Managing error messages with DFSCMUX0

The Message Control/Error exit routine (DFSCMUX0) allows you to manage and control messages that are in error on an MSC link or on a message queue. It is activated by an MSC link start, link termination, send error, or receive errors.

The Message Control/Error exit routine is called for these situations for APPC/IMS:
  • If an LU 6.2 session fails while sending an output message to an LU 6.2 program
  • If a send to an LU 6.2 application program is rejected with a Deallocate with Send_Error message
  • When /DEQUEUE luname tpname is entered
You can customize the Message Control/Error exit routine to ask IMS to take any of these actions:
  • Take the default action: discard the message and proceed with the /DEQUEUE command.
  • Discard the message in error.
  • Discard the message in error and notify the MTO or originating terminal of this error.
  • Re-route the message in error to a different local or remote transaction, a local or remote LTERM, or an LU 6.2 application program.

The sample exit routine that is provided in IMS.ADFSSRC uses the default action.