Automatic dump data set allocation
When you set up your IMS system for diagnostics, ensure that the automatic dump data set has been allocated by using the COMMNDxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB data set.
Ensure that automatic dump data set allocation is in place.
- Use the COMMNDxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB data set to issue
the appropriate DUMPDS commands to set up dump data set allocations:
- See z/OS® MVS Diagnosis: Tools and Service Aids and z/OS MVS System Commands for complete details.
- Advantages:
- SVC dumps are allocated to the correct size without worry of partial dump.
- Considerations:
- Ensure that the assigned storage class has enough space for the SVC dump storage requirements.
Because system dumps for IMS Version 11 and later generally contain more address spaces than do dumps for previous IMS versions, you might need to increase the amount of virtual storage that an SVC dump can use to capture volatile virtual storage data, summary dump data, and component-specific data before writing the dump to DASD.