Configuring the IBM App Connect Enterprise (ACE) sensor
You can configure the IBM ACE sensor in a traditional or cloud-native environment. For more information about monitoring IBM ACE, see Monitoring IBM App Connect Enterprise (ACE).
Traditional ACE environment
- For ACE 11 and later, the resource and message flow statistics are enabled by default. To verify its status, run the following steps. These commands are based on IIB 10, with slight parameter differences for ACE 11 and later. For more information, see the ACE documentation.
with the actual names of your respective integration node and server in the following commands.
Before you configure the IBM ACE sensor, complete the following steps:
Verify and activate the resource and message flow statistics collection state. The ACE metrics exist only when you activate the resource and message flow statistics collection.
To check the status of resource collection, run the following command:
mqsireportresourcestats <integrationNode> -e <integrationServer>
If the resource collection state is inactive, activate it by running the following command:
mqsichangeresourcestats <integratorNode> -e <integrationServer> -c active
To check the status of message flow statistics, run the following command:
mqsireportflowstats <integratorNode> -s -e <integrationServer> -j
If the message flow collection state is inactive, activate the snapshot statistics collection for all message flows in the specified integration server and node, then emit the data in the JSON format.
To activate the snapshot statistics collection without setting the thread data level, run the following command:
mqsichangeflowstats <integrationNode> -s -e <integrationServer> -j -c active -o json
To activate the snapshot statistics collection with setting the thread data level, run the following command:
mqsichangeflowstats <integrationNode> -s -e <integrationServer> -j -t basic -c active -o json
To activate the snapshot statistics collection with setting both the thread data level and the node data level, run the following command:
mqsichangeflowstats <integrationNode> -s -e <integrationServer> -j -t basic -n basic -c active -o json
If you want to check the thread use of each message flow, you need to enable thread data with option
-t basic
when you are using themqsichangeflowstats
command. - You can request two types of data collection, snapshot and archive. The snapshot type is the preferred choice for data collection. For more information, see the corresponding commands in the IIB or ACE docs.
Check whether your ACE is using MQTT or IBM MQ. The following commands look for MQTT or IBM MQ process and check if the operational events are published to the ACE sensor.
To check for MQTT, run the following command:
ps -ef | awk '/bipMQTT/ && /<integrationNode>/' mqsireportproperties <integrationNode> -b Events -o OperationalEvents/MQTT -n enabled
To use MQTT as the destination for
publication in the ACE sensor, complete the following steps:-
Make sure that the user running the Instana agent is in ACE's group.
Specify the MQTT port in the
file. For more information, see Examples for ACE configuration.The parameters,
aceUsername: ‘<VIWER_USER>’
andacePassword: ‘<VIWER_USER_PASSWORD>’
in the configuration.yaml, are not used with the Unix Socket. -
Enable the MQTT. For more information, see the IBM App Connect.
Use the preceding command to check the events that are published.
Use the following example requests to ensure that the connection is open and working on MQTT side:
Request with Unix socket, response 403:
root@itm-0:~# curl --unix-socket /var/mqsi/INODE4.uds {"name":"servers","type":"integrationServers","uri":"/apiv2/servers","hasChildren":true,"children":[{"name":"IServer_2","hasChildren":true,"uri":"/apiv2/servers/IServer_2","type":"integrationServer","apiResponseCode":403}]}
Request with Username, response 403:
root@itm-0:~# curl -u user1 --unix-socket /var/mqsi/INODE4.uds Enter host password for user 'user1': {"name":"servers","type":"integrationServers","uri":"/apiv2/servers","hasChildren":true,"children":[{"name":"IServer_2","hasChildren":true,"uri":"/apiv2/servers/IServer_2","type":"integrationServer","apiResponseCode":403}]}
Removing Unix socket and providing user, response 200:
root@itm-0:~# curl -u user1 Enter host password for user 'user1': {"name":"servers","type":"integrationServers","uri":"/apiv2/servers","hasChildren":true,"children":[{"name":"IServer_2","hasChildren":true,"uri":"/apiv2/servers/IServer_2","type":"integrationServer","active":{"processId":26013,"isRunning":true,"state":"started"},"apiResponseCode":200}]}
After adding “root” to ACE group, need not provide username and password, response 200:
root@itm-0:~# grep root /etc/group root:x:0: mqbrkrs:x:1001:mquser,mq,root root@itm-0:~# curl --unix-socket /var/mqsi/INODE4.uds {"name":"servers","type":"integrationServers","uri":"/apiv2/servers","hasChildren":true,"children":[{"name":"IServer_2","hasChildren":true,"uri":"/apiv2/servers/IServer_2","type":"integrationServer","active":{"processId":26013,"isRunning":true,"state":"started"},"apiResponseCode":200}]}
To check for IBM MQ, run the following command:
mqsilist | grep <integrationNode> # check there is a default queue manager configured. mqsireportproperties <integrationNode> -b Events -o OperationalEvents/MQ -n enabled
To use IBM MQ in your ACE, complete the following steps:
Set up a channel or use existing channel for the flow of the performance metrics data for integration server, message flow, and flow node.
