Defining the Common Service Layer using IMS PROCLIB data set members

The Common Service Layer (CSL) can be defined and tailored using several different IMS PROCLIB data set members.

The following IMS PROCLIB data set members can be used to define settings and values for the Common Service Layer (CSL) and its managers: Open Database Manager, Operations Manager, Resource Manager, and Structured Call Interface. The uses described here are specifically for the CSL.

The CSL ODBM, OM, RM, and SCI all use the Base Primitive Environment (BPE). Use the BPE configuration member of the IMS PROCLIB data set to configure the BPE execution environment parameters for each CSL manager. Each CSL manager can have its own BPE configuration and user exit definition members, or they can share common members.
Use the IMSPLEX() and NAME= parameters on this IMS PROCLIB data set member to define the IMSplex name.
Use the RSRCSTRUCTURE() parameter on this IMS PROCLIB data set member to define a resource structure for the Resource Manager.
Use the CSLDCxxx IMS PROCLIB data set member to configure the ODBM data store connections to IMS systems.
Use the CSLDIxxx IMS PROCLIB data set member to specify parameters that initialize the ODBM address space. Certain parameters within CSLDIxxx can be overridden with the ODBM execution parameters.
Use the CSLOIxxx IMS PROCLIB data set member to specify parameters that initialize the OM address space. Certain parameters within CSLOIxxx can be overridden with the OM execution parameters.
Use the CSLRIxxx IMS PROCLIB data set member to specify parameters that initialize RM. Some parameters within CSLRIxxx can be overridden with RM execution parameters.
Use the CSLSIxxx IMS PROCLIB data set member to specify parameters related to initialization of the SCI address space. Certain parameters within CSLSIxxx can be overridden using SCI execution parameters.
All the parameters on this IMS PROCLIB data set member specify parameters related to the Common Service Layer (CSL), including the Operations Manager (OM), the Resource Manager (RM), and the Structured Call Interface (SCI).
Use the AOS= parameter on this IMS PROCLIB data set member to enable IMSplex users to execute transactions that are originated by APPC or OTMA on a back-end system. Use the SRMDEF= parameter to globally save the status of a resource every time the significant status changes. Use the STM= parameter to have IMS the Resource Manager resource structure to manage TM resources.
Specify CSL parameters in the CSL section of the DFSDFxxx IMS PROCLIB data set member or on the DFSCGxxx IMS PROCLIB data set member. All parameters that are valid in the DFSCGxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set are valid in the DFSDFxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set. Either the DFSCGxxx IMS PROCLIB data set member or the CSL section in the DFSDFxxx IMS PROCLIB data set member initiate the CSL. If you specify the CSL parameters on both IMS PROCLIB data set members, the values in DFSCGxxx take precedence. You should specify OM command security instead of IMS security. All IMSplex members that are in the same IMSplex group sharing databases, message queues, or both, must specify the same values except OLC=, which specifies either LOCAL or GLOBAL.
Use the CSLG= parameter to specify a three-character suffix for the DFSCGxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.
Use the OCMD= and CSLT= parameters on this IMS PROCLIB data set member to activate traces related to IMSplex activity.
Each of the CSL managers use BPE services to define and manage calls to user exit routines. You can externally specify the user exit routine modules to be called for a particular exit routine type using EXITDEF statements in BPE user exit members of the IMS PROCLIB data set.

Sample ODBM user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set

A sample ODBM BPE user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set is shown in the following example.

* ODBM USER EXIT LIST PROCLIB MEMBER                               *
# DEFINE 1 ODBM INIT/TERM USER EXIT: ZDINTM00                     # 
# DEFINE 1 ODBM INPUT USER EXIT: ZINPUT00                         # 
# WITH AN ABEND LIMIT OF 8.                                       # 
# DEFINE 1 ODBM OUTPUT USER EXIT: ZOUTPUT0                        # 

Sample OM BPE user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set

In the sample OM BPE user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set shown below, an OM input user exit, ZINPUT00, is defined with an abend limit of 8.

* OM USER EXIT LIST PROCLIB MEMBER                                 *

# DEFINE 1 OM INPUT USER EXIT: ZINPUT00                           #
# WITH AN ABEND LIMIT OF 8.                                       #

Sample RM BPE user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set

In the sample RM BPE user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set shown below, an RM client connection user exit and initialization-termination exit are defined. The client connection user exit has an abend limit of 8.

* RM USER EXIT LIST PROCLIB MEMBER                                 *

# WITH AN ABEND LIMIT OF 8.                                       #

# DEFINE 1 RM INIT/TERM USER EXIT: ZRINTM00                       #

Sample SCI BPE user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set

In the sample SCI BPE user exit list member of the IMS PROCLIB data set shown below, an SCI initialization-termination user exit is defined.

* SCI USER EXIT LIST PROCLIB MEMBER                                *
# DEFINE 1 SCI INIT/TERM USER EXIT: ZSINTM00                      #