Creating a dbspace that uses the default page size

You can use onspaces to create a standard dbspace and a temporary dbspace.

For information about creating a dbspace with a non-default page size, see Creating a dbspace with a non-default page size.

Any newly added dbspace (and its mirror, if one exists) is available immediately. You can mirror the dbspace when you create it.

To create a standard dbspace using onspaces:

  1. On UNIX, you must be logged in as user informix or root to create a dbspace.

    On Windows, users in the Informix-Admin group can create a dbspace.

  2. Ensure that the database server is in online, administration, or quiescent mode.
  3. Allocate disk space for the dbspace, as described in Allocate disk space.
  4. To create a dbspace, use the onspaces -c -d options.

    KB is the default unit for the -s size and -o offset options. To convert KB to megabytes, multiply the unit by 1024 (for example, 10 MB = 10 * 1024 KB).

    See Creating a dbspace with a non-default page size for information about additional onspaces options if you are creating a dbspace with a non-default page size.

  5. If you do not want to specify the first and next extent sizes for the tblspace tblspace in a dbspace, go to 6.

    If you want to specify the first and next extent sizes for the tblspace tblspace in a dbspace, see additional information in Specifying the first and next extent sizes for the tblspace tblspace.

  6. After you create the dbspace, you must perform a level-0 backup of the root dbspace and the new dbspace.