Monitoring Alibaba Cloud Apsara RDS MySQL (public preview)


AliCloud Apsara RDS MySQL sensor can be made unavailable and it can be filtered by tags and resource groups. It is possible to configure AliCloud Apsara RDS MySQL sensor through agent configuration in <agentinstall_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml by:

  1. Enable the AliCloud sensor and set the AccessKey pair in the agent's configuration.yaml file:

      # Valid values: true, false
      enabled: true # enabled (true) by default
      # Alibaba Cloud AccessKey ID  is used to verify the identity of the user
      # Alibaba Cloud AccessKey secret is used to encrypt and verify the signature string
  2. Enable the AliCloud Aspara RDS MySQL sensor in the agent's configuration.yaml file:

      # Valid values: true, false
      enabled: true # enabled (true) by default
      # Alibaba Cloud AccessKey ID  is used to verify the identity of the user
      # Alibaba Cloud AccessKey secret is used to encrypt and verify the signature string

The AccessKey pair in section com.instana.plugin.alicloud can be applied for each service by default, so AccessKey pair in each service section is not needed, unless you need individual AccessKey for the specific service. Set the AccessKey pair in service section overrides the AccessKey in com.instana.plugin.alicloud for the service.

Metrics collection

To view the metrics, select Infrastructure in the sidebar of the Instana User interface, click a specific monitored host, and then you can see a host dashboard with all the collected metrics and monitored processes.

Configuration data

RocketMQ Details Description
Region The region where the MySQL instance is located
Instance ID The MySQL instance identity
Instance Name Name of MySQL instance
Instance Status The MySQL instance running status
Instance Type Type of MySQL instance
Engine Engine type of MySQL instance
Engine Version Version of MySQL Engine
Zone Zone ID for MySQL instance

Performance metrics

Instance metrics

Instance Metric Description
ConnectionUsage Average Connection Usage
CpuUsage Average CPU Usage
DataDelay Average Data Delay
DiskUsage Average Disk Usage
IOPSUsage Average IOPS Usage
MemoryUsage Average Memory Usage
MySQL Sessions MySQL Total Sessions Count
MySQL Active Sessions MySQL Active Sessions Count
MySQL Com Delete MySQL Delete Count Per Second
MySQL Com Insert MySQL Insert Count Per Second
MySQL Com Replace MySQL Replace Count Per Second
MySQL Com Replace Select MySQL Replace Select Count Per Second
MySQL Com Select MySQL Select Count Per Second
MySQL Com Update MySQL Update Count Per Second
MySQL IOPS MySQL input/output Per Second
MySQL QPS MySQL Query Per Second
MySQL TPS MySQL Transaction Per Second
MySQL Network In MySQL Network In Bit Rate Per Second
MySQL Network Out MySQL Network Out Bit Rate Per Second
MySQL Ibuf Read Request MySQL Insert Buffer Request Read Count Per Second
MySQL Ibuf Write Request MySQL Insert Buffer Request Write Count Per Second
MySQL Ibuf Dirty Ratio MySQL Insert Buffer Dirty Ratio
MySQL Ibuf Use Ratio MySQL Insert Buffer Use Ratio
MySQL Ibuf Read Hit MySQL Insert Buffer Read Hit
MySQL InnoDB Data Read MySQL InnoDB Data Read Count Per Second
MySQL InnoDB Row Update MySQL InnoDB Row Update Count Per Second
MySQL InnoDB Row Insert MySQL InnoDB Row Insert Count Per Second
MySQL InnoDB Row Delete MySQL InnoDB Row Delete Count Per Second
MySQL InnoDB Row Read MySQL InnoDB Row Read Count Per Second
MySQL InnoDB Log Fsync MySQL InnoDB Log Fsync Count Per Second
MySQL InnoDB Log Writes MySQL InnoDB Log Writes Count Per Second
MySQL InnoDB Log Write Requests MySQL InnoDBLog Write Requests Count Per Second
MySQL Slow Queries MySQL Slow Queries Count Per Second
MySQL Ibuf Pool Reads MySQL Insert Buffer Pool Reads Count Per Second
MySQL Temp Disk Table Creates MySQL Temp Disk Table Creates Count Per Second
MySQL Data Disk Size MySQL Data Disk Size
MySQL Instance Disk Size MySQL Instance Disk Size
MySQL Log Disk Size MySQL Log Disk Size
MySQL Other Disk Size MySQL Other Disk Size
MySQL Tmp Disk Size MySQL Tmp Disk Size
MySQL Proxy Cpu Usage MySQL Proxy Cpu Usage
MySQL Slave IO Running MySQL Slave IO Running
MySQL Slave SQL Running MySQL Slave SQL Running
MySQL Threads Connected MySQL Threads Connected Count
MySQL Threads Running MySQL Threads Running Count