The System-Monitoring Interface Tables
The sysmaster database contains many tables that you can use to monitor your system.
Tip: For each system-monitoring interface (SMI) table,
there is a corresponding view with the same name. For the best results,
query the views that are associated with tables instead of querying
the underlying tables directly.
Many other tables in the sysmaster database are part of the system-monitoring interface but are not documented. Their schemas and column content can change from version to version. The flags_text table now contains more rows. To view the new rows, first drop and then re-create the sysmaster database.
The following table lists the SMI tables.
Table | Description | Reference |
sysadtinfo | Auditing configuration information | sysadtinfo |
sysaudit | Auditing event masks | sysadtinfo |
syscheckpoint | Checkpoint information | syscheckpoint |
syschkio | Chunk I/O statistics | syschkio |
syschunks | Chunk information | syschunks |
syscluster | High-availability cluster information | syscluster |
syscmsmsla | Connection Manager information | syscmsmsla |
syscmsmtab | Connection Manager information | syscmsmtab |
syscmsmunit | Information for each Connection Manager unit in a Connection Manager configuration file | syscmsmunit |
syscompdicts_full | Compression dictionary information | syscompdicts_full |
sysconfig | Configuration information | sysconfig |
sysdatabases | Database information | sysdatabases |
sysdbslocale | Locale information | sysdbslocale |
sysdbspaces | Dbspace information | sysextents |
sysdri | Data-replication information | sysdri |
sysdual | Is a single-row table | sysdual |
sysenv | Server startup environment | sysenv |
sysenvses | Session-level environment variable | sysenvses |
sysextents | Extent-allocation information | sysextents |
sysextspaces | External spaces information | sysextspaces |
sysha_lagtime | Secondary server lag-time statistics | sysha_lagtime Table |
sysha_type | Information about connected servers | sysha_type |
sysha_workload | Secondary server workload statistics | sysha_workload |
sysipl | Index page logging information | sysipl |
syslocks | Active locks information | syslocks |
syslogs | Logical-log file information | syslogs |
syslogfil | System log file information | syslogfil table |
sysmgminfo | Memory Grant Manager and Parallel Data Query information | sysmgminfo |
sysnetclienttype | Client type network activity | sysnetclienttype |
sysnetglobal | Global network information | sysnetglobal |
sysnetworkio | Network I/O | sysnetworkio table |
sysonlinelog | Online log information | sysonlinelog |
sysprofile | System-profile information | sysprofile |
sysproxyagents | Information about all the proxy agent threads | sysproxyagents |
sysproxydistributors | Proxy distributor information | sysproxydistributors |
sysproxysessions | Information about sessions that use updatable secondary servers | sysproxysessions table |
sysproxytxnops | Information about transactions that are run through each proxy distributor | sysproxytxnops table |
sysproxytxns | Information about all of the current transactions that run through each proxy distributor | sysproxytxns table |
sysptprof | Table information | sysptprof table |
sysrepevtreg | Post events to Connection Manager and to the IBM® OpenAdmin Tool (OAT) for Informix® | sysrepevtreg table |
sysrepstats | Post events to Connection Manager and to OAT | sysrepstats table |
sysrsslog | RS secondary server information | sysrsslog |
sysscblst | Memory by user | sysscblst |
syssesprof | Counts of various user actions | syssesprof |
syssesappinfo | Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA) client-session information. | syssesappinfo |
syssessions | Description of each user connected | syssessions |
syssmx | SMX (server multiplexer group) connection information | syssmx |
syssmxses | SMX (server multiplexer group) session information | syssmxses |
syssqexplain | SQL statement information that is enabled by the SET EXPLAIN statement | syssqexplain table |
syssqltrace | SQL statement information | syssqltrace |
syssqltrace_hvar | SQL statement tracing host variable information | syssqltrace_hvar |
syssqltrace_info | SQL profile trace system information | syssqltrace_info |
syssqltrace_iter | SQL statement iterators | syssqltrace_iter |
syssrcrss | RS secondary server statistics | syssrcrss |
syssrcsds | SD secondary server statistics | syssrcsds |
systabnames | Database, owner, and table name for the tblspace tblspace | systabnames |
systabpaghdrs | Page headers | None |
systhreads | Wait statistics | systhreads |
systrgrss | RS secondary server statistics | systrgrss |
systrgsds | SD secondary server statistics | systrgsds |
sysvpprof | User and system CPU used by each virtual processor | sysvpprof |