Sending OpenTelemetry data to the Instana agent
The Instana agent can directly receive OpenTelemetry traces, metrics, and logs in OTLP format. Then, the Instana agent forwards the data to the Instana backend. Complete the following configurations:
Enabling the OpenTelemetry data ingestion
By default, the OpenTelemetry data ingestion in the Instana host agent is activated.
The default changes to activated if the host agent is on version 1.1.726 or higher. Previously, the default was deactivated.
To enable the reception of the OpenTelemetry data in the host agent, add the following snippet to the configuration.yaml file of the host agent:
enabled: true
enabled: true
After the OpenTelemetry data ingestion is activated, the host agent activates a collector for OpenTelemetry's default OTLP exporter on the ports 4317 for gRPC and 4318 for HTTP or HTTPS connections.
By default, the Instana agent is configured to listen on the localhost IP address ( The following snippet shows a typical example configuration for the OpenTelemetry Collector to forward telemetry data to a local Instana host agent
by using the OTLP/gRPC
endpoint: "localhost:4317"
insecure: true
receivers: [...]
processors: [...]
exporters: [..., otlp]
receivers: [...]
processors: [...]
exporters: [..., otlp]
receivers: [...]
processors: [...]
exporters: [..., otlp]
The following example shows a typical configuration of the OpenTelemetry Collector for forwarding Telemetry data to a local Instana host agent with the OTLP/HTTP
endpoint: "localhost:4318"
insecure: true
receivers: [...]
processors: [...]
exporters: [..., otlphttp]
receivers: [...]
processors: [...]
exporters: [..., otlphttp]
receivers: [...]
processors: [...]
exporters: [..., otlphttp]
Sending OpenTelemetry data in OTLP format to the Instana agent in Kubernetes
The Instana agent service, which is provided on Kubernetes through the Instana agent Helm Chart, is useful when the service is used with the OpenTelemetry support. The Instana agent service helps ensure that the data is forwarded to the Instana agent, which runs on the same Kubernetes node. The Instana agent service is a Kubernetes service that can be used as the domain name of the pod where the Instana agent runs.
To enable the default OTLP ports 4317 for gRPC and 4318 for HTTP or HTTPS connections, complete the following steps:
- If you use install the Instana host agent by using the Helm Chart, set the following Helm flags to
--set opentelemetry.enabled=true
--set opentelemetry.grpc.enabled=true
--set opentelemetry.http.enabled=true
.The following sample command installs the Instana agent, which is enabled with OpenTelemetry into a Kubernetes cluster:
helm install instana-agent \ --repo \ --namespace instana-agent \ --create-namespace \ --set agent.key=xxxx \ --set agent.downloadKey=xxxx \ --set agent.endpointHost=xxxx \ --set agent.endpointPort=xxxx \ --set \ --set \ --set opentelemetry.enabled=true \ --set opentelemetry.grpc.enabled=true \ --set opentelemetry.http.enabled=true \ instana-agent
If the Instana host agent is installed by using an Operator, you can enable the OTLP through the Instana agent custom resource. For more information, see Installing the host agent on Kubernetes.
By default, the Instana agent is installed into the
namespace of a Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift cluster. A Kubernetes service that is namedinstana-agent
is used to access the Instana agent. You can find the ports 4317 for OTLP/gRPC and 4318 for OTLP/HTTP.# kubectl get service -n instana-agent NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE instana-agent ClusterIP <none> 42699/TCP,55680/TCP,4317/TCP,4318/TCP 23d instana-agent-headless ClusterIP None <none> 42699/TCP,55680/TCP,4317/TCP,4318/TCP 23d
To access an OTLP endpoint of an Instana agent in a Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift cluster, you can use the Kubernetes service. For example, you can send OpenTelemetry data to
as the OTLP/gRPC endpoint. Or you can send OpenTelemetry data toinstana-agent.instana-agent:4318
as the OTLP/HTTP endpoint.In the following configuration example, the OpenTelemetry collector is used to connect to the local Instana host agent with both OTLP/gRPC and OTLP/HTTP protocols:
exporters: otlp: endpoint: 'instana-agent.instana-agent:4317' tls: insecure: true otlphttp: endpoint: 'instana-agent.instana-agent:4318' tls: insecure: true
Another way to access the endpoint of the Instana agent is to use the host IP address directly. See the following example about how to get the host IP address in a Kubernetes or Red Hat OpenShift cluster and build the full domain name of the endpoint of OTLP/gRPC, which is
:env: - name: INSTANA_AGENT_HOST valueFrom: fieldRef: apiVersion: v1 fieldPath: status.hostIP - name: TRACER_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT value: "http://$(INSTANA_AGENT_HOST):4317"
Enabling TLS encryption for OpenTelemetry ingestion
You can enable TLS encryption on the host agent so that all the data that is sent to the OpenTelemetry ingestion endpoint is TLS-encrypted.
For more information, see Enabling TLS Encryption.
Avoiding compatibility issues caused by multiple tracers
Multiple tracers working for the same app might cause conflicts or duplicated data. For example, the Instana agent does not automatically instrument Java virtual machines (JVMs) that have a number of Java agents running.