Setting up the IMS catalog

The following steps provide a high-level overview of setting up the IMS catalog for the first time.

The following steps are for a single IMS catalog database in a single IMS system.
Note: The IMS Installation Verification Program (IVP) provides sample jobs and tasks that demonstrate how to allocate, load, and configure a simple IMS catalog. See the online help for IV_O254T: Introduction to the IMS catalog.


  1. Install the DBDs and PSBs for the IMS catalog from the IMS.SDFSRESL data set to the IMS.DBDLIB and IMS.PSBLIB data sets.
    The catalog DBDs are called DFSCD000 and DFSCX000. The PSBs are called DFSCPL00, DFSCP000, DFSCP001, DFSCP002, and DFSCP003. These names are reserved and cannot be changed or used for other resources.
  2. Run the ACB Maintenance utility to generate the ACB for the IMS catalog.
    For example, JCL for the ACB Maintenance utility, see Install the DBDs and PSBs for the IMS catalog.
  3. Activate the ACB library that contains the IMS catalog ACB.
  4. If you are enabling the IMS management of ACBs, configure the Common Service Layer (CSL), including the Operations Manager (OM), the Structured Call Interface (SCI), and, if multiple IMS systems will share the IMS catalog, the Resource Manager (RM).
    OM and SCI are required to support the activation of ACBs in online IMS systems.

    If multiple IMS systems will share the catalog, specify ACBSHR=Y in the CSL configuration member in the PROCLIB data set.

    If multiple IMS systems that will share the catalog are on different systems in a sysplex data sharing environment, you must specify PDSESHARING(EXTENDED) in the IGDSMSxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB for each z/OS® system in the sysplex.

  5. Code the CATALOG section of the DFSDFxxx member in the IMS PROCLIB data set, but do not yet enable the IMS catalog or the IMS management of ACBS. Specify CATALOG=N, ALIAS=xxxx, and ACBMGMT=ACBLIB.

    Optionally, if you want to specify a high-level qualifier for the directory data sets that is different from the high-level qualifier of the IMS catalog database data sets, use the SYSDSHLQ= parameter in a dynamic allocation macro (DFSMDA). Specify the SYSDSHLQ= parameter in a TYPE=CATDSHLQ statement in the DFSMDA macro.

