Use the TERMINAL macro statement to define physical and logical characteristics of VTAM® nodes and non-VTAM communication terminals.

The NAME macro statements that follow a TERMINAL macro statement supply the logical terminal names that are associated with the physical terminal at system definition. Whichever terminal name is designated in the first NAME macro statement that follows a TERMINAL macro statement becomes the response or input/output logical terminal.

A TERMINAL macro statement that defines terminals connected to a switched communication line must not be immediately followed by a NAME macro statement.

All Fast Path-eligible terminals must operate in response (forced or transaction) mode. Where applicable, the PAGDEL option must be specified (or used by default) for these terminals.

Message Format Service (MFS) can be used in an IMS Fast Path configuration.

The TERMINAL macro statement can be specified without operands if the terminal is a printer, punch, tape, or disk.

All non-VTAM data communication specifications must precede the VTAM macro set in your IMS system definition stage 1 input deck. You receive a stage 1 output warning message if the VTAM macro set is not the last physical set. If an MSC macro set is part of your system definition, it must precede the VTAM macro set, or your system definition does not complete. To add VTAM support, you must specify either an ON-LINE or ALL system definition on the IMSCTRL macro statement.

For VTAM terminals, the default values shown for operands of the TERMINAL macro statement are ignored if these operands are specified on the TYPE macro statement.

If system definition statements from previous releases of IMS are being used, TERMINAL macro definitions from the previous releases are valid for this release. The TERMINAL keywords in this topic must be used for terminals newly supported with this release of IMS and for terminals that use new IMS terminal functions.

The TERMINAL macro statement can be used to define secondary logical units type 1, type 2, type 4, and type P, logical unit type 6.1, and NTO devices. These are designated on the TYPE macro as UNITYPE=SLUTYPE1, SLUTYPE2, SLUTYPEP, LUTYPE6, and NTO, respectively.

By specifying SLUTYPE1 on the TYPE macro, you can define an appropriate configuration of console, bulk printer, disk, and card reader/punch. The 3767 and 3770 nonprogrammable terminals must be defined to IMS as SLUTYPE1.

SLUTYPE2 must also be specified for display devices attached to a 3274 or 3276 Control Unit that is operating in SNA mode.

Related reading: For 3270/SLUTYPE2 dynamic terminals that are not defined by the TERMINAL macro, see MFS Device Characteristics Table utility (DFSUTB00).

By specifying SLUTYPEP on the TYPE macro, you can define 3600 terminals and 3790 or later programs using the Host Communication Facility. This support extends full IMS functional capabilities to user-written programs within the controller and includes the MFS Distributed Presentation Management (DPM) function. The support is in addition to current support for 3600 and 3790 user-written programs.

By specifying LUTYPE6 on the TYPE macro, you can define a logical unit type 6 node such as IBM® CICS® Transaction Server for z/OS®, another IMS, or a user-written program. This node can communicate with IMS as an SNA primary or secondary half-session.

For logical units type 6, the log write-ahead option, as specified by the LTWA and NLTWA parameters on the TERMINAL macro statement, need no longer be specified, because log write-ahead occurs automatically. Therefore, although this parameter can be retained for compatibility with previous releases, if it is specified, it is ignored by IMS.

By specifying NTO on the TYPE macro, you can define NTO devices. NTO support provides a non-SNA start/stop terminal interface to VTAM for 3101, TTY, and TTY-compatible devices. The TERMINAL macro statement keyword PU= permits you to designate the type of terminal being defined to use NTO support.

Related reading: For further information about SLU P and LU 6.1 (ISC), see IMS Version 15.5 Communications and Connections.

The TERMINAL macro statement can also be used to define terminals belonging to a Finance Communication System such as the 3600 Finance Communication System or the 4700 Finance Communication System. Finance Communication System components for devices specified as UNITYPE=3601 or as UNITYPE=FINANCE on the TYPE macro statement can be defined on the TERMINAL macro statement using either specific 3600 definitions or generic FINANCE terminal definitions. The code generated to support the terminal is identical regardless of whether the terminal is specified as UNITYPE=3601 or UNITYPE=FINANCE.

By specifying SLUTYPE2 on the TYPE macro, you can define 3277 terminals, Models 1 and 2, operating under control of the 3790/3270 Data Stream Compatibility. Under this support, the 3277 Model 2 can be defined as the IMS master terminal; the Model 1 is not supported as an IMS master terminal. This support is in addition to current support for the 3600 and 3790 user-written programs. The 3790 can be defined appropriately as SLUTYPE1, SLUTYPE2 or as a subset of FINANCE.

Dynamic definition

You cannot dynamically define the physical and logical characteristics of VTAM nodes and non-VTAM terminals.

Supported environments

The TERMINAL macro can be used in the DB/DC and DCCTL environments.


All Non-VTAM terminals

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramTERMINAL,LTERM= nameJ1
  • 1 Spool terminal