Ensure that the channel is accessible through the username or password that is specified in the
file. -
Specify the queue manager name and listening port in the
file along with the channel name, username, and password. For more information about channel configuration, see Resolving CHLAUTH access issues.
If the monitored server is an independent integration server, ensure that the following requirements are met:
- Configure the publication of event messages as it is disabled by default. The ACE sensor monitors only
, notBusinessEvents
. For more information, see Configuring the publication of event messages. - Use ACE or later. Otherwise, you cannot use the UNIX domain socket, since
file does not exist for each server.
- Configure the publication of event messages as it is disabled by default. The ACE sensor monitors only
To enable the automatic discovery feature in the traditional ACE environment, ensure that the following requirements are met:
- The IBM ACE sensor is enabled without configuring integration node or server in the
file. - Permission to access the ACE work path (for example,
) is available to start the agent. - The MQTT process is running properly for the related integration node. To check, run the
ps -ef | grep -E 'bipMQTT.*<integrationNode>’
command on the host.
With automatic discovery, you can see all running integration servers that are listed on the host dashboard of the Instana UI even when all the prerequisites are not met.
- The IBM ACE sensor is enabled without configuring integration node or server in the
For the traditional ACE environment, Instana supports monitoring of both remote and local IBM ACE instances. You need to configure the fields in the agent configuration <agent_install_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml
file. You can use the following configurations:
To use remote monitoring, set the IP address of the target ACE server as the value of the host.
To use the local monitoring, comment out the host attribute. The local monitoring is used by default.
To monitor brokers or integration servers with the same name on different hosts, use
as the key of the brokers or integration servers. For example,BK1:1
. -
To use automatic discovery feature, do not set any field under
. The automatic discovery feature in the ACE sensor discovers all integration servers that are running on the host and starts monitoring them automatically without any configuration.
The minimum poll rate depends on IBM ACE. If the poll rate that you set on Instana is lesser than the minimum poll rate on IBM ACE, the minimum poll rate is applied.
To get tips about how to get the values for these fields, see the Useful tips for ACE sensor configuration blog.
See the following sample configuration.yaml
file for ACE configuration:
enabled: true
poll_rate: 60
forceRemote: false
flowNodesExcludedRegex: ''
host: '<ACE_SERVEr_HOST>'
restApiPort: '<ACE_REST_API_PORT>'
aceUsername: '<VIWER_USER>'
acePassword: '<VIWER_USER_PASSWORD>'
keystore: '<ACE_KEYSTORE_PATH>'
keystorePassword: '<ACE_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD>'
flowNodesExcludedRegex: ''
availabilityZone: 'IBM ACE Custom Zone'
mqHost: '<MQ_HOST>'
queuemanagerName: '<QMGR_NAME>'
channel: '<SVRCONN_CHANNEL>'
mqUsername: '<AUTHORIZED_USER>'
mqPassword: '<USER_PASSWORD>'
mqKeystore: '<MQ_KEYSTORE_PATH>'
mqKeystorePassword: '<MQ_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD>'
mqCipherSuite: '<MQ_CIPHER_SUITE>'
The following table contains the configuration parameters and their description:
Parameter | Description | Required | Default Value |
enabled |
Enables or disables the plug-in. | Yes | true |
poll_rate |
Sets the polling rate for the plug-in in seconds. The minimum value is 20 seconds. | Yes | 60 |
forceRemote |
Forces the plug-in to use remote monitoring instead of local monitoring. | No | false |
flowNodesExcludedRegex |
Sets a global regular expression for filtering exclusive flow nodes from all integration nodes. | Required only when you need to filter out some types of flow nodes from all monitored nodes or servers. | NA |
SampleNode/Server |
