IMSCTF macro removal migration considerations

In IMS 15.4, the IMSCTF macro is no longer supported and is ignored during system generation. If the IMSCTF macro is specified, IMS System generation stage 1 assembly will issue message G122 in an MNOTE 2, which results in a return code of 2 for the assembly.

If you specified the following parameters in the IMSCTF macro, you must specify the parameter values by using the DFSPBxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set, JCL, or the DFSIDEF0 module for IMS 15.4.

The CPLOG= parameter

If you specified the CPLOG= parameter in the IMSCTF macro, use one of the following methods to define the checkpoint log frequency for IMS 15.4. If you do not use one of the following methods to specify the checkpoint log frequency for IMS 15.4, a default value of 500,000 is used.
  • Specify the CPLOG= parameter in the DFSPBxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.
  • Specify the CPLOG= parameter in JCL.
  • Issue the /CHANGE CPLOG command.

The LOG= parameter

In IMS 15.4, the IEFRDER DD statement for the system log is included in the DBBBATCH, DLIBATCH, IMSCOBGO, and IMSPLIGO procedures. The IEFRDER2 DD statement is included as a comment. To use the IEFRDER2 DD statement, remove the asterisks (*).

The IMSMON DD statement is included as a comment in the DBC, DCC, and IMS procedures for IMS 15.4. To use the IMSMON DD statement, remove the asterisks (*).

The PRDR= parameter

If you specified the PRDR= parameter in the IMSCTF macro, use one of the following methods to specify the name for the IMSRDR procedure for IMS 15.4. If you do not specify a name for the IMSRDR procedure for IMS 15.4, IMS uses a default name of IMSRDR as the name of the IMSRDR procedure that is started by the /START REGION command.
  • Specify the PRDR= parameter in the DFSPBxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.
  • Specify the PRDR= parameter in JCL.

In addition, a sample IMSRDR procedure is supplied in the ADFSPROC and SDFSPROC library data sets. If you specify the PRDR= parameter in the DFSPBxxx member or in JCL, the name of the sample IMSRDR procedure does not change.

The RDS= parameter

In IMS 15.4, use one of the following methods to specify the buffer size for the restart data set (IMS.RDS):
  • Specify the RDS= parameter in the DFSPBxxx member.
  • Specify the RDS= parameter in JCL.

In IMS 15.4, you do not need to specify the device type on which the IMS.RDS data set resides.

The SVCNO= parameter

If you defined a type 2 SVC number by using the SVCNO= parameter on the IMSCTF macro, perform the following steps to use the type 2 SVC in IMS 15.4.
Important: If you specify the SVC2= parameter in the DFSIDEF0 module, ensure that the DFSIDEF0 module resides in an APF-authorized library that is included in the IMS Control Region JOBLIB or STEPLIB concatenation, or in the z/OS LINKLIST concatenation.
  1. Define a type 2 SVC number by specifying the SVC2= keyword in one of the following locations. If you do not use the SVC2= keyword to define a type 2 SVC number, IMS uses a default value of 254.
    Important: If you use the Open Database Access (ODBA) interface or the database resource adapter (DRA) and you do not want to use the default value of 254 for the type 2 SVC number, you can define the number only by using the DFSIDEF macro of the DFSIDEF0 module.
    • In the DFSPBxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set. The value that you specify in the DFSPBxxx member overrides the value that is specified on the DFSIDEF macro.
    • In JCL. The value that you specify in JCL overrides the SVC2= keyword value that is specified in the DFSPBxxx member and the value that is specified on the DFSIDEF macro.
    • On the DFSIDEF macro of the DFSIDEF0 module by specifying the following code:
      The value that is specified on the DFSIDEF macro is overidden by the value that is specified in the DFSPBxxx member or in JCL.
  2. If you used the SVC2= parameter on the DFSIDEF macro to define a type 2 SVC number, assemble and link the DFSIDEF0 module into IMS.SDFSRESL.
  3. Run JCL to re-link the type 2 SVC routine, DFSVC200, as IGCxxx, where xxx is the type 2 SVC number. To generate sample JCL for re-linking the routine, specify TYPE=GEN,SVC2=xxx on the DFSIDEF macro.
    Important: If you specify TYPE=GEN on the DFSIDEF macro, you cannot use another form of the TYPE= statement on the macro.
  4. Bind the type 2 SVC routine into the z/OS® nucleus.
If you defined a type 4 SVC number by using the SVCNO= parameter on the IMSCTF macro, perform the following steps to use the type 4 SVC in IMS 15.4.
Important: If you specify the SVC4= parameter in the DFSIDEF0 module, ensure that the DFSIDEF0 module resides in an APF-authorized library that is included in the IMS Control Region JOBLIB or STEPLIB concatenation, or in the z/OS LINKLIST concatenation.
  1. To define a type 4 SVC number, specify the following code on the DFSIDEF macro of the DFSIDEF0 module. If you do not use the SVC4= keyword to specify a type 4 SVC number, IMS uses a default value of 255.
  2. Assemble and link the DFSIDEF0 module into IMS.SDFSRESL.
  3. Run JCL to re-link the type 4 SVC routine, DSP00MVS, as IGC00yyy, where yyy is the EBCDIC representation of the zoned-decimal type 4 value. You can use the sample JCL, which is generated when you specify TYPE=GEN,SVC4=yyy on the DFSIDEF macro, to re-link the routine.
    Important: If you specify TYPE=GEN on the DFSIDEF macro, you cannot use another form of the TYPE= statement on the macro.
  4. Bind the type 4 SVC routine in an LPA or MLPA library.