Email alert channel

To send alert notifications from Instana to multiple emails in real time, create an email alert channel.

Creating an email alert channel

To create an email alert channel, click Settings > Team Settings > Events & Alerts > Alert Channels > Add Alert Channel in the Instana UI. Alerts can be sent to multiple emails.

email alert channel

Adding a custom subject prefix in emails (public preview)

For every email notification that is sent out, you can add a custom prefix to it. Depending on the type of issue, the email subject prefix can be mapped. To add a custom prefix, click the Advanced field and Add Custom Subject.

custom subject start

An email subject preview is shown with the following prefix.


  • Issues
  • Incidents
  • Agent Monitoring Issues
  • Online, Offline, or Changes in events

See the following preview:

custom subject preview

Alerting examples

After you create the alert channel, emails are sent for the following issues, incidents, and events:

  • On open issues or incident
  • On close issues or incidents
  • On offline events
  • On online events
  • On change events

The following examples show how a typical alert is for each issue, incident, and event:

Open issues or incidents

open incident

Close issues or incidents

close incident

Offline, online, or change events

change event

Sending a test email alert

The test channel button tests that the message gets delivered, as it follows a template format. The following image shows a successful test.

test alert channel button