    The following example shows a specification of the <CATALOG> section of the DFSDFxxx member before the IMS catalog is created:
  6. Define the HALDB master database and partitions of the IMS catalog. Choose one of the following options:
    • Defining the IMS catalog with DBRC: Use the Database Recovery Control utility (DSPURX00) to register the IMS catalog with DBRC and to define the master database and partitions in the RECON data sets.
    • Defining the IMS catalog without DBRC: Create a DFSMDA member of the IMS.PROCLIB data set to allocate the catalog partition definition data set, then use the IMS Catalog Partition Definition Data Set utility (DFS3UCD0) to create the database. Set the name of the IMS catalog database and secondary index in the UNREGCATLG parameter in the DFSDFxxx member of the IMS.PROCLIB data set. This procedure creates a stand-alone data set with the catalog partition definitions so that you do not need DBRC to manage the catalog database. This option does not require DBRC, but you can use an unregistered IMS catalog in an IMS system with DBRC if necessary.
  7. Estimate the size of the HALDB partition data sets of the IMS catalog by running the DFS3PU00 utility with the DFSCP000 PSB. If you are going to enable the IMS management of ACBs, the DFSDFxxx member must not yet specify ACBMGMT=CATALOG.
    The following is an output example of running the DFS3PU00 utility with the DFSCP000 PSB. You might need to partition the catalog according to the estimation if necessary:
    //LOADCAT EXEC PGM=DFS3PU00,REGION=7M,                               
    // PARM=(DLI,DFS3PU00,DFSCP000,,,,,,,,,,,Y,N,,,,,,,,,,,,'DFSDF=001') 
    //STEPLIB  DD  DSN=IMSVS.IMEC.EXITLIB,DISP=SHR                       
    //         DD  DSN=IMSVS.IMEC.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR                      
    //IMS      DD  DSN=IMSVS.IMEC.PSBLIB,DISP=SHR                        
    //         DD  DSN=IMSVS.IMEC.DBDLIB,DISP=SHR                        
    //PROCLIB  DD  DSN=IMSVS.IMEC.PROCLIB,DISP=SHR                       
    //SYSABEND DD  SYSOUT=*       DUMP DATA SET                          
    //SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*       MESSAGES, STATISTICS                   
    //IEFRDER  DD  DSN=IMSVS.IMEC.SLDS(+1),DISP=(,CATLG),                
    //    UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(10,10),RLSE)                            
    //IMSACB01 DD  DSN=IMSVS.IMEC.ACBLIB,DISP=SHR                        
    //SYSINP   DD *               
    TOTALS FOR ALL PARTITIONS                                  
                       INSERTED                      AVERAGE   
       --   --------   --------   ---   --------   ----------- 
        1   HEADER        1272     A                           
        2   DBD            295     A    HEADER         0.2     
        5   DSET           253     D    DBD            0.9     
        9   SEGM          1065     B    DBD            3.6     
       12   FLD           1138     C    SEGM           1.1     
       14   MAR           1138     C    FLD            1.0     
       17   LCHILD         201     B    SEGM           0.2     
       20   XDFLD           48     B    LCHILD         0.2     
       37   PSB            977     A    HEADER         0.8     
       39   PCB          24488     B    PSB           25.1     
       41   SS          176024     B    PCB            7.2     
       45   DBDXREF      24769     D    PSB           25.4 
      DSG   BLKSIZE   BLOCKS                             
      ---   -------   ------                             
       A      8192        82                             
       B      8192     11856                             
       C      8192       329                             
       D      8192       293                             
      DSG   RECORDS                                      
      ---   -------                                      
       L     24769                                       
       X      1273
    For more information about sizing the IMS catalog data sets, see Size of IMS catalog data sets.
  8. If you need to manually create the database data sets for the IMS catalog, create the data sets now. Otherwise, IMS creates them automatically.
    You can estimate the sizes of the data sets by running the IMS Catalog Populate utility (DFS3PU00) in analysis-only mode.
  9. Initialize the empty IMS catalog partition data sets with the HALDB Partition Data Set Initialization utility (DFSUPNT0).
  10. Code the JCL and input control statements of the DFS3PU00 utility:
    • On the EXEC parameter in the JCL for the DFS3PU00 utility, specify DFSCPL00 as the PSB. PSB DFSCPL00 directs the DFS3PU00 utility to update the IMS catalog in load mode. Any existing copy of the IMS catalog is deleted.
    • Specify one or more ACB libraries that contain the currently active ACBs by using the IMSACBnn DD statements.
    • If you are enabling the IMS management of ACBs, specify the MANAGEDACBS=SETUP control statement by using the SYSINP DD statement.

    For more information, see Loading the IMS catalog with the DFS3PU00 utility.

    For more information about enabling the IMS management of ACBs, see Enabling IMS management of ACBs.

  11. Load the IMS catalog by running the DFS3PU00 utility in a DL/I batch region.
    Attention: Do not restart IMS until the population of the IMS catalog is complete.
  12. Take an image copy of the loaded IMS catalog data sets. For more information about taking database image copies, see Creating image copy data sets for future use.
  13. Specify the enabling parameters for the IMS catalog and the IMS management of ACBs in the <CATALOG> section of the DFSDFxxx member in the IMS PROCLIB data set: CATALOG=Y and ACBMGMT=CATALOG.
    The following example shows the specification of the <CATALOG> section of the DFSDFxxx member:
  14. Update the CATALOG section of the DFSDFxxx member in the IMS.PROCLIB data set by specifying CATALOG=Y, an ALIAS name, and, if you are enabling the IMS management of ACBs, ACBMGMT=CATALOG.
    The Catalog Definition user exit routine (DFS3CDX0) is provided as an alternative option for batch processing environments that do not use the DFSDFxxx member of the IMS.PROCLIB data set.
  15. After the population of the IMS catalog is complete, shut down and restart IMS.
  16. Optional: Remove the DD statements for the ACB libraries from the control region and DLISAS region JCL.

If you intend to run the DFS3PU00 utility as a BMP, the access level of the IMS catalog must allow updates (ACCESS=UPDATE). (For more information, see the parameter description for ACCESS= in CATALOG and CATALOGxxxx sections of the DFSDFxxx member.) Unless the IMS management of ACBs is enabled, the default access level of the IMS catalog is read only. If you did not specify ACCESS=UPDATE in the <CATALOG> section of the DFSDFxxx PROCLIB member, you can change the access level of the IMS catalog by using either the UPDATE DB command or the /START DB command.