IBM Informix

User Guide for IBM Informix International Language Supplement

3.50.MC7, March 2013


Syntax conventions
Installation notes for HP platform
User interface files
Compatibility matrix file
Supported code set names used by Informix
Language and country and region codes used by Informix: IS0 639
Country and region codes used by Informix: IS0 3166
GLS registry file
CLIENT_LOCALE environment variable
Working with the US product
DBLANG environment variable
Note for Russian users
Privacy policy considerations


Welcome to the IBM® Informix® International Language Supplement!

This software includes the following components:

Translated user interface files for Informix UNIX products
These files provide a user interface in the language of your choice.
Locales (and character maps)
Locales contain information about cultural conventions that are used in different countries and territories, in a format that can be used by Informix products. This information includes time, date, number and currency formats, character sets and sorting orders. Character maps are provided for information purposes only - they are built into locales.

All the locales that are provided are GLS locales, which work with Informix GLS-enabled products.

Included in the set of locales is a group of locales called Operating System (OS) equivalent locales. These are Informix GLS locales that operate in the same way as the NLS locales provided with your operating system. If you create Informix databases by using those NLS locales and want to continue to use those databases with GLS-enabled Informix products, you can use OS equivalent locales.

Informix products that are GLS-enabled can use these locales and code set conversion tables.

For information about using the locales, character maps, and code set conversion tables included in the International Language Supplement, see the IBM Informix GLS User's Guide.

Syntax conventions

The 2-letter or 3-letter language code found in Language and country and region codes used by Informix: IS0 639.
The 2-letter country or region code found in Country and region codes used by Informix: IS0 3166.
<code set-name>
The code set name found in Supported code set names used by Informix.
<code set hex>
The hexadecimal number associated with a code set, found in Supported code set names used by Informix.


To install the International Language Supplement, follow the instructions in the CD insert booklet. Online help is available.

You can repeat the installation if additional components are subsequently required. After additional US products are installed, the translated user interface files must be reinstalled.

Some files are dependent on the versions of your Informix products. If the installation script cannot determine which Informix products are installed on your system, you are prompted to enter the release levels of both your Informix Tools and Server products. If you do not know these release levels, contact your system administrator.

Installation notes for HP platform


  1. Login as the user root.
  2. Set the $INFORMIXDIR environment variable to the directory where Informix is installed.
  3. Change to the $INFORMIXDIR directory: cd $INFORMIXDIR
  4. Set the value of the LC_CTYPE environment variable to "C".
  5. Mount your DVD using the pfs mount command.
    1. If necessary, start the processes:
      nohup pfs mountd
      nohup pfsd
    2. Run the pfs mount <device name> <mount point> command, for example: pfs mount /dev/dsk/c0t4d0 /dvdrom
  6. Run the installation command: sh /mount point/install
  7. Follow the on screen instructions. See online help for further information.

User interface files

Compatibility matrix file

The translated user interface files supplied in this Informix International Language Supplement provide translated user interfaces to the following products:

The following matrices describes the version of these products supported for each language. An "x" in a column indicates that the product is supported for this version in this language.


Servers ch cs de es fr hu it ja ko pl pt ru sk tw
11.50 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
11.70 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


Tools ch cs de es fr hu it ja ko pl pt ru sk tw
7.32 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
7.50 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Client SDK

Client SDK ch cs de es fr hu it ja ko pl pt ru sk tw
3.50 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
3.70 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Supported code set names used by Informix

Here is a list and explanation of code sets in which translated user interface files are provided.

