Monitoring IBM API Connect development platform

IBM API Connect development platform consists of Management server, Analytics server, and Developer Portal server. These components consist of many pods with microservices that are implemented in various languages and technologies. Instana does not have specific sensors for monitoring the API Connect development platform, but it can monitor the API Connect components based on the languages and technologies that are used by API Connect.

Metrics for languages

The Instana host agent can automatically discover and monitor the language process and other technologies that are applied in API Connect. For more information about these metrics, see the documentation for each type of monitoring technology, for example, Monitoring Node.js, Monitoring PostgreSQL, or Monitoring Redis.

Tracing for languages

The Instana AutoTrace feature can automatically emit trace information for languages, such as Java and PHP, without configuration or instrumentation in the source code. With the Instana AutoTrace webhook, Instana can also emit trace information for Node.js without instrumenting the source code. To install the Instana AutoTrace webhook, follow the instructions in Instana AutoTrace Webhook. After you install the AutoTrace webhook, restart the following IBM API Connect deployment objects:

  • <name prefix>-mgmt-analytics-proxy
  • <name prefix>-mgmt-apim
  • <name prefix>-mgmt-juhu
  • <name prefix>-mgmt-ldap
  • <name prefix>-mgmt-lur
  • <name prefix>-mgmt-portal-proxy
  • <name prefix>-mgmt-taskmanager
  • <name prefix>-mgmt-ui

To restart the deployment object, use the following command in the API Connect namespace:
kubectl -n <namespace> rollout restart deployment/<deployment name>

During restart, the Instana AutoTrace webhook instruments the pods for tracing.

Creating an application perspective

To create an application perspective to view trace information that is gathered from IBM API Connect development platform, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the application perspective wizard in one of the following ways:
    • Click New Application Perspective from the Applications list in the Instana dashboard.
    • Go to Applications in the navigation panel in the Instana dashboard, and click Add > New Application Perspective on the Application page.
  2. Select Kubernetes or Container, and then click Next.
  3. Click Add filter, and then select a namespace.
  4. Enter the namespace value of IBM API Connect used on the cluster, and then select Next.
  5. In the Application Perspective Name field, enter a name for the IBM API Connect application perspective, and then click Create.


The Instana AutoTrace feature can automatically emit trace information for languages, such as Java and PHP, without configuration or instrumentation in the source code. With the Instana AutoTrace webhook, Instana can also emit trace information for Node.js without instrumenting the source code. To install the Instana AutoTrace webhook, follow the instructions in Instana AutoTrace Webhook. After you install the AutoTrace webhook, restart the following IBM API Connect deployment objects: