IRLMID= parameter for procedures

Use the IRLMID= parameter in procedure to specify a decimal number that is used to distinguish between IRLMs in a data sharing group. There is no default value. A unique value must be specified for each IRLM in the data sharing group.

The IRLM with the lowest ID number in the group becomes the global deadlock manager for the group when you are in a data sharing module.

You can specify this parameter as either a 1- to 3-digit number from 1 to 255, or as a printable character. You must enclose a printable character with seven single quotation marks on either side of the character. Thus, you must specify the character D as IRLMID='''''''D'''''''. When you specify a printable character, IRLM uses the EBCDIC value of the character as the IRLMID.