Activity records for the IMS catalog

IMS can log certain types of activity that affect the IMS catalog in a type-29, subtype-3 record that is captured by z/OS® System Management Facility (SMF).

IMS records the DDL statement that was issued in an SMF type-29, subtype-3 record.

System programmers and administrators can use the activity record in SMF to review IMS catalog activities.

The type-29 record is exclusive to IMS, and its subtype-3 record is exclusive to the IMS catalog activity record feature.

SMF prerequisites

To use the IMS catalog activity record, the following SMF prerequisites must be met:
  • SMF must be installed in z/OS.
  • SMF must be configured to accept type-29, subtype-3 records in the settings for SMF parameter SYS1.PARMLIB(SMFPRMxx) in z/OS.

IMS queries z/OS to confirm that SMF type-29, subtype-3 records are to be captured. If not, IMS does not call SMF to write the record.