All VTAM terminals

  • 1 FES not valid for LU 6 terminals
  • 2 3270 local terminal
  • 3 3270 remote terminal
  • 4 Finance workstation (If UNITYPE=FINANCE on the TYPE macro)
  • 5 3600 workstation (If UNITYPE=3601 on the TYPE macro)
  • 6 SLU 1 terminal
  • 7 NTO device
  • 8 SLU 2 terminal
  • 9 SLU P terminal
  • 10 LU 6 terminal
G (all 3270 terminals)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram,MODEL=12,PTRSIZE=120126132IGNORE,TYPE=3270 An3270 Ann,SIZE=(llll, cccc),FEAT=(PFKDEKYBDNOPFK,CARD,NOCD,PEN,NOPEN)F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10IGNORE,OUTBUF=2000buffer size,FPBUF=0buffer size
H (3270 local terminals)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram,OPTIONS=AA,UNIT=327732843286
I (3270 remote terminal)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram,COMPT=PTR 1,OPTIONS=BB,UNIT=3277328432863275
J (spool terminal)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram,FEAT=NOAUTOSCHAUTOSCH
L (finance workstation (UNITYPE=FINANCE on the TYPE macro))
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram,COMPT=(,FIXX),FEAT=(DUAL,132),FPBUF=0buffer size,OPTIONS=CC,OUTBUF=64buffer size
M (3600 workstation (if UNITYPE=3601 on the TYPE macro))
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram,COMPT=(,36XX),FEAT=(DUAL,132),FPBUF=0buffer size,OPTIONS=DD,OUTBUF=64buffer size
N (SLU 1 terminal)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram,COMPT1=(CONSOLEPRINTER1,BASIC-SCS1,MFS-SCS1,BASIC-TRNIGNORE,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10),COMPT2=,COMPT3=,COMPT4=(PRINTER2PRINTDS1,BASIC-SCS1,MFS-SCS1IGNORE,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10TRANSDS1READER1PUNCH1,BASIC-SCS2,MFS-SCS2IGNORE,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10USERDS1,BASIC),FPBUF=0buffer size,MODETBL= entry name,OPTIONS=EE,OUTBUF=256buffer size,SEGSIZE=256size
O (NTO device)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram,FPBUF=0buffer size,MODETBL= entry name,OPTIONS=(TRANRESPFORCRESPNORESP,NOMFS,MFS,OPNDST,NOPNDST),OUTBUF=256buffer size,PU=TTY2740 1LUNS2741,SEGSIZE=256size
P (SLU 2 terminal)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram,FEAT=(PFKDEKYBDNOPFK,CARD,NOCD,PEN,NOPEN)F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9F10IGNORE,FPBUF=0buffer size,MODEL=12,TYPE=3270 An3270 Ann,SIZE=( llll, cccc),MODETBL= entry name,OPTIONS=FF,OUTBUF=1500size
Q (SLU P terminal)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram,COMPT1=,COMPT2=,COMPT3=,COMPT4=(PROGRAM1PROGRAM2,BASIC,BASIC─SCS1,MFS─SCS1,DPM─A1,DPM─A2,DPM─A3,DPM─A4,DPM─A5,DPM─A6,DPM─A7,DPM─A8,DPM─A9,DPM─A10,DPM─A11,DPM─A12,DPM─A13,DPM─A14,DPM─A15IGNORE,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10),FPBUF=0buffer size,MODETBL= entry name,OPTIONS=GG,OUTBUF=64buffer size,SEGSIZE=256buffer size
R (LU 6.1 terminal)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram,COMPT1=,COMPT2=,COMPT3=,COMPT4=(MULT1MULT2SINGLE1SINGLE2,VLVB, MFS─SCS1,DPM─B1,DPM─B2,DPM─B3,DPM─B4,DPM─B5,DPM─B6,DPM─B7,DPM─B8,DPM─B9,DPM─B10,DPM─B11,DPM─B12,DPM─B13,DPM─B14,DPM─B15IGNORE,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10),FPBUF=0buffer size,MODETBL= entry name,OPTIONS=HH,OUTBUF=256buffer size,SEGSIZE=256size,SESSION=11 4095

Label Field

If any subsequent NAME macro statement refers to this TERMINAL macro statement in its OUTPUT keyword, a label must be specified for the TERMINAL macro statement.

Positional parameters

The TERMINAL macro does not include positional parameters.

Keyword parameters

To find which parameters apply to your IMS configuration, refer to Selecting the appropriate macros to define your system.

Specifies (for an XRF complex) control of the automatic restart or session switching (VTAM) after takeover. Use only when HSB=YES is specified on the IMSCTRL macro.

X is a numeric integer from 1 to 7, inclusive, that specifies the priority for reestablishing the session. The default is 4 if either the keyword or the parameter is omitted. NO suppresses session recovery of the terminal at takeover.

Although requests to VTAM are prioritized by IMS, the active requests can be completed in any order because of internal VTAM conflicts and pacing.

The second parameter is only used with VTAM terminals. It determines whether the backup system is to attempt to establish a backup session to the terminal when the active request establishes a session. Backup sessions are not valid for UNITYPEs 3270, LU6, and NTO. If this parameter is specified as YES for these UNITYPEs, it is ignored. If it is not specified, the default is NO. The default for this second parameter is YES when either the keyword or the parameter is omitted. Specifying NO for this parameter suppresses the establishment of a backup session.

Specifies the size of the output buffer. The value specified here cannot exceed the value specified on the preceding LINE macro statement. The default is 120.
Specifies components of this terminal. This operand is valid only for 3600 terminals. For terminals specified as UNITYPE=3601 or FINANCE on the TYPE macro, COMPT= describes the components that compose this workstation. A maximum of four terminal cans can be defined. Acceptable values for components are:
36DS or FIDS
3604 display or 4704 keyboard/display
36DS3 of FIDS3
3604 display, model 3
36DS4 or FIDS4
3604 display, model 4
36DS7 or FIDS7
3604 display, model 7
36JP or FIJP
3610/3612 journal printer or 4710 receipt validation printer
36PB or FIPB
3611/3612 passbook printer
36FP or FIFP
3618 line printer
36MS or FIMS
Magnetic strip encoder
36CT or FICT
3614 customer transaction facility (a component of FINANCE)

One 36DS, 36DS3, 36DS4, 36DS7, or 36CT (or equivalent components specified as FIDS, FIDS3, FIDS4, FIDS7, or FICT) can be specified per workstation. Multiple components of the same type (excluding 36DS, 36DS3, 36DS4, and 36DS7 or equivalent FIxx components) can be specified. The order in which components are specified determines the value placed in the COMPT field of the Finance Communication System output message header.

  • For SLU 1 terminals:

    Defines the component types and processing associated with terminals defined as SLUTYPE1. A maximum of four components can be defined. For each component, three subparameters can be defined: media, edit processing, and features.

    You can assign a number to a set of user-defined features (such as printer size, vertical forms control, horizontal tabs on a printer, and logical record length on a diskette) and tell MFS what these features are. IGNORE can be used to specify that all features (or any designated feature) are to be ignored.

    Component 1 must be either CONSOLE or PRINTER1. Components 2, 3, and 4 must be PRINTER2, PRINTDS1, TRANSDS1, READER1, PUNCH1, or USERDS1.

    If no components are specified, the default is COMPT1=(CONSOLE,BASIC-SCS1).

    The first subparameter (media) of the second, third, or fourth components has no default.

    If BASIC-SCS1, BASIC-SCS2, BASIC, or BASIC-TRN is specified as the second subparameter (editing), the third subparameter (feature) cannot be specified. If MFS-SCS1 or MFS-SCS2 editing is specified as the second subparameter, the default is IGNORE for the third subparameter.

    The following values can be defined:
    Identifies the presence of a console keyboard and a printer. Either this component or PRINTER1 must be (and can only be) specified first in a sublist, because all error messages are routed to this destination. This component uses SCS1 data streams. This can be the only component specified if the secondary logical unit type 1 is a 3767.
    Identifies a SLU 1 terminal whose input data does not conform to SCS (SCS1 or SCS2) protocols. IMS processes the data without editing, translating, or deleting characters following the destination and password fields. No MFS editing is supported.

