SIMEXIT= parameter for procedures

Use the SIMEXIT=N|Y parameter in procedure to specify whether (Y) or not (N) the Shared Printer Message Router exit routine is to be loaded by IMS.

The default is N.

The exit routine must be placed in an authorized library in the JOBLIB, STEPLIB, or LINKLIST library concatenated in front of the IMS.SDFSRESL. The name of the exit routine must be DFSSIML0. A default exit routine is not provided.

If SIMEXIT=Y is specified, the exit routine DFSSIML0 is called when a message is queued for terminals defined with OPTIONS=SHARE on the TERMINAL macro statement.

When SIMEXIT=N is specified, which is the default, the router module assumes that /OPN is always simulated when output is enqueued for a terminal defined as OPTIONS=SHARE on the TERMINAL macro statement.