DBFMSDBx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set
Use the DBFMSDBx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set to specify the Main Storage Databases (MSDBs) to be loaded at startup.
You must have previously placed DBFMSDBx in the library whose DD name is PROCLIB. Several DBFMSDBx members can be present in the library; differentiate them by varying the last character (the suffix, x) of the name. The MSDB= keyword parameter of the IMS procedure specifies the suffix of the particular member to be used at startup.
This member is not applicable in the DBCTL environment.
A DBFMSDBx member consists of one or more 80-character records, each specifying an MSDB to be loaded. The format is:
You can separate keyword parameters with either commas or blanks. Positions 73 through 80 are ignored but can be used to sequence the records. Syntax errors are identified by messages.
At startup, the MSDBs specified by a DBFMSDBx member are loaded from one of the sequential data sets identified as MSDBINIT, MSDBCP1, or MSDBCP2. You cannot, therefore, use the DBFMSDBx member to specify MSDBs that are not included in these data sets; an abend occurs if you use DFSMSDBx in this manner.
- An optional keyword that specifies that the IMS control region is to abend if an error occurs during MSDB loading at system
initialization. The valid values for the MSDBABND= parameter are:
- A
- Valid for both I and C options.
- B
- Valid for both Y and C options.
- C
- Abend if initial checkpoint for MSDBs cannot occur.
- I
- Abend for one or more of the following reasons:
- No segments exist in the MSDBINIT data set for at least one defined MSDB.
- For the reasons described in option Y.
- Y
- Abend if the MSDBs cannot be loaded due to errors with the MSDBINIT data set.
- DBD=
- Specifies the same one- to eight-character DBD name as was specified at DBDGEN. Multiple DBD= parameters are allowed.
- Specifies the number of database records expected for this MSDB. You must
specify a one- to eight-digit number greater than or equal to the number of MSDB segments loaded at
restart. By specifying a number greater than the number of segments to be loaded, the parameter can
be used to reserve space for a terminal-related dynamic MSDB.
One NBRSEGS= keyword is required for each DBD= keyword that you specify.
- F
- Optionally specifies that the MSDB is to be page-fixed.