    This form of transparency support differs from SCS2 transparency support in that BINDPSB1=BINTRNDS in the SLU 1 bind image need not be set (and has no effect if set), and in that IMS does not scan the input data stream for transparency control characters (X'35') to identify transparent fields.

    Identifies the presence of a print data set or the SYS.INTR data set for the SLU 1 programmable model. This component uses SCS1 data streams.
    Identifies the presence of 3784, 3284, 3286, or similar printers. This component or console must be (and can only be) specified first in a sublist, because all error messages are routed to these destinations. This component uses SCS1 data streams.
    Identifies the presence of a SLU 1 printer. This component uses SCS1 data streams.
    Identifies the presence of a 3770 card output device. This component uses SCS2 data streams. Card records do not span RU boundaries.
    Identifies the presence of a 3770 card input device. This component uses SCS2 data streams.
    Identifies the presence of an input component consisting of the SLUTYPE1 transmit data set. This component uses SCS2 data streams. TRANSDS1 can be specified only once as a component of a particular terminal.
    Identifies the presence of the user's sequential data sets for output and input. MFS support is not available for this component. The data stream on output is undefined; the inbound data stream is the same as the transmit data set data stream.

    If multiple USERDS1 components are defined on the same TERMINAL macro statement, all user data set (UDS) input appears to be from the first UDS defined. Also, unless the CHNG call is used by the IMS Message Processing Program, all output is sent to the output component associated with the first UDS defined. (See the COMPT parameter of the NAME macro statement.)

    If MFS-SCS1 or MFS-SCS2 data streams are specified, MFS-SCS1 or MFS-SCS2 formatting is used for messages processed by MFS.

  • For SLU P nodes:

    Defines the component types and processing (including distributed presentation management for MFS) associated with a node defined as SLUTYPEP, and indicates that the component is represented by a user-written program.

    Up to four components can be specified; for each component, up to three subparameters can be specified. If the component is not specified, the default is COMPT1=(PROGRAM1,BASIC). Components 1, 2, 3, and 4 must be either PROGRAM1 or PROGRAM2. If component 2, 3, or 4 is present and takes all defaults (PROGRAM1,BASIC), at least one of the default subparameters must be specified so that the presence of the component can be recognized.

    The first subparameter is the media type coded as PROGRAM1 or PROGRAM2.

    If PROGRAM1 is specified, IMS does not assume component protection for this component and might send consecutive messages without waiting for intervening input requests. When using MFS, component protection can be accomplished for messages which use MFS with paging options in MFS control blocks defined as DEV TYPE=DPM-A01...DPM-A15 or DPM-A1...DPM-A15.

    If PROGRAM2 is specified, IMS assumes component protection and does not send consecutive messages without intervening input requests.

    The second subparameter specifies the type of editing to be provided by IMS for input to and output from user-written programs.

    If BASIC is specified, no deblocking occurs on input, and MFS is not used on output or input.

    If DPM-A01...DPM-A15 or DPM-A1...DPM-A15 is specified, no deblocking occurs on input, and the MFS DPM function can be used on output or input. To define DPM for this component, code DPM-An, where n is a decimal number from 1 to 15. When MFS is to be used, this operand must match an MFS DEV TYPE=DPM-An statement within the MFS definitions.

    If BASIC-SCS1 is specified, SCS1 data streams are used. MFS is not available on output or input.

    If MFS-SCS1 is specified, SCS1 data streams are used, and MFS is available.

    The third subparameter specifies a user-defined feature code. The designated feature is used to select an MFS format—MFS-SCS1, DPM-A01...DPM-A15, or DPM-A1...DPM-A15—with matching feature specification. IGNORE can be used to specify that an MFS format (SCS1 or DPM-An) with the FEAT=IGNORE operand of the DEV statement is to be selected.

    The third subparameter cannot be specified if BASIC or BASIC-SCS1 is specified for the type of editing (second subparameter).

  • For LU 6.1 nodes:

    Defines the SNA send/receive and bracket protocols to be used during asynchronous IMS output to LU 6.1 nodes. The MFS distributed presentation management (DPM) facility can be defined as available selectively by component.

    The first, second, and third subparameter are specified independently of one another.

    The first subparameter (MULT1, MULT2, SINGLE1, SINGLE2) indicates the output protocol to be used and the number of messages to be sent on output. These subparameters are defined as follows:
    • MULT1—Multiple messages or empty queue ends the bracket
    • MULT2—Multiple messages or empty queue causes the flow to be returned to the other half-session
    • SINGLE1—A single message or empty queue ends the bracket
    • SINGLE2—A single message or empty queue causes the flow to be returned to the other half-session

    The default is MULT1.

    Related reading: Refer to IMS Version 15.5 Communications and Connections for information about whether to specify a component as SINGLE1, SINGLE2, MULT1, or MULT2. IMS Version 15.5 Communications and Connections also includes information about the characteristics of SINGLE1, SINGLE2, MULT1, MULT2.

    The second subparameter (VLVB/DPM-Bn) indicates whether MFS is available for the component and whether the data blocking algorithm is to be used. VLVB indicates variable-length, variable-blocked format is to be used in place of MFS for both input and output. DPM-Bn indicates that MFS DPM is available for both input and output from that component on a message-by-message basis. The default is VLVB. You should not specify the DPM-B(xx) operand for the XRF/ISC link. If DPM-B(xx) is specified, a G732 warning message is issued, and the default value of VLVB is assumed.

    The third subparameter, a number 1 - 10, specifies a user-defined feature code. The designated feature is used to select an MFS format. IGNORE can be used to specify that an MFS format with the FEAT=IGNORE operand of the DEV statement is to be selected. The default is IGNORE. (If the second subparameter is specified as VLVB, the third subparameter cannot be specified.)

The first parameter specifies whether (YES) or not (NO) the user-supplied physical terminal output edit routine specified in the TYPE or LINEGRP macro statement is to be used for this workstation. The default is NO.

The second parameter specifies whether (YES) or not (NO) the user-supplied physical terminal input edit routine specified in the TYPE or LINEGRP macro statement is to be used for this workstation. The default is NO.

(If the system definition statements from previous releases of IMS are used, TERMINAL macro statements from previous releases are valid for this release.)
  • For nonswitched or local 3270 terminals:

    The first subparameter specifies whether a DEKYBD (Data Entry Keyboard) or PFK (Program Function Keys) is available on this 3275 or 3277 terminal. PFK and DEKYBD are not valid, and NOPFK (no Program Function Keys) is forced for 3284 and 3286 terminals. The default is PFK.

