Browser testing with browser scripts
You can use Node.js based scripts and Selenium-based APIs to enable Instana browser testing. With predefined global variables and Instana browser testing APIs, you can create and run a browser script test that simulates user interaction in a web browser.
Instana browser script references
To create a browser script test to enable browser testing, you need global variables and modules.
Global variables
The predefined global variables that are outlined in the table accelerate script development.
Name | Type | Details |
$driver |
@types/selenium-webdriver |
Type definitions for Selenium WebDriverJS. |
$browser |
ThenableWebDriver |
Thenable wrapper of a WebDriver client, which provides control over a browser and allows calling WebDriver methods directly on Promise<WebDriver> without calling then . |
$secure |
Dict<string> |
Variable to access user credentials. |
$util |
UserUtil |
Utility functions, such as $util.secrets . |
$network |
Network |
Network utility to set up proxy. |
$synthetic |
Dict<string> |
Environment variables. |
$attributes |
UserInsight |
Variable to add and manipulate customized attributes. |
The usages and declaration of the predefined global variables are as follows:
You can use $synthetic.var_name
to access environment and runtime variables in the script. Some predefined variables are as follows:
: Used to access the location label, which is the first part incontroller.location
: Used to access the identifier of Synthetic test that is run.$synthetic.TEST_NAME
: Used to access test label of Synthetic test that is run.$synthetic.TIME_ZONE
: Used to access time zone of the PoP running the Synthetic test.$synthetic.JOB_ID
: Used to access the identifier of playback job or task, and it is also the result ID.$synthetic.testType
: Used to access the test type.$synthetic.description
: Used to access the test description.$
: Used to access the custom properties defined in thecustomProperties
section of the test definition.
You can also define custom environment variables in the values.yaml
file of the helm chart. See the following example:
customProperties: "tag1=value1;tag2=value2"
To access these custom variables, use $synthetic.tag1
and $synthetic.tag2
in the script.
To access the custom properties that are defined in customProperties
section of test definition and the property value in the script, use $
. See the following example:
// to print test custom property defined in customProperties of test definition'Test custom property -> Team: ' + $synthetic.labels.Team);'Test custom property -> Purpose: ' + $synthetic.labels.Purpose);
The Instana browser script supports user credentials to store the secrets securely, such as login username and password. You can use $secure.MY_SECURE_CREDENTIAL
to refer to predefined secure credentials in your script.
To create a credential with the Synthetic Open API, complete the following steps:
- Make sure that you have proper permission setting.
- Use Synthetic OpenAPI to create a credential by passing the
Then, in your browser script, use $secure.credentialName
to refer to the created credential, for example, $secure.password
or $secure.username
Only the $secure.credentialName
format is supported. The $secure[credentialName]
format is not supported.
You can use the $attributes
variable to add or get custom attributes to monitoring data. These custom attributes are also stored in the monitoring results with the other default monitoring result attributes.
Instana Synthetic monitoring supports the following APIs for configuring custom attributes:
$attributes.set(key, value)
: Sets the key or value.$attributes.get(key)
: Returns the value for provided key.$attributes.getKeys()
: Returns an array of all keys.$attributes.has(key)
: Returnstrue
if the key exists.$attributes.unset(key)
: Removes the specified key or value.$attributes.unsetAll()
: Removes all the custom data.
The following example shows the $attributes
$attributes.set(xxx, yyy) // sets tag xxx to value yyy
let v = $attributes.get(xxx) // sets variable v to the value of tag xxx
The custom attributes set by $attributes
API in the script and custom properties defined by customProperties
section of the test definition can be accessed in the test results by synthetic.tags
you can use synthetic.tags
metric to filter the test results or pass custom value to Smart Alert custom payload.
The following APIs are supported in Instana Synthetic monitoring for configuring proxy server:
$network.setProxy(string proxy)
: Sets a proxy server to be used for all requests (HTTP, HTTPS).$network.setProxyForHttp(string proxy)
: Sets a proxy server to be used for only HTTP requests.$network.setProxyForHttps(string proxy)
: Sets a proxy server to be used for only HTTPs requests.$network.setProxyPAC(string pac, object auth)
: Sets a proxy server through a proxy auto-config (PAC) script.$network.setProxyAdvanced(object proxy)
: Sets the proxy configuration by using the format supported by Chrome/Firefox Extension API for proxying.$network.clearProxy()
: Removes proxy configuration.$network.getProxy()
: Returns proxy configuration.
You can use the $util.secrets
security API to redact sensitive data.
Before you log in the logging files and send the files to the backend, mask all known sensitive information with the asterisk (*) character.
To redact secrets from URLs, use the $util.secrets.setURLSecretsRegExps
command in your script. See the following example:
// to redact 'key', 'password' and 'secret' query parameters in URL
$util.secrets.setURLSecretsRegExps([/key/i, /password/i, /secret/i]);
After you call this API, the URL
is collected and displayed as*&secret=*
in the Instana UI.
Instana Synthetic removes all the request and response headers to keep consistent with the Instana current designs.
By default, Instana doesn't collect HTTP headers when it traces HTTP calls to avoid sending sensitive data.
Browser Testing API references
Browser testing supports Selenium-based APIs and more than 30 other extended browser testing APIs. For more information, see API Reference.
Writing a browser script test
You can write a browser script test for the following actions to enable browser testing. The sample codes illustrate how to write a browser script test with commonly used APIs. For more information about the complete sample code, see the Script examples section.
Implementing basic actions
The following sample codes show how to write a browser script test to implement the following basic actions:
Prepare headers: To customize request headers before you access websites, use the following command:
await $browser.addHeader("test", "test"); await $browser.addHeaders({ "test1": "test1", "test2": "test2" }); await $browser.deleteHeaders(["test1", "test2"]); $browser.getHeaders().forEach((value, key) => console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "User customized headers: ", key + "=" + value));
Control access: To control access with the deny and allow list, use the following commands:
await $browser.addHostnamesToDenylist(["*google*", "*timeanddate*"]); await $browser.deleteHostnameFromDenylist("*timeanddate*"); await $browser.get("");
When you search google after you run these commands, you can see the message " is blocked".
Open URL: To open URL in browser to access the website, use the following command:
await $browser.get("");
Set sleep time: To set sleep option in the browser, use the following command. The parameter is the amount of time, in milliseconds, to sleep. In the following example, the browser sleeps for 2 seconds.
await $browser.sleep(2000);
Use assertion with page title: Assertion is critical in your tests to determine the test results. To use assertion with page title or page source, use the following code. You can use the library
const assert = require("assert").strict;
or Chai assertion libraryconst { assert } = require("chai");
. Useconsole.log
to log in console output and console log file.const { assert } = require("chai"); await $browser.get(""); let page = await $browser.getPageSource(); assert.isTrue(page.includes("<title></title>")); console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Page title: ", await $browser.getTitle());
Get session: To obtain information about a session, use the following command:
let session = await $browser.getSession(); console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Session id: ", session.getId());
Maximize window size: To maximize the browser window size, use the following command:
Take screenshot: To take screenshot of the browser, use the following command:
await $browser.takeScreenshot();
Finding and interacting with page elements
Wait and find an element on the page: You can use the commands in the following table for specific searches:
Name Use $browser.waitForAndFindElement($"boxyear"), 1000)
Wait and find element by ID until the element is visible or timeout value reached $browser.findElements($driver.By.css('select'))
Search for multiple elements on the page with the CSS selector $browser.findElement($driver.By.linkText("About"))
Find element by linkText. $browser.findElement($driver.By.xpath('//input[@value='f']'))
Find element by XPath. $browser.$('#boxyear')
Find element by ID. $browser.$$(".rd-box")
Find elements by class. elem.$('h2').$('a').getText()
Find element by element name. The following sample code shows how to wait and find an element on the page:
// Find element by XPath and wait for the element until specified timeout value reached await $browser.waitForAndFindElement($driver.By.xpath(`//textarea[@inputmode='search']`), 10000); // Find element by id let elem = await $browser.waitForAndFindElement($"boxyear"), 1000); assert.equal("2022", await elem.getAttribute("value")); assert.equal("2022", await $browser.$('#boxyear').getAttribute("value")); // Find elements by CSS selector let selects = await $browser.findElements($driver.By.css('select')); assert.equal(2, selects.length); // Find elements by class let elems = await $browser.$$(".rd-box"); console.log(await elems[0].$('h2').$('a').getText());
Find elements and perform actions: The following example shows how to find an element by CSS selector and send keys with ActionSequence:
<input id="sb_form_q" name="q" type="search">
let textarea = await $browser.waitForAndFindElement($driver.By.css('#sb_form_q'), 10000); // Actions to send keys await $browser .actions() .move({ origin: textarea }) .sendKeys("synthetic") .pause(5000) .sendKeys($driver.Key.ENTER) .perform();
Applying conditions
Wait until title comes condition: To apply wait until the title comes condition, use the following command:
await $browser.wait($driver.until.titleContains('Year 2022 Calendar'), 10000);
Wait and poll until timeout condition: To apply wait and poll until timeout condition, use the following commands:
The following sample is a promise chain invocation that is compatible with an earlier version. Do not use the code in modern JavaScript. Instead, use the code modern asynchronous JavaScript with Async and Await.
$browser.get(""); $browser.wait(function () { return $browser.getTitle().then(function (title) {return title.includes("Google");}); }, 10000).then(function () { return $browser.findElement($driver.By.linkText("About")).click(); }).then(function () { return $browser.navigate().back(); });
Moving mouse and sending keys
Mouse click: To move mouse, use the following command:
const element = await $browser.waitForAndFindElement(by, timeout); const out = $browser.actions().move({origin: element}).press().release().perform();
Mouse hover: To hover the mouse on a browser element, use the following command:
const element = await $browser.waitForAndFindElement(by, timeout); const out = $browser.actions().move({origin: element, duration: 2000}).perform();
Send keys: To send keys, use the following command:
await $browser.actions().sendKeys("synthetic").perform();
Handling Shadow DOM elements
To access Shadow DOM elements, you can use the getShadowRoot()
function. The new method is supported for Synthetic PoP Helm chart 1.1.1 or later. You must upgrade your Synthetic PoP
version to 1.1.1 or later to enable the support for Shadow DOM interaction.
let shadowHost = await $browser.waitForAndFindElement(shadowHostSelector, timeout);
let shadowRoot = await shadowHost.getShadowRoot();
let element = await shadowRoot.findElement(elementSelector);
console.log("element text is:", await element.getText(), ", id is:", await element.getId());
Setting proxy to access websites
To set proxy for HTTP and HTTPS requests by using the
variables, use the following command. You can set the proxy withstring
.await $network.clearProxy(); await $network.setProxyForHttp(proxyServer); website = await accessWebSite(); checkHostname("", website) await $network.clearProxy(); let testURL = new URL("http://" + sslProxyServer); await $network.setProxyForHttps(testURL); website = await accessWebSite(); checkHostname("", website);
To set proxy for all requests with the bypass list to filter, use the following command. After you run this command in the following example, no proxy is available for
await $network.clearProxy(); await $network.setProxy(proxyServer, ""); console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Bypass list: ", $network.getProxy().rules.bypassList); website = await accessWebSite(); checkHostname("", website);
Redacting secrets
To redact sensitive data in URL, use the following command. In the following example, the URL is redacted as "url": "*"
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Access bing");
await $browser.get("");
await $browser.wait($driver.until.titleContains('Bing'), 10000);
Managing modules
You can import third-party, core, or optional modules in your browser test script.
Importing optional module
The following example shows the command to import the assertion module chai
var assert = require('chai').assert;
Supported core modules
Instana browser testing supports Node.js core modules in Node.js v18 or later.
To provide you a more secure runtime, Instana browser testing does not support several built-in modules or APIs, including process
, child_process
, and fs
write or rm operations. If you use these APIs
in your test script or bundled scripts, your test result might fail with the following error message. So do not use these APIs in your test scripts.
[SyntheticPoP] [ERROR] process.exit is not allowed. This API is blocked by playback engine.
Supported third-party modules
Instana Synthetic monitoring supports the following third-party modules:
- @aws-sdk/client-s3 3.626.0
- atob 2.1.2
- authenticator 1.1.5
- basic-ftp 4.6.6
- btoa 1.2.1
- chai 4.3.10
- colors 1.4.0
- consoleplusplus 1.4.4
- crypto-js 4.2.0
- faker 5.5.3
- got 11.8.6
- joi 17.7.1
- js-yaml 4.1.0
- ldapauth-fork 5.0.2
- lodash 4.17.21
- moment 2.29.4
- net-snmp 3.6.3
- protocol-buffers 4.2.0
- q 1.5.1
- re2 1.18.3
- ssh2-sftp-client 7.2.3
- ssl-checker 2.0.7
- text-encoding 0.7.0
- thrift 0.14.2
- totp-generator 0.0.14
- tough-cookie 4.1.3
- underscore 1.13.3
- url-parse 1.5.10
- urllib 2.41.0
- uuid 3.4.0
- validator 13.7.0
- ws 7.5.10
- xml2js 0.5.0
Script examples
The following examples include most of the browser testing APIs and complete sample code.
These samples are for demonstration purpose only. You can find the latest examples in the public GitHub repo.