Western Europe

Code set-name Code set-hex Description
8859-1 0333 Multinational code set for standard UNIX systems; also supports Windows cp1252.
PC-Latin-1 0352 IBM PC code set
CP1252 04e4 Microsoft code set

Eastern Europe

Code set-name Code set-hex Description
8859-2 0390 Multinational code set for standard UNIX systems
PC-Latin-2 0354 IBM PC character set
CP1250 04e2 Supports Microsoft Windows
CSK e027
Mazovia e028


Code set-name Code set-hex Description
KOI-8 e026 (GOST 19768-74) is also known as "Old KOI-8"
8859-5 0393 Contains the same Russian character codes as "New KOI-8" (GOST 19768-87) and Brjabrin's Osvnovnoj Variant (OV). These Russian code sets can be used interchangeably.
PC866 0362 Contains the same Russian character codes as Brjabrin's Alternativnyj Variant (AV). These Russian code sets can be used interchangeably.
CP1251 04e3 Supports Microsoft Windows


Code set-name Code set-hex Description
gb e00d Simplified Chinese Microsoft Windows
big5 e008 Traditional Chinese Microsoft Windows Code Page
Shift-Big-5 e009
ccdc e00a


Code set-name Code set-hex Description
ksc e00c Korean (Wansung) Microsoft Windows Code Page


Code set-name Code set-hex Description
ujis e007 Japanese EUC Code Page
sjis e006
sjis-s 03a4

Language and country and region codes used by Informix: IS0 639

The language codes used by Informix are two-letter codes that are consistent with the IS0 639:1988 standard. Currently, the following languages codes are used. More codes might be later added.

Translated user interface files are provided in the following languages:

Code Language
cs Czech
de German
es Spanish
fr French
it Italian
ja Japanese
ko Korean
pl Polish
pt Brazilian Portuguese
ru Russian
sk Slovak
zh Simplified & Traditional Chinese

The following language codes are used in locale names:

Code Language
af Afrikaans
am Amharic
ar Arabic
as Assamese
az Azerbaijani
be Byelorussian
bg Bulgarian
bn Bengali; Bangla
bo Tibetan
ca Catalan
cs Czech
cy Welsh
da Danish
de German
el Greek
en English
es Spanish
et Estonian
eu Basque
fa Persian
fi Finnish
fo Faeroese
fr French
ga Irish
gl Galician
gsw Swiss German
gu Gujarati
gv Manx
ha Hausa
haw Hawaiian
he Hebrew
hi Hindi
hr Croatian
hu Hungarian
hy Armenian
id Indonesian
ii Sichuan Yi
in Indonesian
is Icelandic
it Italian
iw Hebrew
ja Japanese
ka Georgian
kk Kazakh
kl Greenlandic
km Cambodian
kn Kannada
kok Konkani
ko Korean
kok Konkani
kw cornish
lt Lithuanian
lv Latvian
mk Macedonian
ml Malayalam
mr Marathi
ms Malay
mt Maltese
nb Norwegian Bokmål
ne Nepali
nl Dutch
nn Norwegian Nynorsk
no Norwegian
om (Afan) Oromo
or Oriya
pa Punjabi
pl Polish
ps Pashto, Pushto
pt Portuguese
ro Romanian
ru Russian
sh Serbo-Croatian
si Singhalese
sk Slovak
sl Slovenian
so Somali
sq Albanian
sr Serbian
sv Swedish
sw Swahili
ta Tamil
te Tegulu
th Thai
ti Tigrinya
tr Turkish
uk Ukrainian
ur Urdu
uz Uzbek
vi Vietnamese
zh Chinese
zu Zulu

Country and region codes used by Informix: IS0 3166

The Country and Region codes used by Informix are two-letter codes that are consistent with the IS0 3166 standard. Currently the following country and region codes are used. More codes might be later added.

