UNLOAD statement

Use the UNLOAD statement to write the rows retrieved by a SELECT statement to an operating-system file. The UNLOAD statement is an extension to the ANSI/ISO standard for SQL.


Only DB-Access supports the UNLOAD statement.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramUNLOAD TO'filename'DELIMITER'delimiter'SELECT Statement1variable
Element Description Restrictions Syntax
delimiter Quoted string to specify the field delimiter character in filename file See DELIMITER Clause Quoted String
filename Operating-system file to receive the rows. Default pathname is the current directory. See UNLOAD TO File. Quoted String
variable Host variable that contains the text of a valid SELECT statement Must have been declared as a character data type Language- specific


Important: Use the UNLOAD statement only with DB-Access.

The UNLOAD statement copies to a file the rows retrieved by a query. You must have the Select privilege on all columns specified in the SELECT statement. For information on database-level and table-level privileges, see GRANT statement.

You can specify a literal SELECT statement or a character variable that contains the text of a SELECT statement. (See SELECT statement.)

The following example unloads rows whose value of customer.customer_num is greater than or equal to 138, and writes them to a file named cust_file:
UNLOAD TO 'cust_file' DELIMITER '!' 
   SELECT * FROM customer WHERE customer_num> = 138;
The resulting output file, cust_file, contains two rows of data values:
138!Jeffery!Padgett!Wheel Thrills!3450 El Camino!Suite 10!Palo Alto!CA!94306!!
139!Linda!Lane!Palo Alto Bicycles!2344 University!!Palo Alto!CA!94301!