    The second subparameter specifies whether the Operator Identification Card Reader is available (CARD) or not (NOCD) on this 3275 or 3277 terminal. CARD specification is not valid, and NOCD is forced for 3284 and 3286 terminals. The default is CARD.

    The third subparameter specifies whether (PEN) or not (NOPEN) the Selector Pen is available on this 3275 or 3277 terminal. PEN specification is not valid and NOPEN is forced for 3284 and 3286 terminals. The default is PEN.

  • For terminals defined as SLUTYPE2:

    The comments for nonswitched and local 3270 terminals apply equally to terminals defined as SLUTYPE2.

  • For all 3270 Terminals:

    IGNORE can be specified if the presence or absence of the value does not affect terminal operation within IMS.

    If IGNORE is not specified, the default values assumed for any omitted subparameters are PFK, CARD, and PEN, respectively.

  • For all 3270 terminals (except for the printer component of the 3275) and secondary logical units type 2 (SLU 2):

    F1, F2...F10 specify terminal features that the user designates to correspond to each integer. The same number is used for any given feature during both system definition and MFS processing. This specified integer is used instead of, and not in addition to, other feature specifications.

    If you are using the same MFS format for the 3180 and 3290, Fn must have different values for the 3180 and 3290. These same values must be coded on the corresponding FEAT=Fn parameter of the MFS DEV statements.

  • For 3275 printer components:

    FEAT=F1...F10 is not a valid specification for 3275 printer components (that is, devices specified as UNIT=3275 and COMPT=PTR1).

  • For 3284 and 3286 units:

    F1...F10 specify terminal features that the user designates to correspond to each integer. The same number is used for any given feature during both system definition and MFS processing. This specified integer is used instead of, and not in addition to, other feature specifications.

    Specifications of FEAT=F1...F10 and PTRSIZE are mutually exclusive for the 3284 and 3286 devices. If PTRSIZE= is specified, FEAT= is invalid. If FEAT= is specified, no default PTRSIZE is assumed.

    Also, FEAT=IGNORE is invalid for these devices. PTRSIZE=IGNORE is used instead.

    The use of a particular specification for F1...F10 should be directly related to a particular printer line size and should be consistently used for printers having that line size and identical attributes throughout your system definition.

    Example: FEAT=F5 might be used to define printers with a line size of 126 print positions and color, FEAT=F6 for printers with a line size of 126 print positions but without color, and FEAT=F7 for printers with a line size of 120 or 132.

  • For UNITYPE=3601 or FINANCE and COMPT=36FP:

    DUAL indicates the presence of the DUAL forms control feature, and 132 indicates the presence of the extended print line feature.

  • For SPOOL Terminals:

    If FEAT=AUTOSCH, the print utility is automatically scheduled when the spool lines are stopped, when a spool data set fills, or when IMS is initialized. If FEAT=NOAUTOSCH (the default), the MTO must schedule the print utility.

Specifies the Fast Path terminal buffer size for the following terminal types: 3270 (VTAM), 3601, SLU 1, SLU 2, NTO, SLU P, and LU 6.1. FPBUF provides the system default for the EMH buffer if the EMHL parameter is not specified. FPBUF=0 means that the terminal is not eligible for Fast Path processing. FPBUF=0 is the default. This specification can also be used to override an FPBUF= default on the TYPE macro statement. If the terminal is eligible for Fast Path transaction processing, the minimum value that can be specified is 12. The maximum value is 30 720. The value specified must not be greater than the logical record length of the long message queue data set specified in the RECLNG= parameter of the MSGQUEUE macro.

This keyword is optional and cannot be specified on ETO terminal descriptors. See the RECLNG parameter of the MSGQUEUE macro for further information.

Specifies a logical terminal name for this TERMINAL statement. This name is used to check input terminal security for this terminal. The NAME macro referred to must precede this TERMINAL statement. When this operand is present, the TERMINAL statement cannot be followed by a NAME statement.

This operand is required for READER terminals. For example, a previously defined TERMINAL statement defined a 3270 remote terminal and was followed by the name ABLE. In addition, assume that this TERMINAL statement refers to a READER terminal that is an input-only device. All input security for the READER terminal is checked against the security characteristics assigned to ABLE.

This operand cannot be specified for NTO devices and is not supported for ACF/VTAM terminals.

When a list of LTERMs is defined under the previous TERMINAL statement to which reference is made, only the first LTERM name is selected from that list. If an attempt is made to select other than the first, IMS ignores the name chosen and assigns the value of the first name listed.

  NAME      LTERM1
  NAME      LTERM2
  NAME      LTERM3


In this example, IMS treats the second TERMINAL statement as though it reads LTERM=LTERM1.

Specifies the terminal model number for terminals with screen sizes of 480 (Model 1) or 1920 (Model 2) characters. Terminals with screen sizes other than 480 or 1920 characters are defined using the TYPE and SIZE keyword parameters. The default is 1. The model number specified for a 3277 for which OPTIONS=COPY is specified must be less than or equal to the model number specified for any candidate printer. The MODEL and TYPE/SIZE keyword parameters are mutually exclusive.
Specifies the name of the VTAM logon mode table entry (logon mode name) that contains the SNA bind parameters to be used when a session is initiated by the MTO or through the /OPNDST command.

This function allows a system definition specification for referencing an entry other than the default entry in the user's VTAM logon mode table. Normally, the terminal operator specifies this mode table entry name when logging on to a terminal; this is not possible, however, from the IMS master terminal because IMS initiates the session.

With this function, if MODETBL= is not specified at system definition, no functional or operational change affects the user.

If MODETBL= is specified at system definition, the specified entry name is used. The MODETBL can be overridden by:
  • The LOGON APPLID entry by the remote terminal operator
  • VARY ACT, LOGON= command by the network terminal operator
  • /OPNDST, /RST, or /CHANGE command by the MTO

The MODETBL= parameter is required for the IMS master terminal if the VTAM default mode table is not configured specifically for the device to be used as the IMS master terminal.

With MODETBL=, you do not need to specify the mode table entry when logging on to terminals that always require specification of the same mode table entry name.

Specifies which message types IMS should discard for this terminal, if it is not the master terminal. The default is NONE for non-VTAM terminals and SYSINFO for VTAM terminals. NONE is ignored for VTAM.
NONIOPCB specifies that IMS should discard the following message types destined for this terminal:
  • Message switches
  • Messages inserted by an application program to an alternate PCB
  • /BROADCAST messages
  • DFS059 TERMINAL status messages

NOTERM specifies that IMS should discard DFS059 TERMINAL status messages and DFS3650 SESSION status messages for this terminal. Do not specify NOTERM for 3601, SLU P, or LU 6.1 VTAM terminals. If NOTERM is specified, a warning message is issued and the specification default is SYSINFO.

