Azure App Services Tracing for Java
You can set up Instana AutoTrace for Azure App-Services written in Java and other Java virtual machine-based languages like Kotlin by configuring your Dockerfile.
Supported runtimes
- JVM 1.8 and above.
Before you begin
You must ensure that the Azure App-Services sensor is set up for App-Services monitoring. The Azure App-Services sensor collects necessary information about versions and some runtime metrics that Instana cannot collect from inside the Azure App-Service runtime.
Enabling tracing
To enable tracing of JVM-based applications on Azure App-Services, add the following configuration in your Dockerfile:
The Instana Azure agent starts monitoring your application only after you set the environment variables. If you set these environmental variables later, make sure to restart Azure App-Services to apply the changes.
COPY /instana /instana
ENV JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-javaagent:/instana/instana-azure-collector.jar"
ENV INSTANA_ENDPOINT_URL=<This is your [serverless monitoring endpoint](../../../setup_and_manage/endpoints_and_keys.html#endpoints-for-serverless-monitoring). Make sure to use the correct value for your region that starts with `https://serverless-`.>
ENV INSTANA_AGENT_KEY=<Your [agent key](../../../setup_and_manage/endpoints_and_keys.html#agent-key).>
ENV ENV_AZURE_APP_SERVICE_CLIENT_ID=<Client ID of the Azure App-Services which needs to be monitored>
ENV ENV_AZURE_APP_SERVICE_CLIENT_SCERET=<Client sceret of the Azure App-Services which needs to be monitored>
ENV ENV_AZURE_APP_SERVICE_TENANT_ID= <Tenant ID of the Azure App-Services which needs to be monitored>