Python Troubleshooting
The Instana package is fully automatic, but if something goes wrong, file a ticket.
The following page outlines some steps you can take to potentially diagnose any issues that may arise.
Supported Components
Before spending too much time diagnosing an issue, first make sure that the component in question is supported. A list of all supported components can be found in the Python Supported Components & Versions page.
Logging & Environment Variables
By default, the package will only log messages that indicate if any problems are encountered. If you want a more verbose logging output, set the INSTANA_DEBUG
environment variable. It enables debug level logging in the Instana gem.
There are even more methods to control logging output. See the Python Configuration page for more details.
Monitoring Issues
Python sensor not installed
Monitoring issue type: python_sensor_not_installed
The Python process runs on a platform we do not support for automatic instrumentation, and neither the Activating Without Code Changes nor Activating With Code Changes methods have been used to instrument the process.
Potential solutions
- Utilize the manual install instructions to properly monitor your Python applications.
General Problem Areas
Python Process doesn't show up in dashboard
Check Instana Host Agent logs to see whether any messages are related to this Python process.
Many Python processes will be remotely instrumented automatically. In the cases where this is not possible, the Host Agent will may log a message indicating a problem.
Validate that your environment is supported and you are running a supported version of Python
Before spending too much time diagnosing an issue, first make sure that the component and environment in question is supported. A list of all supported components can be found in the Python Supported Components & Versions page.
Validate the Install steps
Check if this process was instrumented through AutoTrace webhook or manually.
If the process is instrumented through AutoTrace webhook, make sure that the prerequisites are met and the webhook works.
If manual, validate that the Manual Installation steps were properly followed.
Validate that the Instana Python package is installed and available to the application
This can be validated by seeing
in the Python applicationrequirements.txt
file.Alternatively, from the Python application environment, you can run
pip list
. This will list all of the Python packages available to the Python application. Validate that the Instana Python packages is in that list. -
Assure that the Instana package is the latest version.
The latest version released can be found on Pypi.
In the
, you should see the latest version of the Instana Python package noted alongside the name such asinstana==x.x.x
.pip list
also outputs version numbers in the generated list. -
Validate that Instana is mentioned in the application log output.
Application and/or container logs should always have a boot message similar to
Stan is on the scene. Starting Instana instrumentation version x.x.x
If this isn't there, then it is very likely that the package isn't installed or manual installation steps were not properly followed.
Enable debug output and re-check application or container logs.
Set the environment variable
for the Python process and revalidate the application or container logs (same as #6).Pay special attention to see if there are any Instana related error messages.
Try booting the Python application in verbose mode from a console
An example on how to do this depends largely on the Python application in question. As an example, if the Python application is contained in
you can run the following commands:export INSTANA_DEBUG=true python
Pay special attention to see if there are any Instana related error messages in the Python application output.
File a support ticket.
If you validated each of the steps and the Python process still doesn't show up in the Instana dashboard, file a ticket.
The support ticket should include:
- Environment details; platform, Python version, frameworks in use
- Summary of all of the above validations.
Missing Traces from a Python Application
Make sure that the frameworks and libraries that are in use are supported by referring to the Supported Versions page.
Make sure that the application process shows up in your Instana dashboard under the host in question.
If your application is not showing up in the Instana dashboard, see the previous section.
Set the
environment for the Python application process and restart the process.With this environment variable set, you should see log output from your Python application process similar to the following:
DEBUG instana: initializing agent INFO instana: Stan is on the scene. Starting Instana instrumentation version: 1.22.1 DEBUG instana: initializing fsm DEBUG instana: Instrumenting asyncio DEBUG instana: Instrumenting aiohttp client DEBUG instana: Instrumenting aiohttp server DEBUG instana: Instrumenting asynqp DEBUG instana: Instrumenting cassandra DEBUG instana: Instrumenting couchbase DEBUG instana: Instrumenting flask (without blinker support) DEBUG instana: Instrumenting gevent: gevent not detected or loaded. Nothing done. DEBUG instana: Instrumenting grpcio DEBUG instana: Instrumenting tornado client DEBUG instana: Instrumenting tornado server DEBUG instana: Instrumenting logging DEBUG instana: Instrumenting pymysql DEBUG instana: Instrumenting psycopg2 DEBUG instana: Instrumenting redis DEBUG instana: Instrumenting sqlalchemy DEBUG instana: Instrumenting suds-jurko DEBUG instana: Instrumenting urllib3 DEBUG instana: Instrumenting django DEBUG instana: Instana host agent found on localhost:42699 DEBUG instana: Attempting to make an announcement to the agent on localhost:42699 DEBUG instana: Spawning metric & span reporting threads DEBUG instana: -> Metric reporting thread is now alive DEBUG instana: -> Span reporting thread is now alive DEBUG instana: Announced pid: 34287 (true pid: 34287). Waiting for Agent Ready... DEBUG instana: Instrumenting pymongo DEBUG instana: uwsgi hooks: decorators not available: likely not running under uWSGI INFO instana: Instana host agent available. We're in business. Announced pid: 34287 (true pid: 34287) DEBUG instana: Sending process snapshot data
Make sure that the expected components are in this list for the correct visibility.