SYSINFO specifies that IMS should discard DFS059 TERMINAL status messages for this terminal.

NONE specifies that IMS should not discard any message types for this terminal.

When MSGDEL is specified, the following additional restrictions apply to the reassignment of logical terminals:
  • Assignment of a logical terminal to a physical terminal defined as MSGDEL=NONIOPCB can only take place if no messages are in the Q3 (logical terminal's system) or Q4 (other than system) queues, unless that logical terminal is currently assigned to a physical terminal also defined as MSGDEL=NONIOPCB.
  • Assignment of a logical terminal to a physical terminal defined as MSGDEL=SYSINFO or MSGDEL= NOTERM can only take place if no messages are in the system queue of the logical terminal, unless that logical terminal is currently assigned to a physical terminal defined as MSGDEL=SYSINFO, MSGDEL=NOTERM, or MSGDEL=NONIOPCB.

An LU 6.1 session can be initiated only if the MSGDEL specifications on both the TERMINAL macro statement and the SUBPOOL macro statement match. An LU 6.1 session is not established, and an error message is issued if these specifications are not identical.

Must be the VTAM node name specified during VTAM/NCP definition.

When using XRF and VTAM-supported master terminals, a second node name should be specified for the master terminals. The two node names specify nodes in the two IMS XRF systems. The first is used by the system with HSBID=1 and the second by the system with HSBID=2. If a secondary master is used, it also should have two specifications. For more information about the HSBID parameter, see Environments that support IMS.SDFSRESL procedures.

The specification of nodename corresponds to the HSBID= specification at IMS start up. This means that HSBID=2 uses nodename2 as the master or secondary master terminal, and uses PASSWD2 (from COMM macro).

When you define an ISC surveillance link between the XRF active and alternate systems, the two node names in the NAME keyword must match the two VTAM application names in the APPLID keyword of the COMM macro.

For an ISC node communicating with an XRF complex, the node name must be the VTAM USERVAR associated with the XRF complex. Defining additional nodes for the actual VTAM APPLIDs of the IMS systems which comprise the XRF complex results in errors during session initiation.

The recommended use of the nodename keyword is:
  • Use nodename1 only for DB/TM or DCCTL systems that are non-XRF
  • Use nodename1 and nodename2 for DB/TM or DCCTL systems using XRF

The default for nodename3 is the value of nodename1

Specifies certain communication options associated with this terminal. The OPTIONS= subparameters are not position dependent.
ACK indicates that recoverable and update transactions must be acknowledged with a definite response 1 (FME) or definite response 2 (RRN). OPTACK allows input messages containing only a begin bracket indicator to be acknowledged by an end bracket indicator on the next output message. A definite response must be requested for recoverable input if ACK is specified, and is optional if OPTACK is specified. The use of OPTACK also affects the sequence number recording for message resynchronization.

Related reading: Additional information about ACK and OPTACK is found in IMS Version 15.5 Communications and Connections.

OPTACK is forced for Fast Path-eligible terminals if the value specified for FPBUF is greater than 0. ACK can be specified if BID is not also used. ACK allows a 3600/LUP terminal to add Fast Path without initially recoding the remote terminal program.

Specifies whether (BSELM) or not (NBSELM) the backspace character elimination is required for input from a SLU 1 terminal.
Specifies whether (COPY) or not (NOCOPY) the copy function is requested for this terminal. Terminals defined with the copy function must have appropriate candidate printers.

Related reading: For a detailed discussion of candidate printers for 3270 terminals, refer to the discussion of controlling output in IMS Version 15.5 Communications and Connections.

This subparameter is supported for dynamic SLU 2 terminals, but not for dynamic non-SNA VTAM 3270s.

Applies only to 3601/Finance and SLU P terminal types and specifies whether (FPACK) or not (NFPACK) Fast Path output message protocol is to be used, as defined in IMS Version 15.5 Communications and Connections.

The Fast Path output message protocol for FPACK normally requires another input (transaction or SNA RTR command), following transmission of the output Fast Path reply message, before any asynchronous output message can be sent. The NFPACK option indicates that standard non-Fast Path protocols are to be used, and allows any asynchronous output message to be sent immediately following acknowledgment of the Fast Path output reply message.

For the Session Outage Notification facility only; specifies automatic session restart (ASR) on a VTAM node. The default is NOASR. Specifying ASR or NOASR on the TERMINAL macro overrides ASR definitions on the TYPE macro for a defined node.

Use the /DIS command to display the current ASR option, and the /CHANGE command to change it.

The ASR option is not supported for nodes that can have XRF backup sessions.

For LUTYPE6 nodes, the ASR option works only if IMS is acting as the primary logical unit (PLU).

AUTOSIGN indicates that IMS automatically signs on to static terminals with the first LTERM name as the user ID, bypassing a password check. The user ID needs to be defined in RACF®.

For ISC static terminals, the SUBPOOL name is used as the user ID instead of the LTERM name.

NOAUTSGN indicates that IMS does not automatically sign on to static terminals with the first LTERM name as the user ID. This is the default.

The AUTOSIGN and NOAUTSGN definitions in this macro override those definitions on the TYPE macro.

If you specify AUTOSIGN on the TYPE macro, every subsequent TERMINAL macro after that TYPE macro also specifies AUTOSIGN. You can specify exceptions to the AUTOSIGN specification by specifying NOAUTSGN for particular TERMINAL macros.

NOBID indicates that the VTAM BID command is never to be used. BID indicates that the VTAM BID command always precedes output messages that occur while between brackets, regardless of response mode option used.

Before the availability of this option, IMS systems forced the equivalent of NOBID if NORESP was specified, and forced the equivalent of BID if FORCRESP is specified.

Determines whether IMS should automatically terminate a session for a terminal defined as SLUTYPE1 when operating in unattended mode. (ATTEND or UNATTEND mode is determined from the logon mode table entry specified to be used during session initiation.) DISCON specifies that IMS should automatically terminate the communication session with the terminal after receiving all immediately available input or sending all available output. NODISCON suppresses that automatic termination. The logon mode table is described in the MODETBL= keyword description.
Specifies whether (FES) or not (NOFES) this terminal is capable of front— end switching. The default is NOFES.

To define a terminal as capable of front-end switching, define the front end switch exit routine with the FESEXIT keyword in the IMS startup parameter.

If FES is specified, the FES exit gets control for each input from this terminal.

