Using the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator

BeeInstana is a metric database to perform more complex metric queries. Some functionality within Instana depends on BeeInstana to store metric data.

Self-hosted Instana environments on Kubernetes can be configured to use BeeInstana on Kubernetes as described in the Run and configure BeeInstana via Operator topic.


Before you deploy BeeInstana, you need to set up data stores as high-performing and distributed data store cluster. For more information, see Using third-party Kubernetes Operators.

For an offline (air-gapped) installation, complete steps 1, 2, 6 and 7 of the Preparing for an offline (air-gapped) installation section in the Using third-party Kubernetes Operators topic.


BeeInstana has four components:

  • Kubernetes Operator: The Kubernetes Operator handles deploying, updating, and resizing the BeeInstana instance as configured.
  • Configuration service: The configuration service provides the cluster information to the aggregators and the ingestors.
  • Ingestor: The ingestor uses the metric data from a Kafka topic, processes it, and sends it to the appropriate aggregator.
  • Aggregator: The aggregator writes the metric data to the disk and processes the queries that are made for the stored data.

Sizing BeeInstana on Kubernetes

The amount of resources that is needed for the BeeInstana instance is based on the number of metrics that need to be stored. If this number is not known in advance, then you can calculate by using the following method to get an initial rough estimate:

number_of_metrics = number_of_hosts * 100 * 50

To store 2 million metrics with one aggregator and one ingestor, start with the following resources:

Component CPU RAM Volume Size
Ingestor 16 cores 12 GiB None
Aggregator 16 cores 128 GiB 5 TiB

A minimal configuration contains the following resources, which can store 250,000 metrics with one aggregator and one ingestor:

Component CPU RAM Volume Size
Ingestor 4 cores 3 GiB None
Aggregator 4 cores 16 GiB 1 TiB

You can modify these resources to suit the environment when the BeeInstana instance is running.

Increase the storage proportional to the duration of retention. For example, if you double the retention period, double the storage.

For the ingestor, it is best to allocate double the amount of average CPU that is used to account for spikes in the incoming metrics. The memory usage is consistent normally, but an extra memory is needed to keep the data in memory when an aggregator is being updated.

Ingestors can be scaled horizontally. You can add or remove the replicas, as needed.

For the aggregator, it is best to allocate double the amount of average CPU that is used to account for user-driven requests. The aggregator makes extensive use of the file system cache and eventually uses all the memory that is provided. Check the total memory resident set size to determine the memory that the aggregator requires. The amount of memory must be double the amount of the resident set size, or else it affects the query performance and the stability.

Aggregator pods are organized into shards. Each aggregator pod within a shard is referred to as a mirror, and stores its own copy of the data in the shard.

Aggregators can be scaled up horizontally by increasing the number of shards. The number of shards can be increased, but never decreased. The aggregator does not support decreasing the number of shards.

The number of mirrors in an aggregator shard affects the availability of BeeInstana. Set the number of mirrors to 2. In this way, the cluster has no loss of data or availability problems when one aggregator mirror is down at a time.

If the number of metrics remains constant, then the aggregator volume size will be steady after 13 months.

Deploying the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator

The BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator is provided as a Helm chart.

To get the Helm chart and deploy the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator, complete the following steps:

Installing the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator offline (air-gapped)

Complete these steps to install the operator offline:

  1. Mirror the BeeInstana Operator images in the image registry (bastion host).

    • amd64
      docker pull --platform linux/amd64
      docker pull --platform linux/amd64
      docker pull --platform linux/amd64
      docker pull --platform linux/amd64
      docker tag <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/operator:v1.61.0
      docker tag <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/aggregator:v1.85.36-release
      docker tag <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/monconfig:v2.19.0
      docker tag <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/ingestor:v1.85.36-release
      docker push <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/operator:v1.61.0
      docker push <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/aggregator:v1.85.36-release
      docker push <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/monconfig:v2.19.0
      docker push <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/ingestor:v1.85.36-release
    • arm64
      docker pull --platform linux/arm64
      docker pull --platform linux/arm64
      docker pull --platform linux/arm64
      docker pull --platform linux/arm64
      docker tag <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/operator:v1.61.0
      docker tag <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/aggregator:v1.85.36-release
      docker tag <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/monconfig:v2.19.0
      docker tag <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/ingestor:v1.85.36-release
      docker push <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/operator:v1.61.0
      docker push <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/aggregator:v1.85.36-release
      docker push <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/monconfig:v2.19.0
      docker push <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/ingestor:v1.85.36-release
    • Power
      docker pull --platform linux/ppc64le
      docker pull
      docker pull --platform linux/ppc64le
      docker pull
      docker tag <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/operator:v1.58.0
      docker tag <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/aggregator:v1.164.0-release-linux-ppc64le
      docker tag <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/monconfig:v2.19.0
      docker tag <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/ingestor:v1.164.0-release-linux-ppc64le
      docker push <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/operator:v1.58.0
      docker push <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/aggregator:v1.164.0-release-linux-ppc64le
      docker push <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/monconfig:v2.19.0
      docker push <internal-image-registry>/beeinstana/ingestor:v1.164.0-release-linux-ppc64le
  2. On the Kubernetes cluster, create a namespace to deploy the BeeInstana instance.

