Execution phase dialog options

Use the action commands and modes available for the Execution phase.

Execution action commands

Action commands are provided to support the IVP dialog during the execution phase. The table below contains the action commands, accepted modes, and command descriptions.

Two modes are used to display the jobs and tasks:

The items are presented in a scrollable list. Each item represents one job or task. LST is the default.
The job and task members are presented one at a time in sequence. Scrollable information is provided to describe each item.

In the following table, the capital letters in the action column indicate the shortest allowable abbreviation for each command. The entries in the mode column indicate whether the commands are accepted in:

LST mode
ENT mode
Both LST mode and ENT mode
Table 1. Execution action commands
Action Mode (LST or ENT) Description
brM Both Browse an INSTALIB member.
Doc Both Print job or task documentation to the ISPF LIST data set. The DOC action prints all items, not only the item where the DOC action is requested.
Edm Both Edit an INSTALIB member.
eNt LST Switch to ENT mode. ENT mode presents items one at a time on a formatted screen.
eXe Both Use the TSO SUBMIT command to submit an INSTALIB job for execution. Alternatively, you can issue the TSO SUBMIT command directly while editing an INSTALIB member through the EDM action (see EDM in this table).
Ftl LST File tailor an individual member.
Lst ENT Switch to LST mode. LST mode presents a scrollable list of items. Provides a detailed description of the item, actions to be taken, expected results, and error recovery.
Nxt ENT Move forward to the next item.
Prv ENT Move backward to the previous item.
spR Both Execute a special processing routine that has been provided to assist with the performance of a task.

Execution phase—LST mode

When you enter the execution phase, you are in LST mode. The following depicts the LST mode panel of the execution phase.

Figure 1. Execution phase (LST mode) panel
IVP              Execution (LST Mode) - XRF                ROW 11 to 26 OF 177
COMMAND ===>                                                       SCROLL ===> PAGE

Action Codes :  Brm Doc Edm eNt eXe spR
     JOB/Task  Step         Title...............................
!    IV4C001T  C0   NOTE  - Step Introduction - System Definition
!    IV4C101J  C1   JOB   - Allocate SYSDEF Data Sets
!    IV4C201T  C2   TASK  - Browse the STAGE1 Source Deck
!    IV4C202J  C2   JOB   - Run SYSDEF Preprocessor
!    IV4C203J  C2   JOB   - Run SYSDEF STAGE1
!    IV3C401J  C4   JOB   - Run SMP/E JCLIN
!    IV3C405T  C4   TASK  - Edit IMS PROCLIB Members
!    IV3D001T  D0   NOTE  - Step Introduction -  and VTAM Interface
!    IV3D101T  D1   XMPL  - Allocate Interface Data Sets
!    IV3D201T  D2   XMPL  - Update JESx Procedure
!    IV3D202T  D2   XMPL  - Update BLSCECTX - DFSOFMD0 / DXRRLM50
!    IV3D203T  D2   XMPL  - Update IEAAPFxx or PROGxx - Authorized DSN 
!    IV3D204T  D2   XMPL  - Update IEALPAxx - MLPA Modules
!    IV3D207T  D2   XMPL  - Update IEASVCxx - SVC Numbers
!    IV3D208T  D2   XMPL  - Update SCHEDxx - PPT Entries 

LST Mode provides the greatest visibility of the items that make up the IVP process. However, only minimal descriptive information is provided. Do not use LST mode for the execution phase until you are familiar with the requirements for each job and task. Use ENT mode instead.

Special characters in the action field indicate changes to variables:
Indicates that an item was added to the table (due to service).
Indicates that the item was processed by either the SUB action or EDM action. (The dialog assumes that if you edited an item, you have also submitted that item.)
You can remove the ! and * indicators by running the table-merge process again.

Try the ENT action for the second item. Type ENT (or N) in the action field.

To switch modes, press Enter.

Execution phase—ENT mode

The following figure shows the ENT mode panel of the execution phase. The item displayed is the item for which you requested the ENT action on the LST mode panel.

Figure 2. Execution phase (ENT mode) panel
IVP           Execution (ENT Mode) - XRF               IMS 15.5.1
COMMAND ===>                                   SCROLL ===> PAGE
DFSIX001: DFSIXX11 - "ENT" action complete
Action...... !    Select one of: Brm Doc Edm eXe Lst Nxt Prv spR
JOB or Task....: IV4C101J
Step........: C1
Title.......: JOB - Alloc SYSDEF Data Sets
*********** Top of Data ********************
o Item Type:

  JOB - The batch JOB provided for this item must be run.

o Action Required:

  1. Review “Description” below.
  2. If desired (or required by the description below), use the 
     “EDM” action to edit the supplied JOB. (The “BRM” action
     can be used to browse the JOB.)
  3. Submit the JOB to be run. Use the TSO SUBMIT command
     from within edit or use the “EXE” action from the Execution
     Phase panels.
  4. When the JOB completes execution, review all step completion 
     for successful completion. See “Completion Codes and Messages”
     below for acceptable completion codes for this JOB.

  It might be necessary to review the printed output generated by
  this JOB in order to verify successful completion.

  If the JOB does not complete successfully, see “Error Recovery” below.

  5. When you are satisfied that the JOB completed successfully, use
     the “NXT” action to proceed to the next item.

o Description:
  This JOB scratches and reallocates the data sets needed, in addition to 
  those allocated for SMP/E processing, for IMS system definition.

The NXT and PRV actions can be used to progress through the items in the execution table.

When you are familiar with the requirements for each job and task (possibly by browsing the entire process before you actually begin submitting jobs), you can switch back to LST mode.

For this example, press End to return to LST mode and then press End again to exit from the execution phase.