Specifies whether (MFS) or not (NOMFS) the Message Format Service (MFS) is to be provided for this terminal. The default is NOMFS.
Specifies whether (MTOMSG) or not (NOMTOMSG) normal session initiation and termination messages are to be sent to the IMS MTO. The default is NOMTOMSG.
Specifies whether (SHARE) or not (NOSHARE) this printer can be shared between VTAM subsystems. If SHARE is specified, then IMS can issue a SIMLOGON VTAM macro when either of the following occurs:
  • Data is queued for this printer.
  • The VTAM 3270 PF12 key invokes the internal IMS copy function that selects this terminal, and the terminal is not connected to IMS.
If SHARE is specified, the OPNDST option must also have been selected for this terminal.

If SHARE is specified, a MODETBL entry cannot be specified for cross-domain resources. An entry of ALL X'00' in the VTAM MODETBL indicates to ACF/VTAM that the default session parameters are to be used for this terminal and that the terminal can be defined in any VTAM domain.

If the default option, NOSHARE, is specified, and if IMS releases this terminal to another VTAM application, the IMS MTO must issue an /OPN command, a VTAM VARY command, or a UNIX System Services logon for IMS to reacquire the terminal.

This option is applicable to SLU 1, 3284/86 local, and VTAM 3270 devices only. If UNITYPE=3270 is specified on the TYPE macro statement, UNIT must be a 3284 or 3286 device.

For VTAM terminals only, specifies signon verification security processing (SIGNON). The default is NOSIGNON.

The SIGNON and NOSIGNON definitions in this macro override those definitions on the TYPE macro.

Instead of specifying OPTIONS=SIGNON in more than one system definition macro, you can require all static terminals to sign on by specifying a single parameter, SIGNON=ALL, in the DFSDCxxx PROCLIB member.

Related reading: For more information about the SIGNON keyword, see DFSDCxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.

Applies only to VTAM terminals and specifies whether (OPNDST) or not (NOPNDST) the /OPNDST command is valid for this node. The default for all terminal types except NTO is that /OPNDST is valid.

The default value for NTO devices is NOPNDST. Either NOPNDST, the default value, or OPNDST is valid for nonswitched NTO devices. When using switched NTO devices, NOPNDST must be specified or accepted by default, because these devices must be logged on by an operator. An error results if OPNDST is specified for switched NTO devices.

The NOPNDST option is used to prevent the /OPNDST command from being used to start a session between IMS and a VTAM terminal.

This option does not apply to a VTAM terminal specified in the NAME macro as MASTER (the IMS master terminal), because that terminal is automatically opened.

Specifies whether (PAGDEL) or not (NPGDEL) automatic page deletion is to be specified for this terminal. This option applies to 3270 terminals, SLU 2 terminals, SLU P nodes, and to 3601 workstations using MFS. PAGDEL is the default option, but the LU 6.1 nodes default is NPGDEL.

When the last physical page of the last logical page of the message is sent, the message is dequeued no matter which parameter is specified.

PAGDEL should be specified for terminals used in an interactive or conversational manner. If input from the terminal or node is normally followed by a response to the terminal or node, PAGDEL should be specified.

NPGDEL is provided for terminals that produce many input messages to which no response is made. When NPGDEL is specified, input from a paged message is responded to by IMS with the first page of that same message. Any application program response is queued.

Specifies whether (PROT) or not (UNPROT) the terminal display is protected after each page of a message. If PROT is specified, the protected status of the terminal depends upon the unprotected screen mode option on the DSCA keyword of the MFS DEV statement or the SCA keyword of the MFS MFLD statement. This keyword applies only to 3270 display terminals and secondary logical units type 2 (SLU 2).
Specifies whether (RELRQ) or not (NORELRQ) IMS is to release this terminal upon request from other VTAM subsystems. If NORELRQ is specified, requests by other VTAM subsystems for this terminal are not honored. The MTO must intervene to reassign this terminal to another VTAM subsystem. If RELRQ, the default, is specified, then IMS releases this terminal to other VTAM subsystems upon request.

This option is applicable to devices specified on the TYPE macro statement as UNITYPE=3601, FINANCE, SLUTYPE1, SLUTYPEP, and LUTYPE6, in addition to 3284 and 3286 printers.

NORELRQ is forced for 3277, SLU2, and NTO terminals.

Specifies whether (SCAN) or not (NOSCAN) IMS should edit 3601 device-control sequences (such as SELECT, POSITION, and WRITE TRANSPARENT) that would otherwise be split across two transmissions when a non-MFS formatted output segment must be split into multiple transmissions.

If an MFS-formatted output segment must be split across two transmissions, IMS edits 3601 device-control sequences (SELECT and POSITION) that would otherwise be split across two transmissions even if the NOSCAN option is specified.

Related reading: See IMS Version 15.5 Communications and Connections for additional information.

Specifies when session initiation is to be completed.
  • SYNCSESS specifies that session initiation is to be completed only when session restart modes (message sequence numbers) agree.
  • FORCSESS specifies that session initiation is to be completed regardless of the agreement of session restart modes.

The default is SYNCSESS.

TRANRESP specifies that the transaction code definition should be referred to determine whether response mode should be used. All Fast Path-eligible terminals operate in response mode—either TRANRESP or FORCRESP.
  • TRANRESP is the default value for 3767, 3770 switched and station-control terminals, and for terminals defined as SLUTYPE1, NTO, or LUTYPE6.
  • NORESP specifies that response mode is not to be allowed for this terminal. NORESP is the default for 3270, and 3601 terminals, and terminals defined as SLUTYPE2 and SLUTYPEP. NORESP is not compatible with Fast Path.
  • FORCRESP specifies that response mode is to be forced for all transactions entered from this terminal.

For VTAM terminals, the combined specification of FORCRESP and NPGDEL is not recommended. Also, if MSGTYPE=RESPONSE is specified on the TRANSACT macro statement for these terminals, the combined specification of TRANRESP and NPGDEL is not recommended.

The keyboard of a display terminal defined with no automatic page deletion (NPGDEL) can become locked during execution if operating in terminal response mode. NPGDEL specifies that the current output message is not to be dequeued at the time of input. However, with terminal response mode, input is inhibited until the current output message is dequeued and the terminal response mode is reset. Thus, a terminal receiving multiple pages of output and defined with the combined specification of FORCRESP and NPGDEL might require master terminal intervention to reset the terminal response mode.