    kubectl create namespace beeinstana
  3. Create an image pull secret for the internal registry (<internal-image-registry>). If the registry has a username and password, replace the <username> and <password> variables with the username and password of the internal registry.

    kubectl create secret docker-registry instana-registry --namespace=beeinstana --docker-server=<internal-image-registry> --docker-username=<username> --docker-password=<password>
  4. Pull the required operators. The command returns a .gzip file.

    helm pull instana/beeinstana-operator
  5. Use the gzip file that you got from the previous step to install the BeeInstana Operator. Run the command that is applicable to your cluster.

    • For a standard Kubernetes cluster, run the following command:

      helm install beeinstana-operator ./beeinstana-operator-v1.61.0.tgz --namespace=beeinstana --set image.registry=<internal-image-registry>
    • For a Red Hat OpenShift cluster, run the following command:

      helm install beeinstana-operator ./beeinstana-operator-v1.61.0.tgz --namespace=beeinstana --set operator.securityContext.seccompProfile.type=RuntimeDefault --set image.registry=<internal-image-registry>
  6. Retrieve the pods that are created in the beeinstana namespace.

    kubectl get pod --namespace=beeinstana

    From the command output, verify that a BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator pod is present and running. See the following example:

    beeinstana-beeinstana-operator-569999cbfc-5ftf8   1/1     Running   0          1m

Installing the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator online

Complete these steps to install the operator online:

  1. On the host that is used to access the Kubernetes cluster, add the Instana Helm repository. Use the Instana agent key that was provided to you as the <agent_key> value.

    helm repo add beeinstana --username _ --password <agent_key>
  2. On the Kubernetes cluster, create a namespace to deploy the BeeInstana instance by using the following command:

    kubectl create namespace beeinstana
  3. Create an image pull secret in the created namespace by using the following command, and replace the agent_key in the command with the Instana agent key that was provided to you:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry instana-registry --namespace=beeinstana --docker-username _ --docker-password=<agent_key>
  4. Inspect the Kubernetes resources before they are deployed by using the following command:

    helm template beeinstana/beeinstana-operator --name-template=beeinstana --namespace=beeinstana
  5. Perform one of the following steps:

    • For a standard Kubernetes cluster, deploy the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator into the created namespace by using the following command:

      helm install beeinstana beeinstana/beeinstana-operator --namespace=beeinstana
    • For a Red Hat OpenShift cluster, deploy the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator into the created namespace by using the following command:

      helm install beeinstana beeinstana/beeinstana-operator --namespace=beeinstana --set operator.securityContext.seccompProfile.type=RuntimeDefault
  6. Retrieve the pods in the created namespace by using the following command:

    kubectl get pod --namespace=beeinstana

    From the command output, verify that a BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator pod is present and running. See the following example:

    beeinstana-beeinstana-operator-569999cbfc-5ftf8   1/1     Running   0          1m

Updating the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator

To update the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator after it is installed as described in the Deploying the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator section, complete the following steps:

  1. Retrieve updates from the Instana Helm repository that is added in step 1 of the Deploying the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator section by using the following command:

    helm repo update instana
  2. Perform one of the following steps:

    • For a standard Kubernetes cluster, update the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator by using the following command:

      helm upgrade beeinstana instana/beeinstana-operator --namespace=beeinstana
    • For a Red Hat OpenShift cluster, update the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator by using the following command:

      helm upgrade beeinstana instana/beeinstana-operator --namespace=beeinstana --set operator.securityContext.seccompProfile.type=RuntimeDefault
  3. Retrieve the pods in the namespace where BeeInstana is deployed by using the following command:

    kubectl get pod --namespace=beeinstana
  4. Validate that one BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator pod is present and running. See the following example:

    beeinstana-beeinstana-operator-569999cbfc-5ftf8   1/1     Running   0          1m

Updating the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator does not change the version of BeeInstana that is deployed. The version of BeeInstana that is deployed is configured by setting spec.version as described in the BeeInstana configuration options section.

