Monitoring AppDynamics (private preview)

AppDynamics is an Application Performance Monitoring tool that you can use to collect CPU, disk, memory, network metrics, and events from AppDynamics. The AppDynamics sensor imports AppDynamics monitored data into Instana. For more information about the AppDynamics product, see the AppDynamics documentation.

After you install the Instana host agent, the AppDynamics sensor is automatically installed. You can view metrics for the hosts that are monitored by AppDynamics in the Instana UI after you configure as outlined in the Configuring section.

Supported information

Supported versions

Instana supports metrics and events for cloud hosted AppDynamics.

Gathering data

The AppDynamics sensor is a remote-only sensor that connects to an AppDynamics instance and collects the following information:

  • Entities: Hosts and processes
  • Events
  • Metrics:
    • Host: CPU, memory, disk, and network
    • Process: CPU and memory

For server visibility, you must enable the server visibility in the AppDynamics agent configuration.


Before you configure the AppDynamics sensor, complete the following instructions:

  • Log in to AppDynamics
  • Create an API client with the following role:
    • Server Monitoring User
  • Take note of your API client’s secret and client name.


The AppDynamics sensor must be configured with the endpoint and API key for the AppDynamics instance that you want to connect to. You need to configure the following fields in the agent configuration file <agent_install_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml:

  enabled: true
  endpoint: 'https://<client-instance>'
  client_secret: 'redacted'
  client_name: 'redacted'
  account_name: <accountname>
  poll_rate: 30
  target_zone: 'AppDynamics'

The following table contains the supported configuration options:

Name Type Required Default Description
enabled boolean No False Verifies whether the sensor is enabled
endpoint string Yes NA The endpoint of your AppDynamics server API
client_secret string Yes NA The secret of the API client
client_name string Yes NA The client name of the API client
account_name string Yes NA The name of the AppDynamics account
poll_rate integer No 30 The number of seconds between metric queries. This time might need to be adjusted to account for any poll rate limit that is imposed by your endpoint.
target_zone string No NA The name of the generic zone where hosts that are monitored by AppDynamics are displayed on the Instana Infrastructure map. If not specified, the hosts are displayed in the Undefined Zone.

Viewing metrics

To view the metrics, complete the following steps:

  1. In the sidebar of the Instana UI, select Infrastructure.
  2. Click a specific monitored host.

Then, you can see a remote host dashboard with all the collected metrics.

Configuration data

  • OS (name, version, and architecture)
  • CPU count
  • Total Memory
  • Hostname/FQDN
  • Disk Capacity

Performance metrics

  • CPU Used %
  • CPU Load
  • Memory Used
  • Swap Used
  • Swap Total
  • Disk Used
  • Network RX/TX Bytes
  • Network Incoming/Outgoing Errors/sec
  • Network Incoming/Outgoing KB/sec


Static agent issues

If you encounter any issues with the static agent, check the error messages in the instana-agent/data/log/agent.log file.

Agent OutOfMemoryError error

If you are connected to the AppDynamics server that is monitoring many hosts, the JVM heap size of the Instana agent might need to be increased. If you find OutOfMemoryError error in the agent log, consider increasing the Instana agent's max heap size. For more information, see the JAVA_OPTS environment variable in the Environment variable reference.