Specifies whether IMS translates the shift-out/shift-in (SO/SI) characters for MFS editing. The SO/SI characters indicate which characters are used for EGCS terminals. The default of TRSOSI should be used for non-EGCS terminals. This keyword applies only to 3270 terminals and type 2 secondary logical units (SLU2).
Specifies whether IMS is to unlock the terminal keyboard and reset the modified data tags after an MFS bypass.
  • UNLOCK specifies that MODNAME=DFS.EDTN unlocks the terminal keyboard and resets the modified data tags
  • LOCK specifies that an application program assumes responsibility for unlocking the terminal keyboard and resetting the modified data tags.
This keyword applies only to 3270 terminals and type 2 secondary logical units (SLU2).
Specifies the size of the IMS output buffer to be used for the workstations that are identified in this parameter description. The OUTBUF value indicates the maximum size of IMS message segments that are sent from IMS to the workstation in a single transmission.

For VTAM SNA devices, a single transmission represents a transmission from IMS to VTAM. For these devices, the output message is blocked (chained) based on the OUTBUF value and might result in multiple transmissions for a single message.

For VTAM non-SNA devices, IMS sends the message in a single transmission. No blocking or chaining is performed.

If MFS bypass is used, the OUTBUF value must be large enough to contain the entire output message. If the message that is inserted by the IMS application exceeds the OUTBUF value, the message is rejected by IMS. If MFS is used to edit the output message, the OUTBUF value is ignored and the message is sent regardless of its length. When sending to a printer, the OUTBUF value must be equal to or greater than the segment size, but less than 4096 bytes.

IMS also uses the OUTBUF value to set the transmission services usage field (byte 11) in the bind parameter. If this value is specified incorrectly, it might cause the device to reject the bind parameter. The value specified, plus the size of any routing information later appended by VTAM, must be less than the maximum message size specified for VTAM and its related NCPs. The output buffer size is calculated as follows for:

3270: Record size. The range of values that can be specified is 256 through 30720 bytes. The default is 2000 bytes. The actual hardware buffer capacity should be considered when creating the OUTBUF calculation. The hardware buffer maximum might be less than the default of 2000 bytes. For a device that is not a SNA 3270, OUTBUF is used only if you are using MFS bypass. Otherwise, OUTBUF is ignored.

Related reading: For information about devices attached to a local 3274 control unit, see 3274 Control Unit Description and Programmer's Guide.

3601 or FINANCE: Record size plus header. (Header is 3 bytes if MFS is not used or 29 bytes if MFS is used.) The range of values that can be specified is 64 bytes to 30720 bytes. The default is 64 bytes.

SLU 1: Record size plus header. (The header is 25 bytes.) The range of values that can be specified is 128 bytes to 30720 bytes. The default is 256 bytes.

NTO: The range of values that can be specified is 256 bytes to 30720 bytes. The default is 256 bytes.

Output message segments are not blocked. Each segment is sent as an RU. Segments greater than the RU size are spanned, but an RU never contains more than one segment.

SLU 2: The range of values that can be specified is 256 bytes to 30720 bytes. The default is 1500 bytes. A 3790 defined as SLUTYPE2 has a maximum value of 1536.

SLU P: Record size plus header. (The header is 5 bytes if MFS is not used and up to 42 bytes if MFS is used.) The range of values that can be specified is 64 bytes to 30720 bytes. The default is 64 bytes.

LU 6.1: Record size plus header. The range of values that can be specified is 256 bytes to 30720 bytes. The default is 256 bytes. The header size without MFS is variable from 8 bytes to 45 bytes; with MFS, the header size is variable from 8 bytes to 62 bytes.

Related reading: For more information about LU 6.1 record size, see IMS Version 15.5 Communications and Connections.

For all logical units that require a bind from IMS, the OUTBUF buffer size must be a decimal value that can be expressed by the algorithm X times 2 to the power of Y. X must be a value from 8 through 15 and Y must be a value from 3 through 11. This is a VTAM restriction. Thus, for example, the value 144 (representing 9x24) and the value 28672 (representing 14x211) are acceptable values. Details of this VTAM restriction are described in z/OS V1R2 Communications Server: SNA Programming, with information about requesting unit sizes.

For an IMS 15.5 system partnering with another IMS 15.5 system or an IMS Version 11 or IMS Version 10 system, any size between 1024 and 65536 is valid. For IMS 15.5 systems partnering with versions of IMS before Version 10, valid VTAM buffer sizes are restricted to one of the following decimal values:
  • 112
  • 120
  • 128
  • 144
  • 160
  • 176
  • 192
  • 208
  • 224
  • 240
  • 256
  • 288
  • 320
  • 352
  • 384
  • 416
  • 448
  • 480
  • 512
  • 576
  • 640
  • 704
  • 768
  • 768
  • 832
  • 896
  • 960
  • 1024
  • 1152
  • 1280
  • 1408
  • 1536
  • 1664
  • 1792
  • 1920
  • 2048
  • 2304

IMS converts the value given here to the format required for the bind parameter fields and places the value into the appropriate field in the bind parameter list. If the maximum RU value specified cannot be converted exactly into the bind format, the value is rounded down to the next-lower value bind format for inbound RUs and rounded up to the next-higher value bind format for outbound RUs.

Note: For IMS to CICS ISC connections, IMS checks the ISC link buffer definitions during the bind to avoid potential storage corruption that could occur by receiving a message that is larger than the available buffer. If a mismatch is detected, IMS issues message DFS2066I.

To avoid this conflict, ensure that:
  1. If CICS is the primary half session, the CICS RECEIVESIZE is greater than or equal to the IMS OUTBUF size.
  2. If IMS is the primary half session, the CICS SENDSIZE is greater than or equal to the OUTBUF size.
  3. VTAM buffer sizes are a valid decimal value (expressed by the algorithm x times 2 to the power of y, with x = 8 through 15, and y = 3 through 11). If valid VTAM buffer sizes are not specified, unwanted rounding of those values might occur, and a mismatch in bind RU sizes might result.
Specifies the number of print positions of the 3284 or 3286 printer. The default is 120.

PTRSIZE=IGNORE causes MFS to always use the device output format (DOF) with FEAT=IGNORE in its DEV statement when editing output for this device. The existing parameters and control block values, including default parameters, are unchanged.

Specifies the type of physical device that is connected by means of the Network Terminal Option (NTO) licensed program. PU= is a required keyword for NTO devices; an error message results if it is omitted.
Each keyword represents a device type.
  • TTY—TTY devices, such as a 33/35, or TTY compatible devices, such as a 3101 running in TTY mode.
  • LUNS—These devices are non-SNA logical units, such as a 3101 not running in TTY mode.
Specifies the maximum size of IMS message segments that are sent to IMS. Acceptable values are from 256 bytes to 32000 bytes. The default is 256.