Deploying the BeeInstana instance on Kubernetes

After you deploy the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator, you can deploy the BeeInstana instance on Kubernetes. Create a file to store the configuration of BeeInstana. Save this configuration file, and use this file to update the BeeInstana instance in the future.

You can start with the following BeeInstana configuration:

  • amd64 and arm64 (offline)

    kind: BeeInstana
      name: instance
      namespace: beeinstana
      version: 1.3.13
      imageRegistry: <internal-image-registry>
        secretName: beeinstana-admin-creds
          # Update KAFKA_NAMESPACE to the namespace where Kafka is installed
          - instana-kafka-bootstrap.<KAFKA_NAMESPACE>:9092
        securityProtocol: SASL_PLAINTEXT
        saslMechanism: SCRAM-SHA-512
          secretName: beeinstana-kafka-creds
        cpu: 200m
        memory: 200Mi
        replicas: 1
          name: beeinstana/monconfig
          tag: v2.19.0
        cpu: 8
        memory: 4Gi
        limitMemory: true
        env: on-prem
        metricsTopic: raw_metrics
        replicas: 1
          name: beeinstana/ingestor
          tag: v1.85.36-release
        cpu: 4
        memory: 16Gi
        limitMemory: true
        mirrors: 2
        shards: 1
            size: 2000Gi
            # Replace <storage_class> with your own storage class in the following line.
            storageClass: <storage_class>
          name: beeinstana/aggregator
          tag: v1.85.36-release
      useMultiArchImages: true
  • amd64 and arm64 (online)

    kind: BeeInstana
      name: instance
      namespace: beeinstana
      version: 1.3.13
        secretName: beeinstana-admin-creds
          # Update KAFKA_NAMESPACE to the namespace where Kafka is installed
          - instana-kafka-bootstrap.<KAFKA_NAMESPACE>:9092
        securityProtocol: SASL_PLAINTEXT
        saslMechanism: SCRAM-SHA-512
          secretName: beeinstana-kafka-creds
        cpu: 200m
        memory: 200Mi
        replicas: 1
        cpu: 8
        memory: 4Gi
        limitMemory: true
        env: on-prem
        metricsTopic: raw_metrics
        replicas: 1
        cpu: 4
        memory: 16Gi
        limitMemory: true
        mirrors: 2
        shards: 1
            size: 2000Gi
            # Replace <storage_class> with your own storage class in the following line.
            storageClass: <storage_class>
      # Should set useMultiArchImages to true for s390x and ppc64le
      useMultiArchImages: false
  • For IBM Z or LinuxONE:

    kind: BeeInstana
      name: instance
      namespace: beeinstana
      version: 1.4.0
        secretName: beeinstana-admin-creds
          # Update KAFKA_NAMESPACE to the namespace where Kafka is installed
          - instana-kafka-bootstrap.<KAFKA_NAMESPACE>:9092
        securityProtocol: SASL_PLAINTEXT
        saslMechanism: SCRAM-SHA-512
          secretName: beeinstana-kafka-creds
        cpu: 200m
        memory: 200Mi
        replicas: 1
        cpu: 8
        memory: 4Gi
        limitMemory: true
        env: on-prem
        metricsTopic: raw_metrics
        replicas: 1
        cpu: 4
        memory: 16Gi
        limitMemory: true
        mirrors: 2
        shards: 1
            size: 2000Gi
            # Replace <storage_class> with your own storage class in the following line.
            storageClass: <storage_class>
      # Should set useMultiArchImages to true for s390x and ppc64le
      useMultiArchImages: true
  • Power (online)

    kind: BeeInstana
      name: instance
      namespace: beeinstana
      version: 1.4.0
          # Update KAFKA_NAMESPACE to the namespace where Kafka is installed
          - instana-kafka-bootstrap.<KAFKA_NAMESPACE>:9092
        cpu: 200m
        memory: 200Mi
        replicas: 1
        cpu: 8
        memory: 4Gi
        limitMemory: true
        env: on-prem
        metricsTopic: raw_metrics
        replicas: 1
          name: beeinstana/ingestor
          tag: v1.164.0-release-linux-ppc64le
        cpu: 4
        memory: 16Gi
        limitMemory: true
        mirrors: 2
        shards: 1
          name: beeinstana/aggregator
          tag: v1.164.0-release-linux-ppc64le
            size: 2000Gi
            # Replace <storage_class> with your own storage class in the following line.
            storageClass: <storage_class>
      # Should set useMultiArchImages to true for s390x and ppc64le
      useMultiArchImages: true

Change the configuration as necessary. For more information, see the BeeInstana configuration options section.

