Creating a ClickHouse data store on Linux on Power (ppc64le)
Install the ClickHouse operator and set up the data store.
After the initial creation of a ClickHouse cluster or after the number of shards are increased, the cluster might need a few minutes to attach the shards.
Before you begin
Make sure that you prepared your online and offline host to pull images from the external repository. Also, ensure that you added the Helm repo.
For more information, see Preparing to install data store operators.
Installing ClickHouse online
Complete these steps to install the ClickHouse data store.
Check whether the
namespace exists in your cluster. If it does not exist, you can create it now.- Check whether the
namespace exists.kubectl get namespace | grep clickhouse
- If the
namespace does not exist, create it now.kubectl create namespace instana-clickhouse
- Check whether the
If you are using a Red Hat OpenShift cluster, create an SCC before you deploy the ClickHouse operator. To create SCCs, Create a YAML file, for example
, with the SCC definition.apiVersion: kind: SecurityContextConstraints metadata: name: clickhouse-scc runAsUser: type: MustRunAs uid: 1001 seLinuxContext: type: RunAsAny fsGroup: type: RunAsAny allowHostDirVolumePlugin: false allowHostNetwork: true allowHostPorts: true allowPrivilegedContainer: false allowHostIPC: true allowHostPID: true readOnlyRootFilesystem: false users: - system:serviceaccount:instana-clickhouse:clickhouse-operator - system:serviceaccount:instana-clickhouse:clickhouse-operator-altinity-clickhouse-operator - system:serviceaccount:instana-clickhouse:default
Create image pull secrets for the ClickHouse image. Update the
value with your own download key.kubectl create secret docker-registry instana-registry \ --namespace=instana-clickhouse \ --docker-username=_ \ --docker-password=<download_key> \
Create the SCC resource.
kubectl apply -f clickhouse-scc.yaml
Install the ClickHouse operator.
helm install clickhouse-operator instana/ibm-clickhouse-operator -n instana-clickhouse --version=1.1.0 --set --set operator.image.tag=v1.1.0 --set operator.imagePullPolicy=Always --set imagePullSecrets[0].name="instana-registry"
Decide a password for the ClickHouse user. In a later step, you create a
CR in which you must specify the ClickHouse user password in thespec.configuration.users
section. You can use either a clear-text password, or anSHA256
hash password.-
SHA256 hash
If you want to use an SHA256 hash password, complete the following steps:
Generate a random password and its corresponding
hash.PASSWORD=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | head -c16); echo "Password: $PASSWORD"; HEX=$(echo -n "$PASSWORD" | sha256sum | tr -d '-'); echo "SHA256: $HEX"
In the
CR, replaceclickhouse-user/password: "clickhouse-pass"
withclickhouse-user/password_sha256_hex: "<SHA256_HEX>"
. See the following sample code:spec: configuration: users: clickhouse-user/password_sha256_hex: "<SHA256_HEX>"
SHA1 hash
If you want to use an SHA1 hash password, complete the following steps:
Generate a random password and its corresponding
hash.PASSWORD=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | head -c8); echo "$PASSWORD"; echo -n "$PASSWORD" | sha1sum | tr -d '-' | xxd -r -p | sha1sum | tr -d '-'
In the
CR, replaceclickhouse-user/password: "clickhouse-pass"
withclickhouse-user/password_double_sha1_hex: "<SHA1_HEX>"
. See the following sample code:spec: configuration: users: clickhouse-user/password_double_sha1_hex: "<SHA1_HEX>"
Create a YAML file, for example
, with theClickHouseInstallation
resource definition. Update
field with the hostname of your ZooKeeper cluster. If you are using a hash as a password, update the password as shown in the previous step.apiVersion: "" kind: "ClickHouseInstallation" metadata: name: "instana" spec: configuration: files: config.d/storage.xml: | <clickhouse> <storage_configuration> <disks> <default/> <cold_disk> <path>/var/lib/clickhouse-cold/</path> </cold_disk> </disks> <policies> <logs_policy> <volumes> <data> <disk>default</disk> </data> <cold> <disk>cold_disk</disk> </cold> </volumes> </logs_policy> <logs_policy_v4> <volumes> <tier1> <disk>default</disk> </tier1> <tier2> <disk>cold_disk</disk> </tier2> </volumes> </logs_policy_v4> </policies> </storage_configuration> </clickhouse> clusters: - name: local templates: podTemplate: clickhouse layout: shardsCount: 1 replicasCount: 2 schemaPolicy: replica: None shard: None zookeeper: nodes: - host: instana-zookeeper-headless.instana-clickhouse profiles: default/max_memory_usage: 10000000000 default/joined_subquery_requires_alias: 0 default/max_execution_time: 100 default/max_query_size: 1048576 default/use_uncompressed_cache: 0 default/enable_http_compression: 1 default/load_balancing: random default/background_pool_size: 32 default/background_schedule_pool_size: 