IBM IMS Connect Extensions for z/OS, 3.1
IBM® IMS Connect Extensions for z/OS® tool:
- Improves the availability, reliability, and performance of TCP/IP access to IMS through IMS Connect.
- Dynamically manages workload through rules-based routing of TCP/IP OTMA transactions or TCP/IP DRDA requests.
- Records and reports IMS Connect events, activities, and utilization in real time.
- Provides a single point of control for multiple IMS Connect systems.
- Includes an REXX interface for automated operations.
- Dynamically responds to changes in data store availability and flood conditions.
- Improves system security with flexible access control.
- Complements IBM IMS Performance Analyzer for z/OS and IMS Problem Investigator for z/OS tools to aid reporting and accelerate problem determination.
Program number: 5698-CEX