Add the following configuration to the BeeInstana spec for the aggregator pods to run:

  fsGroup: <GROUP_ID>
    type: RuntimeDefault

The file system group ID must be set as described in the Determining the file system group ID on Red Hat OpenShift section.

To easily obtain the group ID, run the following command:

oc get namespace beeinstana -o jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.openshift\.io\/sa\.scc\.uid-range}' | cut -d/ -f 1

To deploy the BeeInstana instance with the configuration file that was created, complete the following steps:

  1. Generate a random password for the BeeInstana admin credentials secret by using the following command:

    PASSWORD=$(base64 < /dev/urandom | head -c32); echo "Password: $PASSWORD";
  2. Store this password safely in your config.yaml file as follows:

         user: beeinstana-user
         password: <USER_GENERATED_PASSWORD>
  3. Create a secret that contains the username and password for connecting to Kafka by running the following command:

    kubectl create secret generic beeinstana-kafka-creds -n beeinstana \
    --from-literal=username=strimzi-kafka-user \

    Replace <RETRIEVED_PASSWORD> with the password that you obtained when Kafka was deployed on your cluster. For more information, see Creating a SASL/SCRAM user in Kafka.

  4. Create a secret that contains the username and password for connecting to BeeInstana by running the following command:

    kubectl create secret generic beeinstana-admin-creds -n beeinstana \
    --from-literal=username=beeinstana-user \
  5. Apply the configuration to the same namespace where the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator is deployed. Replace </path/to/configuration/file.yaml> with the path to the configuration file that you created earlier.

    kubectl apply -f </path/to/configuration/file.yaml> --namespace beeinstana
  6. Wait for the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator to deploy BeeInstana. To validate the installation, check the pod status.

    kubectl get pods --namespace beeinstana

    Validate that pods for all of the components are running. See the following example:

    NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    aggregator-0-0                                    1/1     Running   0          2m
    aggregator-0-1                                    1/1     Running   0          75s
    beeinstana-beeinstana-operator-79c8fd74c8-vchh6   1/1     Running   0          169m
    config-546999994-rfvnc                            1/1     Running   0          31m
    ingestor-9c569cbf9-ncrzs                          1/1     Running   0          39s
  7. Check the deployment. Save the command output in a YAML format and verify the configuration in the YAML file.

    kubectl get beeinstana instance --namespace beeinstana -o yaml

    If the deployment status is successful, the status.reconciledAt property is a recent timestamp within the past minute, the status.version property is the configured version, and the status.canBeReconciled property is true. See the following example:

      canBeReconciled: true
      reconciledAt: "2023-03-30T22:47:08Z"
      version: 1.1.5

Then, you need to configure Instana to use the deployed BeeInstana instance. For more information, see the Run and configure BeeInstana via Operator topic.

To change an existing BeeInstana instance, modify the configuration file that was saved in the beginning of this section, and repeat steps 2 through 4.

BeeInstana configuration options

You can customize the values of the following keys in the configuration file that is used for deploying the BeeInstana instance on Kubernetes:

Many of the following keys are related to sizing. For more information about how to determine an appropriate value for a key, see the Sizing section.

