Language Environment enhancement for 31-bit COBOL and 64-bit Java interoperability

In IMS 15, you can enable interoperability between 31-bit COBOL code and 64-bit Java™ code by adding value JVM=3164 to an IMS dependent region's parameter list, installing required software, and configuring the dependent region. Supported dependent region types include MPR, BMP, IFP, JBP, and JMP.

Previously, valid values for the JVM= parameter were 31 and 64. This enhancement adds new valid parameter value JVM=3164. Applying parameter JVM=3164 indicates to an IMS dependent region that separate Language Environment® instances are to be established for each addressing mode: a primary 31-bit Language Environment, and a secondary 64-bit Language Environment that hosts the Java virtual machine (JVM). When JVM=3164, IMS uses new module DFSJVM36.

This enhancement is delivered with APAR PH37140.


Enabling interoperability provided by this enhancement requires proper dependent region setup and specific functions from the COBOL compiler, the Language Environment, and the 64-bit IBM® Java Software Development Kit (SDK). To learn more about requirements and important considerations regarding Java, COBOL (including Object-Oriented COBOL), and IMS, see 31-bit COBOL and 64-bit Java interoperability.

Documentation changes

The following table lists the publications that contain new or changed topics for the Language Environment enhancement for 31-bit COBOL and 64-bit Java interoperability. Publications that are not impacted by this enhancement are not included in the table.

Table 1. Links to topics that have new or changed content for this enhancement
Publication New or changed topics
Release planning

General planning information for IMS 15

System definition

Procedures used in IMS environments

Members of the IMS PROCLIB data set

Application programming

Application programming for IMS DB

Java application development for IMS

IMS messages and codes