Integrating with Microsoft® Active Directory
To integrate with Microsoft Active Directory, see the following examples:
Microsoft Active Directory - example 1
For most situation, the sAMAccountName is used as the login name, which is the name that the user types during Instana UI login.
The internal representation of a user in Active Directory is the DN (distinguishedName), which sometimes doesn't contain sAMAccountName. In this case, it needs to be mapped to the distinguishedName, which is retrieved through the Group Query. The mapping is done by using the User Dn Mapping field in the Instana UI. See user_dn_mapping.
Here is a configuration example:
For more information, see configuring LDAP.
See Finding the Correct Configuration Values to get the values for each configuration.
Microsoft Active Directory - example 2
If you can get the distinguishedName directly within the DN, the User Dn Mapping field can be left empty.
Here is a configuration example:
For more information, see configuring LDAP.
See Finding the Correct Configuration Values to get the values for each configuration.