Build 277

Build 277 is released on 16 July 2024.

Minimum version to update from directly: Build 273.

Cumulative release notes builds 276 and 277


The following features are added.

Adding a threshold to the Big Number widget

You can add a threshold to the Big number widget in a custom dashboard to highlight values that exceed or fall below certain levels.

For more information, see Adding a threshold to the Big Number widget.

Amazon Timestream

Instana now automatically discovers and monitors Amazon Timestream databases. For more information, see Monitoring Amazon Timestream.

Azure Load Balancer

Instana now automatically discovers and monitors your Azure Load Balancer. For more information, see Monitoring Azure Load Balancer.

Custom email subject prefix (public preview)

You can now add a custom subject prefix to every email alert notification that is sent. For more information, see Email Alert Channel.

Host sensor: Support for Windows services

The Host sensor now monitors Windows services. For more information, see Windows services list.

InformixDB sensor

The InformixDB sensor (built by using OTEL SDK) is now available. For more information about monitoring InformixDB and its metrics, see Performance metrics for InformixDB.

Intelligent Remediation

Intelligent Remediation is now available. Instana Automation Framework and Action Catalog is enhanced to include Intelligent Remediation: actions that are generated by using, checked by the Instana team, ready to help diagnose and resolve incidents. Prescriptions of step-by-step instructions are supplemented with script actions and Ansible actions to further diagnose resources and provide remediations.

Actions cover key technology areas, such as Containers, Elasticsearch, Host, JVM, Kafka, and Kubernetes.

Users associate these actions with issue and incident types, just like their own manually crafted actions. Over time a shared corpus of knowledge evolves to assist all users of your Instana instance. For more information, see Managing Actions.

Manually closing issues and incidents

You can now manually close issues and incidents. To manually close issues and incidents, go to the event page where you can select the issue or incident that you like to close.

For more information, see Manually closing issues and incidents.

Numeric tags for grouping

In the Instana UI, you can now use numeric tags, such as CPU count to group entities in Analyze Infrastructure and on custom dashboards.

SAP HANA sensor

Instana now supports both local and remote monitoring of the SAP HANA database.

For more information, see Monitoring SAP HANA.

Share and invite

The Short Link icon in the Instana UI is now replaced with the Share button. Use Share to add a custom message and direct invitees to a specific area where collaboration is needed. You can use it while you set up the product, analyze the application performance, or investigate incidents with colleagues. For more information, see Working with the user interface.

Third-party metrics and events sensors (private preview)

The following sensors are now available to the Instana agent in private preview:

With these sensors, you can import host metric and event data from your third-party monitoring tools into Instana. The additional metric and event data can help you eliminate "blind spots" when you use several tools to monitor your infrastructure.

Website monitoring auto page detection (public preview)

The Website monitoring auto-detect page transition feature (public preview) is released in EUM JavaScript agent 1.7.1. With the initial setup of the autoPageDetection API, the agent can automatically detect URL changes and send them as page transition beacons to the Instana backend. For more information, see Website monitoring auto page detection.


API tokens and personal API tokens

Both the API Tokens and Personal API Tokens sections are now enhanced with more details. The Created, Created by, and Last used fields are now available for API Tokens. The Created and Last used fields are available for Personal API Tokens. You can now sort tokens by these fields. These fields are automatically populated on creating new tokens. The existing tokens show the Created by and Created fields as Unknown, while only the Last used field gets updated based on the usage.

IBM i sensor: Wildcard support for Active Jobs and Inactive Jobs

The use of * wildcard character for monitoring IBM i instances:

  • Active Jobs wildcard support for metrics: You can use * as a wildcard character in any part of the JOB_NAME within the user_specification:activeJobs:jobs section of the Instana agent configuration file.
  • Inactive Jobs wildcard support for custom events: You can use * as a wildcard character in any part of the JOB_NAME to identify and trigger events based on inactive job states within the user_specification:activeJobs:event:inactiveJobs section of the Instana agent configuration file.

For more information, see Monitoring IBM i instances.

IBM MQ Tracing

With IBM MQ Tracing user exit, you can now specify a customized prefix for the log files.

Monitoring ClickHouse

Instana now supports ClickHouse 24.6 and earlier.

Running components

Running components did not render enclosing components, such as an IBM MQ queue manager. They displayed only the underlying components of the queue manager, such as Queues, Topics, and Channels. Now, the system displays enclosing components, along with the components they enclose if they contain more than one element. For example, the system does not display Docker containers with only one process. However, it now displays Docker containers with more than one process as running components.

SAP ABAP sensor

The following improvements are made to the SAP ABAP sensor dashboard:

  • The Usage metric that shows the utilization percentage is added to the Disk Data table and the Status metric is added to the ICM Service table.
  • The Top Process List can now be filtered based on the users: root and admin.
  • The User Information table can now be filtered based on the logon types: GUI, RFC internal, and RFC external.
  • The tRFC and qRFC tables are now implemented as metrics. You need to update the Instana agent to get this enhancement.
  • A line chart is added to visualize user login successes and failures.
  • The Work Process column is added in the System instance Summary page (Platforms > SAP > System > System Summary).
  • Task Type filtering options are added in the following tables: User Statistics, Memory Statistics, Database Connections, and Jobs Information.
  • Poll rate can be modified for fetching metrics from the SWNC_GET_WORKLOAD_SNAPSHOT function module based on client requirements in the configuration.yaml file.
  • Exceptions that are caused by missing the JAR files or native libraries are highlighted. The exception list that is sourced from templates is removed.

TIBCO ActiveSpaces monitoring

TIBCO ActiveSpaces monitoring is now available. Grid-level metrics are added to the dashboard of the TIBCO ActiveSpaces data grid. For more information, see Monitoring TIBCO ActiveSpaces.

Trace detail view

The readability of metrics is enhanced by formatting Service Endpoint List.


Instana now supports monitoring vSphere 8.0.


IBM ACE sensor

Previously, the Instana UI didn't list the integration server on container-based environment without metrics. This issue is now fixed.

IBM ACE Tracing

When the MQRFH2 header was created for an IBM MQ message, the Format attribute was empty. This issue is now fixed.

IBM MQ Tracing

Previously, when IBM MQ and ACE were installed on the same server but started with different users, the ACE process was not able to write the user exit logs to the log file that was created by the MQ process. This issue is now fixed.


Previously, the Instana UI did not display the specific technologies that were used for the OpenTelemetry database and messaging calls. This issue is now fixed.

Table widget not displaying metrics

Previously, the table widget did not display values for selected metrics in Analyze Infrastructure and custom dashboards. This issue is now fixed.

Table widget sorting

Previously, in Instana the default sort option of the Table widget was not working as expected. This issue is now fixed.


Previously, Java Tracing was not able to capture the HTTP 401 and 403 errors for JBoss or Wildfly. This issue is now fixed.


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Minor releases

The releases include the following updates.


  • Loading times of all views are improved.