HSBID= parameter for procedures

Use the HSBID= parameter in procedure to specify (for XRF systems only) the XRF system identification. One system is associated with digit 1 and one is associated with digit 2. Either can be brought up as an active or an alternate system.

Through this parameter, IMS identifies the master terminal and the message queues that are associated with it. For example, an IMS system with HSBID=1 uses the first master terminal in the stage 1 definition.

Recommendation: Code the HSBID parameter if you are planning to run XRF anytime in the future. Having HSBID coded could save performing an IMS definition at a later date.

XRF requires that two APPLIDs be specified on the system definition COMM macro. XRF also requires that two nodenames be specified by the NAME parameter on the TERMINAL macro. These are for the master and secondary master terminal.

If a null value is specified for HSBID (for example, HSBID=' '), XRF is disabled. Changing the HSBID from usable ('1' or '2') to null or from null to usable requires a cold start.