Monitoring Amazon MSK

The Amazon MSK sensor is automatically deployed and installed after you install the Instana agent.

Learn about the other supported AWS services with our AWS documentation.

Sensor (Data Collection)

MSK Broker - Metrics collection

Tracked Configuration

MSK Instance Details Description
ID ID of specific MSK instance.
ARN The unqualified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the instance.
Type MSK instance type.
Instance Type Instance tier type.
Added to cluster Time when broker was added to cluster.

Performance metrics

Performance metric Description
Partitions Number of partitions.
Under-replicated Partition Count Number of under-replicated partitions.


Broker Metrics Description Monitoring Level
Leader Count The total number of leaders of partitions per broker, not including replicas. DEFAULT
Bytes In The number of bytes per second received from clients. This metric is available per broker and also per topic. DEFAULT
Bytes Out The number of bytes per second sent to clients. This metric is available per broker and also per topic. DEFAULT
Messages In The number of incoming messages per second for the broker. DEFAULT
Request Bytes The mean number of request bytes for the broker. DEFAULT
CPU Idle The percentage of CPU idle time. DEFAULT
CPU User The percentage of CPU in user space. DEFAULT
CPU System The percentage of CPU in kernel space. DEFAULT
Memory Free The size in bytes of memory that is free and available for the broker. DEFAULT
Memory Used The size in bytes of memory that is in use for the broker. DEFAULT
Memory Cached The size in bytes of cached memory for the broker. DEFAULT
Memory Buffered The size in bytes of buffered memory for the broker. DEFAULT
Swap Free The size in bytes of swap memory that is available for the broker. DEFAULT
Swap Used The size in bytes of swap memory that is in use for the broker. DEFAULT
Network Rx Received The number of packets received by the broker. DEFAULT
Network Rx Dropped The number of dropped receive packages. DEFAULT
Network Rx Errors The number of network receive errors for the broker. DEFAULT
Network Tx Transmitted The number of packets transmitted by the broker. DEFAULT
Network Rx Dropped The number of dropped transmit packages. DEFAULT
Network Rx Errors The number of network transmit errors for the broker. DEFAULT
Produce Time The mean produce time in milliseconds. PER_BROKER
Produce Throttle Time The average produce throttle time in milliseconds. PER_BROKER
Fetch Throttle Time The average fetch throttle time in milliseconds. PER_BROKER
Request Throttle Time The average request throttle time in milliseconds. PER_BROKER
Produce Throttle Byte Rate The number of throttled bytes per second. PER_BROKER
Fetch Throttle Byte Rate The number of throttled bytes per second. PER_BROKER
Consumer Fetch Time The mean total time in milliseconds that consumers spend on fetching data from the broker. PER_BROKER
Follower Fetch Time The mean total time in milliseconds that followers spend on fetching data from the broker. PER_BROKER
Network Idle Time The average percentage of the time the network processors are idle. PER_BROKER
Request Idle Time The average percentage of the time the request handler threads are idle. PER_BROKER

MSK Cluster - Metrics collection

Tracked Configuration

MSK Cluster Details Description
Name Name of MSK cluster.
ARN The unqualified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) assigned to the instance.
Enhanced Monitoring Monitoring level.
Kafka Version Version of Kafka instances.

Performance metrics

Performance metric Description
Active Controllers Number of active controllers.
Topics Number of topics.


Broker Metrics Description Monitoring Level
Partitions Count The total number of partitions. DEFAULT
Offline Partitions The total number of offline partitions. DEFAULT
Disk Used Disk space usage. DEFAULT

Required Permissions

  • cloudwatch:GetMetricData
  • cloudwatch:GetMetricStatistics
  • kafka:ListClusters
  • kafka:ListNodes
  • kafka:ListTagsForResource
  • kafka:DescribeCluster

Known limitations

The Amazon MSK sensor supports monitoring only for the provisioned MSK cluster type. The serverless cluster type is not supported.


Metrics for Amazon MSK are pulled every 5 minutes, this can be changed via agent configuration (<agent_install_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml):
  cloudwatch_period: 300

To disable monitoring of MSK instances use the following configuration:
  enabled: false

Proxy configuration

To configure the specific AWS Sensor to use proxy configuration, add the following agent configuration settings:
  proxy_host: '' # proxy host name or ip address
  proxy_port: 3128 # proxy port
  proxy_protocol: 'HTTP' # proxy protocol: HTTP or HTTPS
  proxy_username: 'username' # OPTIONAL: proxy username
  proxy_password: 'password' # OPTIONAL: proxy password

Monitoring multiple AWS accounts

Refer to the Monitoring multiple AWS accounts documentation to set up monitoring of multiple AWS accounts with one AWS agent in the same region.

AWS named profiles approach

To override which profiles should be used to monitor MSK, use the following configuration:
    - 'profile2'
    - 'profile3'

Defining profiles on service level will override the global AWS profiles configuration.

AWS STS approach

To override which IAM Roles should be used to monitor MSK, use the following configuration:
    - 'arn:aws:iam::<account_1_id>:role/<role_1_name>'
    - 'arn:aws:iam::<account_2_id>:role/<role_2_name>'

Defining IAM roles on service level will override the global AWS IAM roles configuration.


Multiple tags can be defined, separated by a comma. Tags should be provided as a key-value pair separated by :. In order to make configuration easier, it is possible to define which tags you want to include in discovery or exclude from discovery. In case of defining tag in both lists (include and exclude), exclude list has higher priority. If there is no need for services filtering, the configuration should not be defined. It’s not mandatory to define all values in order to enable filtering.

Users are able to specify how often sensors will poll the AWS tagged resources using the tagged-services-poll-rate configuration property (default 300 seconds).

Tags are only available in conjunction with the AWS Agent.

To define how often sensors will poll the tagged resources use following configuration:
  tagged-services-poll-rate: 60 #default 300

To include services by tags into discovery use following configuration:
  include_tags: # Comma separated list of tags in key:value format (e.g. env:prod,env:staging)

To exclude services by tags from discovery use following configuration:
  exclude_tags: # Comma separated list of tags in key:value format (e.g. env:dev,env:test)

AWS services without tags will be monitored by default but can be excluded by setting the include_untagged field to false:
  include_untagged: false # True value by default

Instana Agent Tags

Note that tags are only available in conjunction with the AWS Agent. More details on using tags are described here.