Preparing tables without primary keys
The data columns in your table might not need a primary key. To replicate tables that do not have primary keys, you can specify a unique index or add the ERKEY shadow columns.
You can specify an existing unique index or unique constraint as the replication key when you define the replicate. Use the --key or --anyUniqueKey option with the cdr define replicate or cdr define template commands.
If you create a replicated table through a grid, the ERKEY shadow columns are automatically created and included in the replicate definition.
To add ERKEY shadow columns:
- Run the ALTER TABLE statement with the ADD ERKEY clause. For example, the following statement adds the ERKEY shadow columns to an existing table named customer:
Occasionally, you might need to drop the ERKEY shadow columns; for example, if you are reverting to an earlier version of the database server.
To drop the ERKEY shadow columns from a replicated table:
- Run the cdr remaster command without the --erkey option.
- Run the DROP ERKEY clause with the ALTER TABLE statement.
For example, the following statement drops the ERKEY shadow columns from a table named customer: