Monitoring AWS Beanstalk

The AWS Beanstalk sensor is automatically deployed and installed after you install the Instana agent.

Learn about the other supported AWS services with AWS documentation.

This sensor monitors AWS Beanstalk environments and their instances. To be able to monitor Beanstalk instances, enhanced monitoring should be enabled in the AWS Console and wanted metrics that are selected in the environment's configuration.

Learn about other supported AWS services on AWS docs.

Sensor (Data Collection)

Tracked Configuration

Environment details:

  • Application name
  • Environment ID
  • Environment Name
  • Environment Description
  • Environment ARN
  • Environment Status
  • Date created
  • Version Label
  • Solution Stack
  • Environment URL
  • Application name
  • Application name
  • Application name
  • Grouping zone (region)

Instance details:

  • Instance ID
  • Instance Status
  • Instance Type
  • Instance started Date


Environment Metrics

Name Description
EnvironmentHealth Environment health represented as one of seven statuses
InstancesOk Number of instances in the environment with Ok status
InstancesInfo Number of instances in the environment with information status
InstancesUnknown Number of instances in the environment with Unknown status
InstancesNoData Number of instances in the environment with NoData status
InstancesWarning Number of instances in the environment with Warning status
InstancesDegraded Number of instances in the environment with Degraded status
InstancesSevere Number of instances in the environment with Severe status

Instance Metrics

Name Description
InstanceHealth Current health status of the instance
CPUIrq Percentage of time that the CPU spent in irq state
CPUIdle Percentage of time that the CPU spent in idle state
CPUUser Percentage of time that the CPU spent in user state
CPUSystem Percentage of time that the CPU spent in system state
CPUSoftirq Percentage of time that the CPU spent in softirq state
CPUIowait Percentage of time that the CPU spent in iowait state
CPUNice Percentage of time that the CPU spent in nice state
LoadAverage1min CPU load of the instance over the last minute
RootFilesystemUtil Percentage of disk space in use by instance

Environment and Instance Metrics

Name Description
ApplicationLatencyP10 Amount of time it takes to complete the fastest 10% of requests
ApplicationLatencyP50 Amount of time it takes to complete the fastest 50% of requests
ApplicationLatencyP75 Amount of time it takes to complete the fastest 75% of requests
ApplicationLatencyP85 Amount of time it takes to complete the fastest 85% of requests
ApplicationLatencyP90 Amount of time it takes to complete the fastest 90% of requests
ApplicationLatencyP95 Amount of time it takes to complete the fastest 95% of requests
ApplicationLatencyP99 Amount of time it takes to complete the fastest 99% of requests
ApplicationLatencyP99.9 Amount of time it takes to complete the fastest 99.9% of requests
ApplicationRequests2xx Number of requests that completed with 2xx status code
ApplicationRequests3xx Number of requests that completed with 3xx status code
ApplicationRequests4xx Number of requests that completed with 4xx status code
ApplicationRequests5xx Number of requests that completed with 5xx status code
ApplicationRequestsTotal Total number of requests

Required Permissions

  • cloudwatch:GetMetricStatistics
  • cloudwatch:GetMetricData
  • elasticbeanstalk:DescribeEnvironments
  • elasticbeanstalk:ListTagsForResource
  • elasticbeanstalk:DescribeInstancesHealth


Beanstalk instances are refreshed every 60 seconds. Due to an asynchronous nature of detection instance metrics can be late. This delay depends on the specified poll rate (cloudwatch_period) and by default that it is not longer than a minute before they appear on the dashboard. Metrics for Beanstalk are pulled every 60 seconds, and it can be changed through agent configuration in /opt/instana/agent/etc/instana/configuration.yml:
  cloudwatch_period: 60

To disable monitoring of Beanstalk instances use the following configuration,
  enabled: false

Proxy configuration

To configure the specific AWS Sensor to use proxy configuration, add the following agent configuration settings:
  proxy_host: '' # proxy host name or ip address
  proxy_port: 3128 # proxy port
  proxy_protocol: 'HTTP' # proxy protocol: HTTP or HTTPS
  proxy_username: 'username' # OPTIONAL: proxy username
  proxy_password: 'password' # OPTIONAL: proxy password

Monitoring multiple AWS accounts

Refer to the Monitoring multiple AWS accounts documentation to set up monitoring of multiple AWS accounts with one AWS agent in the same region.

AWS named profiles approach

To override which profiles should be used to monitor Beanstalk, use the following configuration:
    - 'profile2'
    - 'profile3'

Defining profiles on service level overrides the global AWS profiles configuration.

AWS STS approach

To override which IAM Roles should be used to monitor Beanstalk, use the following configuration:
    - 'arn:aws:iam::<account_1_id>:role/<role_2_name>'
    - 'arn:aws:iam::<account_2_id>:role/<role_3_name>'

Defining IAM roles on service level overrides the global AWS IAM roles configuration.


Multiple tags can be defined, separated by a comma. Tags should be provided as a key-value pair separated by To make configuration easier, it is possible to define which tags you want to include in discovery or exclude from discovery. To define tag in both lists (include and exclude), exclude list has higher priority. If there is no need for filtering services, the configuration should not be defined. It’s not mandatory to define all values to enable filtering.

Users are able to specify how often sensors poll the AWS tagged resources that use the tagged-services-poll-rate configuration property (default 300 seconds).

Tags are only available with the AWS Agent.
  tagged-services-poll-rate: 60 #default 300

To include services by tags into discovery use following configuration,
  include_tags: # Comma separated list of tags in key:value format (e.g. env:prod,env:staging)

To exclude services by tags from discovery use following configuration,
  exclude_tags: # Comma separated list of tags in key:value format (e.g. env:dev,env:test)

AWS services without tags are monitored by default but can be excluded by setting the include_untagged field to false:
  include_untagged: false # True value by default

Poll Rate

To define how often sensors poll the tagged resources use following configuration:
  tagged-services-poll-rate: 60 #default 300