32 default/distributed_directory_monitor_split_batch_on_failure: 1 default/distributed_directory_monitor_batch_inserts: 1 default/insert_distributed_sync: 1 default/log_queries: 1 default/log_query_views: 1 default/max_threads: 16 default/allow_experimental_database_replicated: 1 quotas: default/interval/duration: 3600 default/interval/queries: 0 default/interval/errors: 0 default/interval/result_rows: 0 default/interval/read_rows: 0 default/interval/execution_time: 0 settings: remote_servers/all-sharded/secret: clickhouse-default-pass remote_servers/all-replicated/secret: clickhouse-default-pass remote_servers/local/secret: clickhouse-default-pass max_concurrent_queries: 200 max_table_size_to_drop: 0 max_partition_size_to_drop: 0 users: default/password: "clickhouse-default-pass" clickhouse-user/networks/ip: "::/0" clickhouse-user/password: "clickhouse-pass" templates: podTemplates: - name: clickhouse spec: initContainers: - name: waiting-configmap image: command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo Waiting for ConfigMap readiness && sleep 840'] containers: - name: instana-clickhouse image: imagePullPolicy: Always command: - clickhouse-server - --config-file=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml volumeMounts: - name: instana-clickhouse-data-cold-volume mountPath: /var/lib/clickhouse-cold/ - name: clickhouse-log image: args: - while true; do sleep 30; done; command: - /bin/sh - -c - -- securityContext: fsGroup: 0 runAsGroup: 0 runAsUser: 1001 volumeClaimTemplates: - name: instana-clickhouse-data-volume spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 200Gi - name: instana-clickhouse-log-volume spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 100Gi - name: instana-clickhouse-data-cold-volume spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 60Gi serviceTemplates: - name: service-template generateName: "clickhouse-{chi}" spec: ports: - name: http port: 8123 - name: tcp port: 9000 type: ClusterIP
Complete the steps in Deploying and verifying ClickHouse (online and offline).
Installing ClickHouse offline
If you didn't yet pull the ClickHouse images from the external registry when you prepared for installation, you can pull them now. Run the following commands on your bastion host. Then, copy the images to your Instana host that is in your air-gapped environment.
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
Complete the following steps on your Instana host.
Retag the images to your internal image registry.
docker tag <internal-image-registry>/clickhouse-operator:v1.1.0 docker tag <internal-image-registry>/clickhouse: docker tag <internal-image-registry>/ubi9/ubi-minimal:latest docker tag <internal-image-registry>/library/alpine:latest
Push the images to your internal image registry.
docker push <internal-image-registry>/clickhouse-operator:v1.1.0 docker push <internal-image-registry>/clickhouse: docker push <internal-image-registry>/ubi9/ubi-minimal:latest docker push <internal-image-registry>/library/alpine:latest
To install the ZooKeeper instances, you need the
namespace. Check whether theinstana-clickhouse
namespace exists in your cluster. If it does not exist, you can create it now.- Check whether the
namespace exists.kubectl get namespace | grep clickhouse
- If the
namespace does not exist, create it now.kubectl create namespace instana-clickhouse
- Check whether the
Optional: Create an image pull secret if your internal image registry needs authentication.
kubectl create secret docker-registry <secret_name> --namespace instana-clickhouse \ --docker-username=<registry_username> \ --docker-password=<registry_password> \ --docker-server=<internal-image-registry>:<internal-image-registry-port> \ --docker-email=<registry_email>
Install ClickHouse operator. If you created an image pull secret in the previous step, add
--set imagePullSecrets[0].name="<internal-image-registry-pull-secret>"
to the following command.helm install clickhouse-operator ibm-clickhouse-operator-1.1.0.tgz -n instana-clickhouse --version=1.1.0 --set operator.image.repository=<internal-image-registry>/clickhouse-operator --set operator.image.tag=v1.1.0
Create a YAML file, for example
, with the SecurityContextConstraints (SCC) definition.apiVersion: kind: SecurityContextConstraints metadata: name: clickhouse-scc runAsUser: type: MustRunAs uid: 1001 seLinuxContext: type: RunAsAny fsGroup: type: RunAsAny allowHostDirVolumePlugin: false allowHostNetwork: true allowHostPorts: true allowPrivilegedContainer: false allowHostIPC: true allowHostPID: true readOnlyRootFilesystem: false users: - system:serviceaccount:instana-clickhouse:clickhouse-operator - system:serviceaccount:instana-clickhouse:clickhouse-operator-altinity-clickhouse-operator - system:serviceaccount:instana-clickhouse:default
Create the SCC resource.
