Creating runtime database resource and descriptor definitions with the CREATE command
With dynamic resource definition (DRD) enabled, you can create runtime resources and resource descriptors dynamically, eliminating the need to use the online change process or the batch system definition process with an IMS cold start.
After dynamically defining a database resource, before it can be used, a database management block (DMB) must reside in the IMS.ACBLIB data set. If the database that was dynamically defined is a main storage database (MSDB):
- The database segments must be in the MSDBINIT data set.
- The MSDBs must be defined in the DBFMSDBx procedure.
- The DBFMSDBx procedure must be in the IMS.PROCLIB data set.
For information about the CREATE command, see IMS Version 15.5 Commands, Volume 1: IMS Commands A-M.
For information about loading MSDB segments into the MSDBINIT data set, see MSDB Maintenance utility (DBFDBMA0).
For information about the DBFMSDBx procedure, see DBFMSDBx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.
For general information about MSDBs, see IMS Version 15.5 Database Administration.