Monitoring IBM InfoSphere CDC
After you install the Instana host agent, the IBM InfoSphere CDC sensor is automatically installed. You can view metrics that are related to IBM InfoSphere CDC sensor in the Instana UI after you configure IBM InfoSphere CDC sensor as outlined in the Configuring IBM InfoSphere CDC section.
Supported IBM InfoSphere CDC version
Instana now supports metrics and configuration data for IBM InfoSphere CDC 11.4.
Configuring IBM InfoSphere CDC
The Instana agent uses the following configuration to connect to the IBM InfoSphere Access server. You can update the configuration in the <agent_install_dir>/etc/instana/configuration.yaml
agent configuration file:
remote: # multiple configurations supported
- host: '' # hostname or IP of IBM InfoSphere CDC
port: '' # port number to connect to IBM InfoSphere CDC
user: '' # username to access the IBM InfoSphere CDC
password: '' # password to access the IBM InfoSphere CDC
poll_rate: 30 # default poll rate in seconds is 30
availabilityZone: "" #Availabilty Zone
Viewing metrics
To view the metrics, do the following steps:
From the navigation menu in the Instana UI, select Infrastructure.
On the Infrastructure map, select your IBM InfoSphere CDC, and click the IBM InfoSphere CDC node slice.
To display the InfoSphere CDC node dashboard, click Open Dashboard.
The dashboard includes all the metrics that you selected for the InfoSphere CDC.
You can click any subscription in the Subscription table to view the subscription-related metrics.
Performance metrics
You can view the following metrics for the IBM InfoSphere CDC.
Source engine metrics
The source engine metrics group helps to analyze replication activities that are specific to the source engine.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metric | Description | Granularity |
Source pre-filter inserts | The number of inserts processed for all in-scope tables by the source engine | 30 seconds |
Source pre-filter updates | The number of updates that are processed for all the in-scope tables by the source engine | 30 seconds |
Source pre-filter deletes | The number of deletes that are processed for all the in-scope tables by the source engine | 30 seconds |
Source post-filter inserts | The number of inserts that are sent to the target after the filtering of rows | 30 seconds |
Source post-filter updates | The number of updates that are sent to the target after the filtering of rows | 30 seconds |
Source post-filter deletes | The number of deletes that are sent to the target after the filtering of rows | 30 seconds |
Target metrics
The target metrics group helps to analyze replication activities that are specific to the target engine and the target database.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Metric | Description | Granularity |
Target "source" inserts | The number of record operations that are received from the source as inserts | 30 seconds |
Target "source" updates | The number of record operations that are received from the source as updates | 30 seconds |
Target "source" deletes | The number of record operations that are received from the source as deletes | 30 seconds |
Target apply inserts | The number of inserts that are attempted in the database | 30 seconds |
Target apply updates | The number of updates that are attempted in the database | 30 seconds |
Target apply deletes | The number of deletes that are attempted in the database | 30 seconds |
Log metrics
The log metrics group helps to analyze replication activities that are specific to the Log Parser and Log Reader.
The following metrics are provided in each entry of this metric group:
Log Metrics | Description | Granularity |
Log Parser Disk reads - bytes | The physical bytes that are read from the disk | 30 seconds |
Log Parser Disk writes - bytes | The physical bytes that are written to the disk | 30 seconds |
Log Parser Disk size - bytes | The current staging store size on the disk | 30 seconds |
Log Reader Thread CPU | The number of threads (milliseconds or seconds) that a CPU uses | 30 seconds |
Log Parser Source database bytes processed | The number of all log data bytes that are processed by the log reader for the current subscription | 30 seconds |
Log Parser Physical bytes read | The physical bytes that are read by the log reader | 30 seconds |