Code Language
ae UAE
af Afghanistan
al Albania
am Armenia
ar Argentina
at Austria
au Australia
az Azerbaijan
ba Bosnia And Herzegowina
bd Bangladesh
be Belgium
bg Bulgaria
bh Bahrain
bn Brunei Darussalam
bo Bolivia
br Brazil
by Belarus
ca Canada
ch Switzerland
cl Chile
cn China
co Colombia
cr Costa Rica
cs Serbia and Montenegro
cy Cyprus
cz Czech Republic
de Germany
dj Djibouti
dk Denmark
do Dominican Republic
dz Algeria
ec Ecuador
ee Estonia
eg Egypt
er Eritrea
es Spain
et Ethiopia
fi Finland
fo Faroe Islands
fr France
gb United Kingdom
ge Georgia
gh Ghana
gl Greenland
gr Greece
gt Guatemala
hk Hong Kong
hn Honduras
hr Croatia
hu Hungary
id Indonesia
ie Ireland
il Israel
in India
iq Iraq
ir Iran (Islamic Republic Of)
is Iceland
it Italy
jo Jordan
jp Japan
ke Kenya
kh Cambodia
kr Korea, Republic Of
kw Kuwait
kz Kazakhstan
lb Lebanon
li Liechtenstein
lk Sri Lanka
lt Lithuania
lu Luxembourg
lv Latvia
ly Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
ma Morocco
mc Monaco
md Moldova, Republic Of
me Montenegro
mk Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of
mo Macau
mt Malta
mx Mexico
my Malaysia
na Namibia
ne Niger
ng Nigeria
ni Nicaragua
nl Netherlands
no Norway
np Nepal
nz New Zealand
om Oman
pa Panama
pe Peru
ph Philippines
pk Pakistan
pl Poland
pr Puerto Rico
pt Portugal
py Paraguay
qa Qatar
ro Romania
rs Serbia
ru Russian Federation
sa Saudi Arabia
se Sweden
sg Singapore
si Slovenia
sk Slovak Republic
sn Senegal
so Somalia
sv El Salvador
sy Syrian Arab Republic
th Thailand
tn Tunisia
tr Turkey
tw Taiwan, Province Of China
tz Tanzania, United Republic Of
ua Ukraine
us United States
uy Uruguay
uz Uzbekistan
ve Venezuela
vn Viet Nam
ye Yemen
yu Yugoslavia
za South Africa

GLS registry file

When a code set name is used, this name must exist in the registry file $INFORMIXDIR/gls/cm3/registry. Additions to the registry file might be required if a new code set is introduced.

An updated registry file is included in the gls/cm3 directory of the ILS DVD. This can be used to replace $INFORMIXDIR/gls/cm3/registry, or used as a reference to update $INFORMIXDIR/gls/cm3/registry.


CLIENT_LOCALE environment variable

To use the translated user interface files, the CLIENT_LOCALE environment variable must point to the appropriate value.

To set the CLIENT_LOCALE environment variable, replace <code set-hex> with the appropriate code set used by your system:

setenv CLIENT_LOCALE <lang>_<country>.<code set-hex>
CLIENT_LOCALE =<lang>_<country>.<code set-hex>

To unset the CLIENT_LOCALE environment variable, enter the following command:


Working with the US product

To use the English language product after installing the translated user interface files, reset the CLIENT_LOCALE environment variable to the locale for each user.

DBLANG environment variable

Beginning with v3.50.MC5, the DBLANG environment variable cannot be used to set or change the user interface language. Instead, the CLIENT_LOCALE environment variable must be used. See CLIENT_LOCALE environment variable for information about how to set the CLIENT_LOCALE environment variable.

Note for Russian users

You can select menu options in Cyrillic only when the following conditions are met:

If the above conditions are not met, you must use the uppercase shortcut characters to select menu options.

Important: There are UNIX platforms on which Informix products using Cyrillic characters require NLS, for example SunOS 5.4. On such platforms you should ask your system administrator to enable NLS.

If you want to use Informix products with NLS ask your system administrator to enable ru.<code set-name> locale for your UNIX platform and X Windows. In addition, set the appropriate environment variable:

setenv LANG ru
setenv LC_CTYPE ru.<code set-name>
setenv LC_COLLATE ru.<code set-name>
export LANG
LC_CTYPE=ru.<code set-name>
export LC_CTYPE LC_COLLATE=ru.<code set-name>


This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. This material may be available from IBM in other languages. However, you may be required to own a copy of the product or product version in that language in order to access it.

IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.

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Intellectual Property Licensing
Legal and Intellectual Property Law
IBM Japan, Ltd.
19-21, Nihonbashi-Hakozakicho, Chuo-ku
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