Macros that support IMS Connect exit routines

IMS provides macros that support the IMS Connect exit routines.

Macros used for IMS Connect Exit Routines

The macros include:
Maps the parameter list for the IMS Connect DB Security user exit routine (HWSAUTH0). A copy of this macro is in SDFSMAC.
Maps the parameter list for the IMS Connect Port Message Edit exit routine (HWSPIOX0). A copy of this macro is in SDFSMAC.
Maps the parameter list that is passed to the user exit routine on each subroutine call. A copy of this macro is in SDFSMAC. To see the structure, assemble the macro.
Maps the OTMA message prefix format to the output buffer that the user exit routine returns on each READ subroutine call and the input buffer that is passed to the user exit on each XMIT subroutine call. A copy of this macro is in SDFSMAC. To see the structure, assemble the macro.
Maps the IMS request message (IRM) header and BPE header formats used by the HWSSMPL0 and HWSSMPL1 user message exit routines. A copy of this macro is in SDFSMAC. To see the structure, assemble the macro.
Maps the storage area used by the HWSSMPL0 and HWSSMPL1 user message exit routines. A copy of this macro is in SDFSMAC. To see the structure, assemble the macro.
Maps the parameter list that is passed to the IMS Connect DB Routing user exit routine (HWSROUT0) on each subroutine call. A copy of this macro is in SDFSMAC. To see the structure, assemble the macro.
Maps the exit interface block used by IMS Connect user message exit routines and the HWSUINIT exit routine. Contains the addresses of the data store list (HWSXIBDS) and the HWSXIB1 control block used by the IMS Connect DB Routing user exit routine. A copy of this macro is in SDFSMAC. To see the structure, assemble the macro.
Maps the exit interface block used by the HWSROUT0 user exit routine. HWSXIB1 contains the address of the ODBM list and optional user data. The HWSXIB1 exit interface block is pointed to by HWSXIB. A copy of this macro is in SDFSMAC. To see the structure, assemble the macro.
Maps the entry in the exit interface block data store list used by the IMS Connect user message exit routines and the HWSUINIT exit routine. The list contains the data store name, the data store availability and status information, and a user field. A copy of this macro is in SDFSMAC. To see the structure, assemble the macro.
Maps the ODBM list that contains the name and status of each ODBM instance known to IMS Connect, as well as a user field and the names and statuses of the IMS aliases associated with each ODBM instances. The address of HWSXIBOD is stored in the HWSXIB1 exit interface block. A copy of this macro is in SDFSMAC. To see the structure, assemble the macro or refer to the macro prologue.