Check for request context headers in response headers
Make a request to your application with either
to check response headers returned from the application.For example, using the
option forcurl
will output response headers:curl -i HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2020 08:55:25 GMT Server: WSGIServer/0.2 CPython/3.6.9 Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 X-Instana-T: 495b8301e86286c4 X-Instana-S: 495b8301e86286c4 X-Instana-L: 1 Server-Timing: intid;desc=495b8301e86286c4 Connection: close
In the output you should see the
headers.If you see these headers in the output you can then search for this specific trace in Query Analyze by using the filter equals 495b8301e86286c4
assuming the time window in use covers the period when this request was made. -
File a Support Ticket
If you are running one of the frameworks or components that are supported and don't see the X-Instana-T
, X-Instana-S
, and X-Instana-L
response headers from the previous step, file a support ticket.```
Attach the following to the support ticket:
- Application
or the list of Python packages in use (output frompip list
) - The dashboard link to the application entity from step #2
- The output from step #3
- The output from step #4
Tracing crashes a Python process with can't start a new thread message
If a Python application is crashed by tracing, and the RuntimeError: can't start new thread
message appears in the application logs, then the most likely cause is that permissions need to be granted to the application. For more
information about tracing and the thread starting permission, see Tracing notes and limitations.
AutoTrace is Crashing a Python process
File a Support Ticket
If the AutoTrace webhook is crashing a Python process, file a ticket.
Stop the AutoTrace webhook instrumentation for the particular process.
For more information about how to label a resource for AutoTrace webhook, see Instana AutoTrace webhook. You can also configure AutoTrace webhook to ignore an entire namespace of resources. Furthermore, you can disable the Python Tracer in the webhook completely. This step is a temporary workaround until the root cause of the crash is identified and fixed.
Use the Manual Installation Method
In the interim, you can alternatively use the manual installation method for Python visibility.
AUTOWRAPT_BOOTSTRAP, gevent & RecursionError
monkey patches many of the standard libraries in Python and one of gevent
's requirements is that this is done as early as possible in the boot process.
If you are using the Activating Without Code Changes method of installation (with the AUTOWRAPT_BOOTSTRAP
environment variable) or
the AutoTrace webhook and the gevent
package with Instana Python Tracer earlier than 2.5.0, you might encounter the following error:
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
[Previous line repeated 212 more times]
super(SSLContext, SSLContext).options.__set__(self, value)
This is because autowrapt
loads the instana
Python package before any others (even gevent
In this case, use Instana Python Tracer 2.5.0 or later, or switch to the manual installation method (by adding import instana
to your code).
AUTOWRAPT_BOOTSTRAP, Django & gevent ImproperlyConfigured
If you use the Activating Without Code Changes method of installation (with the AUTOWRAPT_BOOTSTRAP
environment variable), or the
AutoTrace webhook and the Django
and gevent
packages with Instana Python Tracer 2.5.0 or later, you might encounter the following error:
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Requested settings, but settings are not configured. You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings.
Then, make sure that the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE
environment variable is set before the autotracing starts as specified in the Django documentation.
environment variable before the autotracing starts is still insufficient, then you can use the Activating with code changes method of package activation.
Migrating to Instana AutoTrace webhook
The Instana AutoTrace webhook is now the supported method of automatic instrumentation for Python applications monitored by Instana.
To fully migrate to AutoTrace webhook, you must remove the following from your applications:
The Instana Python package
The Instana AutoTrace webhook will independently manage the Instana Python package for your application. There is no need for you or your organization to install it manually.
Make sure to remove the
Python package from yourrequirements.txt
.If you are making OpenTracing API calls, you should explicitly import
instead and make sure that your calls are made against that package (e.g.opentracing.tracer.start_active_span
). Instana will still receive resulting traces. -
environment variableThis environment variable is used to load the Instana Python package without any code changes required. With Instana AutoTrace webhook, this is no longer needed.
Remove any
import instana
callsPython AutoTrace will automatically apply the Instana Python package to your Python applications. Manual imports of the Instana Python package can be removed.