Specifying the reroute function for commit-then-send output

You enable the reroute function for commit-then-send output by setting a flag in the IRM header of your input message or by coding your user-written user message exit to set the appropriate flag in the OTMA state data.

If you are using either the HWSSMPL0 or the HWSSMPL1 IMS Connect user message exit, you can enable the reroute function for commit-then-send output by specifying the IRM_F3_REROUT flag (X'08') in the IRM_F3 field for the following input messages from a client application:

  • A SEND of a commit-then-send (CM0) transaction
  • A SEND of a CM0 send-only transaction from a user-written client application
  • A SEND of a send-then-commit (CM1) transaction (A reroute request on CM1 input applies only to any CM0 output that the CM1 input generates)
  • A SEND of a NAK response to CM0 output
Restriction: You cannot specify the purge function and the reroute function at the same time. If both functions are specified, the output messages are neither purged nor rerouted from the original output queue and OTMA issues message DFS2407W.