storage for external storage.


Configuration for external storage (PVC, S3, GCloud buckets)

Appears in:

Field Description
rawSpans StorageConfig Configuration for raw spans external storage. Configures where raw spans should be stored.
synthetics StorageConfig Configuration for synthetics external storage. Configures where synthetics test results should be stored.
syntheticsKeystore StorageConfig Configuration for Synthetics external storage. Configures where Synthetics store credentials.
eumSourceMaps StorageConfig Configuration for EUM external storage. Configures where EUM source maps should be stored.


Unit is the Schema for the units API.

Appears in:

Field Description
apiVersion string instana.io/v1beta2
kind string Unit
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec UnitSpec


UnitList contains a list of Unit.

Field Description
apiVersion string instana.io/v1beta2
kind string UnitList
metadata ListMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
items Unit array


UnitSpec defines the desired state of Unit

Appears in:

Field Description
coreName string Name of the core.
coreNamespace string Namespace where the core components reside.
unitName string Name of the tenant unit.
tenantName string Name of the tenant.
resourceProfile ResourceProfile The resource profile to use.
heapDumpsPVC PersistentVolumeClaimSpec Configures a PVC for storing JVM heap dumps. If not configured, heaps dump are written to a mounted emptyDir on OufOfMemoryError. The volume must support ReadWriteMany access.
env Envs Configures global environment variables.
componentConfigs ComponentConfigs ComponentConfigs overrides component default configurations.
priorityClassName string Configures a priority class for all unit components. Overrides a priority class configured on core level.
properties Properties Configures component configuration properties.
nodeSelector object (keys:string, values:string) Selector which must match a node's labels for pods to be scheduled on that node. Overrides a node selector configured on core level.
tolerations Toleration array The pod that this toleration is attached to tolerates any taint that matches the triple key,value,effect by using the matching operator operator. Overrides tolerations configured on core level.
operationMode OperationMode Unit operation mode. One of 'normal' or 'maintenance' (defaults to 'normal'). Deployments are scaled to zero if it is set to 'maintenance'.