kubectl apply -f clickhouse-scc.yaml
Decide a password for the ClickHouse user. In a later step, you create a
custom resource (CR) in which you must specify the ClickHouse user password in thespec.configuration.users
section. You can use either a clear-text password, or aSHA256
hash password.-
SHA256 hash If you want to use an SHA256 hash password, complete the following steps:
1. Generate a random password and its corresponding `SHA256` hash. ```bash {: codeblock} PASSWORD=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | head -c16); echo "Password: $PASSWORD"; HEX=$(echo -n "$PASSWORD" | sha256sum | tr -d '-'); echo "SHA256: $HEX" ``` 2. In the `ClickHouseInstallation` CR, replace `clickhouse-user/password: "clickhouse-pass"` with `clickhouse-user/password_sha256_hex: "<SHA256_HEX>"`. See the following sample code: ```yaml {: codeblock} spec: configuration: users: clickhouse-user/password_sha256_hex: "<SHA256_HEX>" ```
SHA1 hash If you want to use an SHA1 hash password, complete the following steps:
1. Generate a random password and its corresponding `SHA256` hash. ```bash {: codeblock} $ PASSWORD=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | head -c8); echo "$PASSWORD"; echo -n "$PASSWORD" | sha1sum | tr -d '-' | xxd -r -p | sha1sum | tr -d '-' ``` 2. In the `ClickHouseInstallation` CR, replace `clickhouse-user/password: "clickhouse-pass"` with `clickhouse-user/password_double_sha1_hex: "<SHA1_HEX>"`. See the following sample code: ```yaml {: codeblock} spec: configuration: users: clickhouse-user/password_double_sha1_hex: "<SHA1_HEX>" ```
Create a YAML file, for example
, with theClickHouseInstallation
resource definition. Update
field with the hostname of your ZooKeeper cluster. If you are using a hash as a password, update the password as shown in the previous step.apiVersion: "" kind: "ClickHouseInstallation" metadata: name: "instana" spec: defaults: templates: dataVolumeClaimTemplate: instana-clickhouse-data-volume logVolumeClaimTemplate: instana-clickhouse-log-volume serviceTemplate: service-template configuration: files: config.d/storage.xml: | <clickhouse> <storage_configuration> <disks> <default/> <cold_disk> <path>/var/lib/clickhouse-cold/</path> </cold_disk> </disks> <policies> <logs_policy> <volumes> <data> <disk>default</disk> </data> </volumes> </logs_policy> </policies> </storage_configuration> </clickhouse> clusters: - name: local templates: podTemplate: clickhouse layout: shardsCount: 1 replicasCount: 2 schemaPolicy: replica: None shard: None zookeeper: nodes: - host: instana-zookeeper-headless.instana-clickhouse profiles: default/max_memory_usage: 10000000000 default/joined_subquery_requires_alias: 0 default/max_execution_time: 100 default/max_query_size: 1048576 default/use_uncompressed_cache: 0 default/enable_http_compression: 1 default/load_balancing: random default/background_pool_size: 32 default/background_schedule_pool_size: 32 default/distributed_directory_monitor_split_batch_on_failure: 1 default/distributed_directory_monitor_batch_inserts: 1 default/insert_distributed_sync: 1 default/log_queries: 1 default/log_query_views: 1 default/max_threads: 16 default/allow_experimental_database_replicated: 1 quotas: default/interval/duration: 3600 default/interval/queries: 0 default/interval/errors: 0 default/interval/result_rows: 0 default/interval/read_rows: 0 default/interval/execution_time: 0 settings: remote_servers/all-sharded/secret: clickhouse-default-pass remote_servers/all-replicated/secret: clickhouse-default-pass remote_servers/local/secret: clickhouse-default-pass max_concurrent_queries: 200 max_table_size_to_drop: 0 max_partition_size_to_drop: 0 users: default/password: "clickhouse-default-pass" clickhouse-user/networks/ip: "::/0" clickhouse-user/password: "clickhouse-pass" # Or # Generate password and the corresponding SHA256 hash with: # $ PASSWORD=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | head -c8); echo "$PASSWORD"; echo -n "$PASSWORD" | sha256sum | tr -d '-' # 6edvj2+d <- first line is the password # a927723f4a42cccc50053e81bab1fcf579d8d8fb54a3ce559d42eb75a9118d65 <- second line is the corresponding SHA256 hash # clickhouse-user/password_sha256_hex: "a927723f4a42cccc50053e81bab1fcf579d8d8fb54a3ce559d42eb75a9118d65" # Or # Generate password and the corresponding SHA1 hash with: # $ PASSWORD=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | head -c8); echo "$PASSWORD"; echo -n "$PASSWORD" | sha1sum | tr -d '-' | xxd -r -p | sha1sum | tr -d '-' # LJfoOfxl <- first line is the password, put this in the k8s secret # 3435258e803cefaab7db2201d04bf50d439f6c7f <- the corresponding double SHA1 hash, put this below # clickhouse-user/password_double_sha1_hex: "3435258e803cefaab7db2201d04bf50d439f6c7f" templates: podTemplates: - name: clickhouse spec: initContainers: - name: waiting-configmap image: <internal-image-registry>/library/alpine:latest command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo Waiting for ConfigMap readiness && sleep 840'] containers: - name: instana-clickhouse image: <internal-image-registry>/clickhouse: imagePullPolicy: Always command: - clickhouse-server - --config-file=/etc/clickhouse-server/config.xml - name: clickhouse-log image: <internal-image-registry>/ubi9/ubi-minimal:latest args: - while true; do sleep 30; done; command: - /bin/sh - -c - -- securityContext: fsGroup: 0 runAsGroup: 0 runAsUser: 1001 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/lib/clickhouse-cold/ name: instana-clickhouse-data-cold-volume # Optional: if you created an image pull secret for your internal registry, uncomment the following lines and update the image pull secret information. # imagePullSecrets: # - name: <internal-image-registry-pull-secret> volumeClaimTemplates: - name: instana-clickhouse-data-volume spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 200Gi - name: instana-clickhouse-log-volume spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 60Gi - name: instana-clickhouse-data-cold-volume spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 60Gi serviceTemplates: - name: service-template generateName: "clickhouse-{chi}" spec: ports: - name: http port: 8123 - name: tcp port: 9000 type: ClusterIP
Complete the steps in Deploying and verifying ClickHouse (online and offline).
Deploying and verifying ClickHouse (online and offline)
Complete these steps to deploy the ClickHouse instance and create the data store.
To deploy ClickHouse, run the following command:
kubectl apply -f clickhouse_installation.yaml -n instana-clickhouse
In the
file, store the ClickHouse user password.datastoreConfigs: ... clickhouseConfigs: - user: clickhouse-user password: <USER_GENERATED_PASSWORD> adminUser: clickhouse-user adminPassword: <USER_GENERATED_PASSWORD> ...
If you want to configure the ClickHouse cluster in the core configuration, do not enter the load-balancer service of the entire cluster. Add just the individual node services by using the following scheme. Replica 1 and 2 on ascending to shard:
spec: ... datastoreConfigs: clickhouseConfigs: - clusterName: local authEnabled: true hosts: - chi-instana-local-0-0-0.instana-clickhouse - chi-instana-local-0-1-0.instana-clickhouse - chi-instana-local-1-0-0.instana-clickhouse - chi-instana-local-1-1-0.instana-clickhouse - chi-instana-local-n-0-0.instana-clickhouse - chi-instana-local-n-1-0.instana-clickhouse ...
Verify the ClickHouse operator deployment.
kubectl get all -n instana-clickhouse
If the ClickHouse operator is deployed successfully, the command output shows the operator status as
as shown in the following example:NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/chi-instana-local-0-0-0 2/2 Running 0 8m46s pod/chi-instana-local-0-1-0 2/2 Running 0 8m5s pod/clickhouse-operator-altinity-clickhouse-operator-86b5f9b57689rr 2/2 Running 0 70m pod/instana-zookeeper-0 1/1 Running 0 4h3m pod/instana-zookeeper-1 1/1 Running 0 4h2m pod/instana-zookeeper-2 1/1 Running 0 4h2m NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/chi-instana-local-0-0 ClusterIP None <none> 9000/TCP,8123/TCP,9009/TCP 8m16s service/chi-instana-local-0-1 ClusterIP None <none> 9000/TCP,8123/TCP,9009/TCP 7m35s service/clickhouse-instana LoadBalancer 8123:32714/TCP,9000:31317/TCP 8m11s service/clickhouse-operator-altinity-clickhouse-operator-metrics ClusterIP <none> 8888/TCP 70m service/instana-zookeeper-admin-server ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 4h3m service/instana-zookeeper-client ClusterIP <none> 2181/TCP 4h3m service/instana-zookeeper-headless ClusterIP None <none> 2181/TCP,2888/TCP,3888/TCP,7000/TCP,8080/TCP 4h3m NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/clickhouse-operator-altinity-clickhouse-operator 1/1 1 1 70m NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/clickhouse-operator-altinity-clickhouse-operator-86b5f9b579 1 1 1 70m NAME READY AGE statefulset.apps/chi-instana-local-0-0 1/1 8m50s statefulset.apps/chi-instana-local-0-1 1/1 8m9s statefulset.apps/instana-zookeeper 3/3 4h3m