Using default CINIT or BIND user data formats

Each request for session initiation can include VTAM® CINIT or BIND user data to provide logon descriptor or signon data. Your installation can provide a logon exit routine to process this data.

IMS can receive optional user data when you establish a session using one of the following methods: 1
  • Using an IMS /OPNDST command
  • Using autologon
  • The RTO provides a user logon

You can expand the user data formats to meet your own requirements. You can either supply the logon descriptor name in your logon exit routine by using user data, or you can create the logon descriptor name by using an IMS algorithm.

The user data appears in the CINIT user data field, and it is available to IMS when the VTAM Logon exit routine is scheduled. One optional parameter, the logon descriptor name, applies to the IMS logon process. The remaining parameters apply to the IMS signon process and, optionally, to RACF®. During either process, IMS does minimum processing on the CINIT user data parameters before first calling the optional installation Logon exit routine (DFSLGNX0), and later calling the Signon exit routine (DFSSGNX0).

Although the Logon and Signon exit routines can translate any installation-defined user data format, IMS has defined a default user data format that:
  • The installation can expand.
  • IMS can process in the absence of exit routines. This format is the logon descriptor name followed by signon data in the same format as the IMS /SIGN command.

Restriction:  For warm session initiation of an STSN device, the user data must be the same as in the original logon.

1 ETO ISC terminals do not have optional data available.