Input message returned from message exit

Input messages from the message exit consist of the IMS TM Resource Adapter and user-written IMS Connect client application message structures.

IMS TM Resource Adapter message structure - type 1

The IMS TM Resource Adapter exit output message format that is supported by IMS Connect is the same message format of the input message.

The total length of the message can be 10,000,000 bytes. The length of each segment (from the BPE header to the next BPE header) within the message can be a maximum of 32 KB, excluding the BPE and OTMA headers.

User-written IMS Connect client applications message structure - type 3

The following table shows the output message format supported by IMS Connect from the supplied HWSSMPL0 exit (user-written IMS Connect client application exit routine). The table provides information about the field, length, and meaning. Variable length OTMA headers are supported, and therefore, the OTMA header length can be other than 466 bytes. The following example contains 466 bytes as used by the supplied exits.

Table 1. Supported output message format for the HWSSMPL0 exit
Field Length Meaning
BPE HEADER 64 bytes For the format of the BPE header, see BPE header format.
OTMA HDRs 466 - 970 bytes Mapped by the HWSOMPFX macro in the IMS.SDFSMAC data set. For a description of the fields, see OTMA header fields used by IMS Connect. If the security data section of the OTMA header contains network security information, the size of the header can be up to 504 bytes larger than without the network security information.
LL 2 bytes Length of first data segment
zz 2 bytes Reserved (set to binary zeros)
DATA n bytes User data with the transaction code first
Repeat of ll,zz,DATA    
LL 2 bytes Length of this data segment
zz 2 bytes Reserved (set to binary zeros)
DATA n bytes User data (no transaction code)
yy 2 bytes Binary value of zero
BPE HEADER 64 bytes For the format of the BPE header, see BPE header format.
OTMA CTL HDR 32 bytes Mapped by the HWSOMPFX macro in the IMS.SDFSMAC data set. For a description of the fields see OTMA header fields used by IMS Connect.
LL 2 bytes Length of this data segment
zz 2 bytes Reserved (set to binary zeros)
DATA n bytes User data segment (no transaction code)
Repeat of LL,zz,DATA    
LL 2 bytes Length of this data segment
zz 2 bytes Reserved (set to binary zeros)
DATA n bytes User data (no transaction code)
LL 2 bytes Length of this data segment
zz 2 bytes Reserved (set to binary zeros)
DATA n bytes User data (no transaction code)
yy 2 bytes Binary value of zero
BPE HEADER 64 bytes For the format of the BPE header, see BPE header format.
OTMA CTL HDR 32 bytes Mapped by the HWSOMPFX macro in the IMS.SDFSMAC data set. For a description of the fields see OTMA header fields used by IMS Connect.
LL 2 bytes Length of this data segment
zz 2 bytes Reserved (set to binary zeros)
DATA n bytes User data (no transaction code)
LL 2 bytes Length of this data segment
zz 2 bytes Reserved (set to binary zeros)
DATA n bytes User data (no transaction code)
yy 2 bytes Binary value of zero
Restriction: The length of data from one BPE header to the next BPE header cannot exceed 32K, excluding the BPE header and the OTMA header.

BPE header format

The following table describes length and meaning of the fields in the BPE header format.

Restriction: User message exit routines must not modify any fields in the BPE header except the chain pointer field. User message exit routines modify the chain pointer field to chain the BPE headers together with the last BPE chain pointer set to binary zeros.

This topic contains Product-sensitive Programming Interface information.

Table 2. BPE header format
Field Length Meaning
llll 4 bytes Length of field of entire buffer
CHAIN PTR 4 bytes Chain pointer to next BPE header
STORAGE TYPE 8 bytes Storage type
TYPE ACCESS 4 bytes Type access
SUBPOOL 1 byte Subpool
RESV 43 bytes Reserved