JVPJAVAHOME configuration parameter

This configuration parameter specifies the location of the Java™ runtime environment installation for the database server.

onconfig.std value
takes effect
When shared memory is initialized

The JVPJAVAHOME configuration parameter specifies installation path of the Java runtime environment for the database server. By default, the database server includes a tested version of the runtime environment in $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/jre/. To modify the default location in the configuration file, replace $INFORMIXDIR/extend/krakatoa/jre/ with the path name setting of $INFORMIXDIR, followed by /extend/krakatoa/jre/.

Note: Starting 14.10.xC11, the Informix server will no longer include IBM JRE. User needs to install Java/JRE and may set this parameter pointing to the location of their Java/JRE installation. e.g. JVPJAVAHOME /opt/java/user-installed-jre

This parameter is required if the number of JVPs (set in VPCLASS JVP) is greater than 0.