PSB= parameter for procedures
Use the PSB= parameter in batch procedures to specify an optional PSB name when the PSB name and application program name are different. Use the PSB= parameter in online procedures to specify the amount of subpool 231 storage to be allocated to the PSB pool.
For batch procedures: An optional parameter specifying a PSB name when the PSB name and application program name are different.
The use of generated PSBs (GPSB) is supported in a TM batch environment. If the application program requires a GPSB, it must use the PSB parameter to indicate that request. In this case the PSB parameter does not specify the name of the PSB. Instead, it specifies a code that requests the use of a generated PSB and its language type. The specification of the code as the PSB parameter causes the specified GPSB to be used for the batch application program. The application program name (MBR parameter) is used as the GPSB name. GPSBs are not available in DB batch.
- GPSB for the assembler language format.
- GPSB for the COBOL language format.
- GPSB for the PL/I language format.
- GPSB for the Pascal language format.
For online procedures: Specifies the amount of subpool 231 storage to be allocated to the PSB pool. The value can be specified as 1- to 6-numeric characters or 1- to 5-numeric characters followed by K (kilobyte), M (megabyte), or G (gigabyte). If K, M, or G is not specified, K is the default. The maximum value that can be specified is 2G-1. If the value specified exceeds 2G-1 the default is 2G-1. The value specified is rounded up to the nearest page boundary. The default is 0.
The output of the ACBGEN utility indicates the maximum PSB size and the size of each PSB processed. This output should be examined before specifying the PSB= parameter.
For the FDR procedure, when LSO=S is specified, the sum of the values for the CSAPSB and DLIPSB defines the PSB pool size. If PSB is also specified, the larger value (PSB or the sum of CSAPSB and DLIPSB) is used.