If an APPC logical record exceeds the SEGSIZE value, IMS breaks the record into multiple IMS segments. The IMS application must issue get Next (GN) DL/I calls to receive the second through nth segments.

Calculate the segment size as follows:
  • SLU 1, SLU P, and NTO devices:

    Size is the maximum input segment size that can result from blocking or deblocking one or more SCS1 input records. This parameter is ignored for non-SCS1 devices.

  • LU 6.1:

    Size equals the size of the largest input record that can result from blocking or deblocking one or more VLVB or chain records.

    IMS spans queue buffers on an ISC input message if the data is sent in VLVB format. This allows IMS to handle large ISC input messages without having to increase the LGMSG buffer size. IMS obtains an input buffer based on SEGSIZE and fills this buffer with VLVB input data before enqueuing as a message segment. For example, if the LGMSG buffer size is 8 KB and the SEGSIZE is 8 KB, a 32-KB message received from CICS in VLVB format would be enqueued as four 8 KB message segments spanning four 8-KB LGMSG queue buffers. The IMS application would issue a Get Unique (GU) call followed by 3 Get Next (GN) calls to get the entire message.

    A DFS2056 message is issued if the input segment exceeds the value for SEGSIZE.

For LU 6.1 sessions, specifies the maximum number of parallel sessions for the logical unit defined in the TERMINAL macro statement. From 1 to 4095 parallel sessions can be established. The default is 1.

When defining the XRF ISC SURVEILLANCE link, set the number of parallel sessions equal to one, or eliminate the SESSION= parameter.

Specifies the physical screen size of this 3270 display terminal having the device type symbolic name in the TYPE= operand. MFS uses the specified screen size to verify format specification. The first and second positional parameters of the operand relate to screen lines and columns, respectively. Both numbers must be specified as decimal numbers having the following range:
llll = 1 through 16384
cccc = 2 through 16384
product of llll x cccc = 80 through 16384

where llll is the number of lines and cccc the number of columns available on the screen.

For 3270 devices defined as SLUTYPE2, the maximum number of lines and the maximum number of columns that can be defined for each is 255. Any symbolic name can be associated with any size screen. However, after this association is defined, the same device type symbolic name must be used. That is, it must duplicate a previously specified TYPE= specification of the LINEGRP, TYPE, or TERMINAL statement.

Specification of the physical screen size is required for the first (or only) definition of the specific device type symbolic name and can be omitted for subsequent identical device type symbolic name specifications. If omitted, the SIZE keyword operand originally specified with the device type symbolic name is used when the symbolic name is repeated. If the SIZE keyword is specified, the screen size defined must be the same as that defined for the original device type symbolic name specification. You should establish a standard for relating device type symbolic names to the physical screen sizes.

The standards listed in Table 1 are recommended:
Table 1. Standards to relate device names to screen sizes
User-defined symbolic name Screen size
3270-A1 or 3270-A01 12x80
3270-A2 or 3270-A02 24x80
3270-A3 or 3270-A03 32x80
3270-A4 or 3270-A04 43x80
3270-A5 or 3270-A05 12x40
3270-A6 or 3270-A06 6x40
3270-A7 or 3270-A07 27x132
3270-A8 or 3270-A08 62x160

For the 3270 display devices defined with the device type symbolic name, the system definition produces an MFS Device Characteristics Table (DFSUDT0x) where x is the suffix specified in the SUFFIX keyword of the IMSGEN macro statement. You can also use the MFS Device Characteristics Table (DCT) utility (DFSUTB00) to build and update this table. This table is stored in IMS.SDFSRESL and is used by the MFS Language Utility and the IMS online to extract the information associated with the specific device type symbolic name.

Important: The MFS DCT must include each combination of device type symbolic name, features, and screen size for all 3270 and SLU-2 terminals that are to be connected to IMS. Because ETO terminals are not defined in the IMS system definition, if DCT entries for ETO 3270 and SLU-2 terminals are not already in the DCT as the result of system definition statements for static terminals, use the MFS DCT utility to add the entries.

If the MFS Language utility (DFSUPAA0) cannot find the correct entry in the MFS DCT, based upon device type symbolic name (3270-An) and features, then the MFS Language utility produces error message DFS1862 or DFS1863. When a user logs on to an ETO 3270 or SLU-2 terminal that is connected to IMS, and VTAM provides the screen size to IMS, IMS uses the screen size and the features that are specified on the logon descriptor to search the MFS DCT. IMS searches the MFS DCT to determine the device type symbolic name. If the search is unsuccessful, the logon attempt is rejected with messages DFS3646 and DFS3672.

Related reading:
  • Refer to IMS Version 15.5 Database Utilities for additional information about the MFS Language utility and the MFS DCT utility.
  • Refer to IMS Version 15.5 Application Programming APIs for more information about the Device Characteristics Table

MNOTE statements in the system definition stage 1 output listing denote each device type symbolic name specified for 3270 and SLU type 2 devices with their corresponding screen size values.


Display Device Symbolic Names and Screen Sizes
                                Screen size
   Symbolic Name            Lines        Columns

     3270-A01                 12            80
     3270-A02                 24            80
     3270-A03                 32            80
     3270-A04                 43            80

After a device type symbolic name (for example, 3270-A03) is associated with a screen size (for example, 32x80), the size need not be specified and must not be changed for any TYPE or TERMINAL macro statement for which the same device type symbolic name is used. During a subsequent system definition, the MFS Device Characteristics table and terminal control blocks can change if terminal specifications are altered. You should examine your MFS formats to determine whether they are affected by the changes and recompile them if necessary.

Specifies that an alphanumeric symbolic name for a device type is to be associated with this IMS-supported VTAM 3270 physical display terminal. The symbolic name can be of the form 3270-Ann, where nn is a value from 01 through 15. The leading zero can be omitted. The physical screen size of the 3270 display device associated with the device type symbolic name is specified in the SIZE= operand. Any 3270 display device can be defined with a device type symbolic name. 3270 display devices having 480-character or 1920-character screen sizes can be defined using the MODEL keyword parameter rather than the TYPE and SIZE keyword parameters. However, 3270 display devices with other than 480 or 1920 characters must be defined using the device type symbolic name and, therefore, TYPE and SIZE. The TYPE/SIZE and MODEL keyword parameters are mutually exclusive.
Specifies the terminal for the previously defined line group. For 3270 line groups, UNIT= is used to define this terminal as a 3284 or 3286 printer or 3277 display unit. 3277 display units cannot be defined in the same local line group as 3284 or 3286 printers.