Complete sample code for actions
let click = async (message, by, timeout = 60000) => {
console.log(`Click on ${message} >> ${by} << `);
try {
const element = await $browser.waitForAndFindElement(by, timeout);
return $browser.actions().move({ origin: element }).click().perform();
} catch (err) {
console.error(`\ncatch(click): ${err.message}`);
throw err;
let hover = async (message, by, timeout = 60000) => {
console.log(`Hover on ${message} >> ${by} << `);
try {
const element = await $browser.waitForAndFindElement(by, timeout);
return $browser.actions().move({ origin: element, duration: 3000 }).perform();
} catch (err) {
console.error(`\ncatch(hover): ${err.message}`);
throw err;
(async function () {
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Access bing page");
await $browser.get("");
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Actions of search");
await hover("search button", $driver.By.xpath("//label[@id='search_icon']"), 10000);
await $browser.takeScreenshot();
await $browser.actions().sendKeys("synthetic").perform();
await click("search button", $driver.By.xpath("//label[@id='search_icon']"), 10000);
Complete sample codes for APIs
const { assert } = require("chai");
(async function () {
* manipulate headers and retrieve all the customized headers
await $browser.addHeader("test", "test");
await $browser.addHeaders({ "test1": "test1", "test2": "test2" });
await $browser.deleteHeaders(["test1", "test2"]);
$browser.getHeaders().forEach((value, key) => console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "User customized headers: ", key + "=" + value));
* manipulate deny and allow list
await $browser.addHostnamesToDenylist(["*google*", "*timeanddate*"]);
await $browser.deleteHostnameFromDenylist("*timeanddate*");
* open url
* find element by class selector
* send keys to search Synthetic in the page
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Access bing page");
await $browser.get("");
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Actions of search");
// Find element by XPath and wait for the element until specified timeout value reached
await $browser.waitForAndFindElement($driver.By.xpath(`//textarea[@inputmode='search']`), 10000);
// Sleep or pause to wait for specified milliseconds
await $browser.sleep(5000);
// Take a screenshot
await $browser.takeScreenshot();
// Actions to send keys
await $browser.actions().sendKeys("synthetic").sendKeys($driver.Key.ENTER).perform();
/* Find element by CSS selector and perform actions
let textarea = await $browser.waitForAndFindElement($driver.By.css('#sb_form_q'), 10000);
// Actions to send keys
await $browser
.move({ origin: textarea })
* samples of promise chain invocation, which is not recommended but backwards compatible
* samples of waiting and polling function with timeout value
await $browser.deleteHostnameFromDenylist("*google*");
await $browser.get("");
// Call the wait function.
await $browser.wait(function () {
return $browser.getTitle().then(function (title) {
return title.includes("Google");
//If the condition isn't satisfied within 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds), proceed anyway.
}, 10000).then(function () {
return $browser.findElement($driver.By.linkText("About")).click();
}).then(function () {
return $browser.navigate().back();
Complete sample code for proxy
Do not run this sample code. You must change the proxy server and assertion.
const url = require("url");
const URL = url.URL;
const { assert } = require("chai");
let website;
let proxyServer = "proxyHost:proxyPort";
let sslProxyServer = "username:password@proxyHost:proxyPort";
async function accessWebSite(url) {
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Proxy configuration is: ", JSON.stringify($network.getProxy()));
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", `Access website ${url}`);
await $browser.get(url);
await $browser.findElement($'q')).click();
await $browser.actions().sendKeys('synthetic').sendKeys($driver.Key.ENTER).perform();
await $browser.takeScreenshot();
return $browser.getCurrentUrl();
function checkHostname(hostname, website) {
let actualURL = new URL(website);
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Hostname is: ", actualURL.hostname);
assert.equal(actualURL.hostname, hostname);
(async function () {
* samples of proxy configuration settings with await asynchronous
* using $network tools
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Clear proxy configuration");
await $network.clearProxy();
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Set proxy configuration for HTTPS request with string");
await $network.setProxyForHttps(proxyServer);
website = await accessWebSite("");
checkHostname("", website)
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Clear proxy configuration");
await $network.clearProxy();
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Set proxy configuration for HTTPS request with URL object");
let testURL = new URL("http://" + sslProxyServer);
await $network.setProxyForHttps(testURL);
website = await accessWebSite("");
checkHostname("", website);
* samples of proxy configuration settings with bypass list
await $network.clearProxy();
await $network.setProxy(proxyServer, "");
console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>", "Proxy config: ", $network.getProxy());
website = await accessWebSite("");
checkHostname("", website);