CSLDIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set

Use the ODBM initialization member of the IMS PROCLIB data set (CSLDIxxx) to specify parameters that initialize the ODBM address space.

You can use the IMS Syntax Checker to modify this member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramARMRST=YNIMSPLEX(NAME= name)LOGOPT=(ACCOUNTING)ODBMCFG= xxxODBMNAME= odbmnmRRS=YN


A CSLDIxxx member consists of one or more fixed-length character records (the configuration data set can be of any LRECL greater than eight, but it must be fixed record format). The rightmost-eight columns are ignored but can be used for sequence numbers or any other notation. Keyword parameters can be coded in the remaining columns in free format, and can contain leading and trailing blanks. You can specify multiple keywords in each record; use commas or spaces to delimit keywords. Statements that begin with a * or # in column 1 are comment lines and are ignored. Additionally, comments can be included anywhere within a statement by enclosing them between /* and */, for example, /* PROCLIB comments */. Values coded in this member of the IMS PROCLIB data set are case sensitive. In general, you should use uppercase for all parameters.

The ARMRST, ODBMCFG, ODBMNAME, and RRS parameters can also be specified as execution parameters in the CSLODBM procedure. When they are specified as execution parameters, the values of the execution parameters override the values of the parameters specified in the CSLDIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set. For more information about the ODBM execution parameters, see CSLODBM procedure.

Note that, in addition to determining whether ODBM uses the z/OS® Resource Recovery Services (RRS), the RRS parameter also determines whether ODBM uses the Open Database Access (ODBA) interface or the database resource adapter (DRA) interface. When RRS=Y, ODBM uses RRS and the ODBA interface.

BPE considerations

Use the ODBM BPE user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set to define ODBM user exits to BPE. This is the member of the IMS PROCLIB data set specified by the EXITMBR= parameter in the BPE configuration parameter member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.

Use the user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set to specify the modules to be called for specific exit types. Each user exit type can have one or more exit modules associated with it. Use the EXITDEF statement to define the user exit modules to be called for a given exit type.



Specifies whether the z/OS Automatic Restart Manager (ARM) is to be used to restart the ODBM address space after an abend. If you specify Y (yes), ARM restarts the ODBM address space after most system failures. If you specify N (no), ARM does not restart the ODBM address space after any system failure.

ARM does not restart the ODBM address space if ODBM abends before restart is complete. For more information about ARM, see The z/OS Automatic Restart Manager (ARM) in IMS Version 15.5 System Administration.

Specifies definitions for the IMSplex in which ODBM is a member. IMSPLEX is a required parameter. There is no default. Only one IMSPLEX keyword can be specified. The IMSPLEX keyword must precede the left parenthesis. The IMSPLEX definition parameters follow:
A 1- to 5-character user-specified identifier that is concatenated to 'CSL' to create the cross-system coupling facility (z/OS cross-system coupling facility) CSL IMSPLEX group name. The value specified here must match the IMSPLEX NAME= value specified in the SCI startup procedure. All IMS address spaces, such as OM, RM, SCI, IMS, ODBM, and so on, that are in the same IMSplex sharing group, sharing either databases or message queues, must specify the same identifier. The same identifier must also be used for the IMSPLEX= parameter in the CSLSIxxx, CSLRIxxx, CSLOIxxx, and DFSCGxxx members of the IMS PROCLIB data set.
An optional keyword that specifies the level of logging for individual ODBMs. This parameter is used during the initialization of the ODBM CSL address space. If not specified, no logging occurs.
Specifies that ODBM usage information is logged.
ODBMCFG= 000 | xxx
Specifies the 3-character suffix for the ODBM configuration member of the IMS PROCLIB data set, CSLDCxxx, that contains definitions for ODBA connection initialization parameters and any ODBM configuration statements. The default suffix is 000.
ODBMNAME= odbmnm
Specifies the 1- to 6-character name of the ODBM address space. You can specify the ODBMNAME parameter on either the CSLODBM startup procedure or in the CSLDIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set. Each instance of ODBM in an IMSplex must have a unique ODBMNAME.

For each ODBMNAME, ODBM creates an eight-character ODBMID that identifies the instance of ODBM within the IMSplex. The ODBMID is the ODBMNAME followed by the characters OD and any blank spaces that ODBM needs to add to make the ODBMID eight characters in length.

For example, if you specify an ODBMNAME that is three characters long, ODBM creates the eight-character ODBMID by appending the characters OD to the ODBMNAME and then padding the ODBMID with three blank spaces. If ODBMNAME=ABC, ODBM creates an ODBMID of ABCOD␣␣␣, in which ␣ represents a blank space.

If you specify the ODBMNAME parameter in the CSLDIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set, you must also either define a separate CSLDIxxx member for each instance of ODBM in an IMSplex or specify ODBMNAME in the startup procedure for each instance of ODBM in the IMSplex.

RRS= Y | N

An optional keyword that specifies both whether ODBM uses RRS and whether ODBM uses the Open Database Access (ODBA) interface or the DRA for communications with IMS DB.

If you specify Y, ODBM uses RRS and the ODBA interface. If ODBM cannot register with RRMS during initialization, ODBM issues message CSL4001A and suspends initialization until the operator responds to the message.

If you specify N, ODBM does not use RRS and uses the DRA interface for communications with IMS DB. When RRS=N is specified, ODBM interfaces with IMS DB in a similar manner as a CCTL.

For more information, see ODBM and RRS in IMS Version 15.5 System Administration.


A sample ODBM initialization member of the IMS PROCLIB data set is shown in the following example. The sample, called CSLDI000, is provided as part of the IMS PROCLIB data set.
* CSLDI000 ODBM CSL PROCLIB MEMBER                                   *
ARMRST=Y                       /* ARM should restart ODBM on failure  */
ODBMCFG=000                    /* Suffix for CSLDC000 config member   */
ODBMNAME=ODBM1                 /* ODBM name (ODBM id = ODBM1OD)       */
IMSPLEX(NAME=PLEX1)            /* GROUP NAME (XCF group = CSLPLEX1)   */
LOGOPT=(ACCOUNTING)            /* Log Accounting information          */
A sample ODBM BPE user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set is shown in the following example.
* ODBM USER EXIT LIST PROCLIB MEMBER                               *
# DEFINE 1 ODBM INIT/TERM USER EXIT: ZDINTM00                     # 
# DEFINE 1 ODBM INPUT USER EXIT: ZINPUT00                         # 
# WITH AN ABEND LIMIT OF 8.                                       # 
# DEFINE 1 ODBM OUTPUT USER EXIT: ZOUTPUT0                        # 