Key Value Type Description
spec.version string Determines the version of the BeeInstana instance to be deployed.
spec.fsGroup integer Determines the file system group set for persistent volumes. On a Red Hat OpenShift cluster, the value must be set as described in the Determining the file system group ID on Red Hat OpenShift section. Otherwise, leave the value unset.
spec.seccompProfile.type string Determines the seccomp profile type that is used. On a Red Hat OpenShift cluster, the value must be set to RuntimeDefault.
spec.adminCredentials.secretName string The name of a Kubernetes secret that contains the username and password data fields, which is used to connect to BeeInstana.
spec.kafkaSettings.brokers list of strings A list of the Kafka broker network addresses.
spec.kafkaSettings.securityProtocol string Determines the security protocol that is used to connect to Kafka. If this value is not provided, then no security protocol is used.
spec.kafkaSettings.saslMechanism string Determines the SASL mechanism that is used when a value for spec.kafkaSettings.securityProtocol is provided.
spec.kafkaSettings.saslUsername string Determines the username that is used to connect to Kafka when a value for spec.kafkaSettings.securityProtocol is provided.
spec.kafkaSettings.saslPasswordCredential.secretName string The name of a Kubernetes secret that contains a password data field that is used to connect to Kafka when a value for spec.kafkaSettings.securityProtocol is provided.
spec.aggregator.cpu string Determines the CPU that is requested by the aggregator pods.
spec.aggregator.memory string Determines the memory that is requested by the aggregator pods.
spec.aggregator.limitMemory boolean Limits the memory that an aggregator pod is allowed to use. Set this value to true if the aggregator pod is running on a shared node.
spec.aggregator.mirrors integer Determines the amount of data replication and availability. When this value is set to 2 and one aggregator pod goes down, BeeInstana can tolerate it without impacting availability.
spec.aggregator.shards integer Determines the number of shards in the cluster and is used to horizontally scale the aggregator. The value of this key cannot be decreased. string Determines the initial size of the persistent volume claim when the aggregator pods are created. To increase the size of the persistent volume claim after creation, modify the claim directly. string Determines the storage class of the persistent volume claim. Specify a storage class to deploy BeeInstana.
spec.ingestor.brokerList string A comma-separated list of the Kafka broker network addresses. This key is deprecated and is replaced with spec.kafkaSettings.brokers
spec.ingestor.cpu string Determines the CPU that is requested by the ingestor pods.
spec.ingestor.memory string Determines the memory that is requested by the ingestor pods.
spec.ingestor.limitMemory boolean Limits the memory that an ingestor pod is allowed to use. Set this option to true if the ingestor pod is running on a shared node.
spec.ingestor.replicas integer Used to horizontally scale the ingestor. The value of this key can be increased or decreased as you need.
spec.ingestor.env string Used as a part of the Kafka consumer name to ensure uniqueness.
spec.ingestor.metricsTopic string Determines the Kafka topic name that the ingestor pods consume from.
spec.config.cpu integer Determines the CPU that is requested by the configuration service pods.
spec.config.memory string Determines the memory that is requested by the configuration service pods.
spec.config.replicas integer Controls the availability of the configuration service pods.
spec.useMultiArchImages boolean Enables the use of multiple-architecture images, a requirement for running official versions on arm64, ppc64le, and s390x.

Determining the file system group ID on Red Hat OpenShift

Red Hat OpenShift requires that file system groups are within a range of values specific to the namespace. On the cluster where the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator was deployed, run the following command:

kubectl get namespace beeinstana -o yaml

An output similar to the following example is shown for the command:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
    ... 1000000000/10000
  name: beeinstana

The annotation contains the range of allowed IDs. The range 1000000000/10000 indicates 10,000 values starting with ID 1000000000, so it specifies the range of IDs from 1000000000 to 1000009999. In this example, the value 1000000000 might be used as a file system group ID.

Removing the BeeInstana instance and the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator

To remove the BeeInstana instance from Kubernetes, complete the following steps:

  1. Delete the Beeinstana instance by running the following command. Replace </path/to/configuration/file.yaml> with the path to the configuration file that was created in deploying the BeeInstana instance on Kubernetes.

    kubectl delete -f </path/to/configuration/file.yaml> --namespace beeinstana
  2. To confirm the successful removal of the BeeInstana instance, complete the following steps:

    1. Retrieve the Kubernetes pods by running the following command:

      kubectl get pods --namespace beeinstana
    2. Confirm that only the BeeInstana Operator pod remains as shown in the following example:

      NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      beeinstana-beeinstana-operator-79c8fd74c8-vchh6   1/1     Running   0          169m
  3. Remove the persistent volume claims by completing the following steps:

    1. Retrieve the persistent volume claims by running the following command:

      kubectl get pvc --namespace beeinstana

      The following example shows the retrieved persistent volume claims:

      NAME                                       STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
      live-volumeclaim-template-aggregator-0-0   Bound    pvc-156e2acd-0676-4d6d-9631-0621dbb2c3e9   10Gi       RWO            standard       3m44s
      live-volumeclaim-template-aggregator-0-1   Bound    pvc-beb9ebb2-2137-4222-8643-e7878f5fb2fc   10Gi       RWO            standard       2m35s
    2. Delete each aggregator persistent volume claim by running the following command. Replace <NAME> with the persistent volume claim name.

      kubectl delete pvc --namespace beeinstana <NAME>
  4. Remove the generated cluster configmap by running the following command:

    kubectl delete configmap cluster-42.json --namespace beeinstana
  5. Remove the created secrets by running the following command:

    kubectl delete secret --namespace beeinstana beeinstana-kafka-creds beeinstana-admin-creds

To remove the BeeInstana Operator from Kubernetes, complete the following steps:

  1. Uninstall the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator Helm chart by running the following command:

    helm uninstall beeinstana --namespace beeinstana
  2. To confirm the successful removal of the Operator, complete the following steps:

    1. Retrieve the Kubernetes pods by running the following command:

      kubectl get pods --namespace beeinstana
    2. Confirm that no pods are listed.

To remove the namespace where the BeeInstana Kubernetes Operator and instance were deployed, run the following command:

kubectl delete namespace beeinstana