RTCODE macro
The RTCODE macro specifies the routing codes that identify the application program that is named in the preceding APPLCTN macro statement.
The RTCODE macro statement can be used one or more times with the APPLCTN macro statement that defines an IMS Fast Path application program. A TRANSACT macro statement that specifies an IMS Fast Path-exclusive transaction automatically generates an RTCODE macro statement with a routing code identical to the transaction code.
If you do not include this macro during stage 1 system definition, no warning is issued, and it is assumed that you define your routing codes dynamically using CREATE RTC and UPDATE RTC commands.
A routing code that is specified on an RTCODE macro must not be a duplicate of a Fast Path-exclusive transaction code, but can be a duplicate of a Fast Path potential transaction code. Invalid duplicate routing codes can be identified by using the NAMECHK option of the IMSCTRL macro.
The Fast Path Input Edit/Routing exit routine (DBFHAGU0) must be used to route the transaction to the correct Fast Path application program.
Routing codes can be added, changed, or deleted by a MODBLKS system definition. However, new routing codes can only be added if the online system to which they are to be added already has Fast Path defined for it.
Dynamic definition
To dynamically define the routing codes that identify application programs previously defined, you can use the CREATE RTC command and the UPDATE RTC type-2 commands. The following table compares the RTCODE macro keywords and the equivalent CREATE and UPDATE command keywords used for dynamic definition. Default values are shown in bold.
RTCODE macro keyword | CREATE | UPDATE RTC keyword equivalent |
Previous APPLCTN macro statement | PGM(name) |
CODE=routing code | NAME(name) |
Supported environments
The RTCODE macro can be optionally used in an IMS DB/DC and IMS DBCTL environment.
Positional parameters
The RTCODE macro does not include positional parameters.
RTCODE macro keyword parameters
To find which parameters apply to your IMS configuration, refer to Selecting the appropriate macros to define your system.
- Specifies the one- to eight-character alphanumeric routing code, or list of routing codes. The first character must be either a letter or a digit. Routing codes can be duplicates of either transaction codes or logical terminal names, but each must be unique within the set of routing codes.
- Specifies whether (YES) or not (NO) any message associated with the routing code specified on the same RTCODE macro statement is an inquiry transaction. The default is NO. INQ=YES should be specified only for transactions that do not cause a change to a database. Programs are prohibited from issuing Insert, Delete, or Replace calls to a database when processing a transaction defined as INQ=YES.
Usage information
If you do not include this macro during stage 1 system definition, it is assumed that you dynamically define your route codes using the CREATE RTC and UPDATE RTC commands. See Table 1 for more information.
An APPLCTN macro statement that defines a message-driven Fast Path application program should be followed by at least a TRANSACT macro statement or an RTCODE statement.