Defines an integration node or independent integration server. | Yes. However, if you plan to use the automatic discovery feature, all subsequent fields that contain this parameter are no longer needed. | NA |
host |
Sets the host of the ACE server. | Required only for remote monitoring or HA with multi-instance or RDQM system. For HA, separate multiple hosts by commas. | NA |
restApiPort |
Sets the REST API port of the ACE server. | Yes | NA |
aceUsername |
Sets the username for the ACE server's REST API service. | Required only when security is enabled. | NA |
acePassword |
Sets the password for the ACE server's REST API service. | Required only when security is enabled. | NA |
keystore |
Sets the keystore path for HTTPS connections. | Required only when HTTPS is enabled. | NA |
keystorePassword |
Sets the keystore password for HTTPS connections. | Required only when HTTPS is enabled. | NA |
excludedServers |
Sets the integration server names to be excluded from monitoring. | Required only when you want to exclude some integration server from monitoring. Separate multiple names by comma. | NA |
flowNodesExcludedRegex |
Sets a regular expression for filtering exclusive flow nodes from the integration node. | Required only when you need to filter out some types of flow nodes. The regex that is set in this property has higher priority than the global one. | NA |
availabilityZone |
Defines a custom zone. | Required only when you need a customized zone. Broker name is used by default. | IBM ACE Custom Zone |
mqHost |
Sets the IBM MQ host or IP address. | Required only when IBM MQ can be reached by using the external IP address. | NA |
mqport |
Sets the listening port of the MQTT or IBM MQ. | Yes | NA |
queuemanagerName |
Sets the name of the queue manager. | Required only for IBM MQ. | NA |
channel |
Sets the authorized channel with SVRCONN type. | Required only for IBM MQ. | NA |
mqUsername |
Sets the authorized user for the IBM MQ channel. | Required only when chlauth, connauth, or both are enabled for IBM MQ. | NA |
mqPassword |
Sets the password for the authorized user of the IBM MQ channel. | Required only when chlauth, connauth, or both are enabled for IBM MQ. | NA |
mqKeystore |
Sets the keystore path for TLS connections. | Required only when TLS is enabled for IBM MQ. | NA |
mqKeystorePassword |
Sets the keystore password for TLS connections. | Required only when TLS is enabled for IBM MQ. | NA |
mqCipherSuite |
Sets the cipher suite for TLS connections. | Required only when TLS is enabled for for IBM MQ. | NA |
Examples for ACE configuration
Configuration for using automatic discovery feature (only available for ACE 11 and later):
com.instana.plugin.ace: enabled: true poll_rate: 60
Configuration for local monitoring with MQTT:
com.instana.plugin.ace: enabled: true poll_rate: 60 NodesOrServers: BK1: restApiPort: '4414' aceUsername: 'viewer' acePassword: 'mypassword' mqport: '11883'
Configuration for both local monitoring and remote monitoring with IBM MQ:
com.instana.plugin.ace: enabled: true poll_rate: 60 NodesOrServers: BK1: # remote monitoring host: '' restApiPort: '4414' aceUsername: 'viewer' acePassword: 'mypassword' mqport: '2121' queuemanagerName: 'QM1' channel: 'INSTANA.SVRCONN' mqUsername: 'mquser' mqPassword: 'password' mqKeystore: '/path/to/mq/keystore.jks' mqKeystorePassword: 'securepassword' BK1:1: # local monitoring restApiPort: '4414' aceUsername: 'viewer' acePassword: 'mypassword' mqport: '2121' queuemanagerName: 'QM1' channel: 'INSTANA.SVRCONN' mqUsername: 'mquser' mqPassword: 'password'
Configuration for HA support with integration servers and some flow nodes excluded:
com.instana.plugin.ace: enabled: true poll_rate: 60 NodesOrServers: BK1: host: ',' restApiPort: '4414' aceUsername: 'viewer' acePassword: 'mypassword' excludedServers: 'IS1, IS2' # Integration servers IS1, IS2 will be excluded from monitoring. flowNodesExcludedRegex: 'MSLMapping.*' # Flow nodes that have types beginning with "MSLMapping" will be excluded from monitoring mqport: '2121' queuemanagerName: 'QM1' channel: 'INSTANA.SVRCONN' mqUsername: 'mquser' mqPassword: 'password'
Cloud-native ACE environment
Configuration for the IBM ACE sensor in the cloud-native environment is auto-discovered.